CCminer X11 mining on NVidia cards

Hi all. I've recently purchased a pretty decent computer with an NVIDIA GTX 780 Ti graphics card...and hoping to mine the hell out of darkcoin! I've already installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and have been all over the 'net trying to wrap my head around the procedure for installing ccminer, a.k.a cuda miner.

It seems there are basically two large steps: the first is to install cuda-tools and the second is to install the miner itself.

For the first step, installing cuda-toos, I have seen a bunch of different tutorials of varying complexity...but I have also seen that I can simply install them by using the gui package manager, and installing the package "nvidia-cuda-toolkit." Is this correct? Is that really all I need to do, or am I mislead on this?

As for installing ccminer/cuda-miner, I am having much more difficulty finding a straight-forward tutorial. Can anyone please help with this?
By the way, once I have done this myself I will probably write up my own complete, step-by-step tutorial, to make the process as clear as possible for others, so by helping me hopefully you will be in turn helping others.

As always, thanks in advance!
Hi all. I've recently purchased a pretty decent computer with an NVIDIA GTX 780 Ti graphics card...and hoping to mine the hell out of darkcoin! I've already installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and have been all over the 'net trying to wrap my head around the procedure for installing ccminer, a.k.a cuda miner.

It seems there are basically two large steps: the first is to install cuda-tools and the second is to install the miner itself.

For the first step, installing cuda-toos, I have seen a bunch of different tutorials of varying complexity...but I have also seen that I can simply install them by using the gui package manager, and installing the package "nvidia-cuda-toolkit." Is this correct? Is that really all I need to do, or am I mislead on this?

As for installing ccminer/cuda-miner, I am having much more difficulty finding a straight-forward tutorial. Can anyone please help with this?
By the way, once I have done this myself I will probably write up my own complete, step-by-step tutorial, to make the process as clear as possible for others, so by helping me hopefully you will be in turn helping others.

As always, thanks in advance!

You are right about the two large steps:

1) Install CUDA Toolkit
2) Compile ccminer

Installing CUDA toolkit on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit worked for me like this

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev build-essential libx11-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev gcc make -y
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev autoconf git screen libncurses5-dev -y
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) -y
sudo sh -silent -driver -toolkit

Note: Have not tried CUDA 6 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but it should be like above just with last two command replaced with

sudo sh -silent -driver -toolkit

After sucessful CUDA toolkit installation you should be able to compile your cuda-/ccminer with

PATH=/usr/local/cuda-5.5/bin:$PATH make

After sucessful compile run the miner with

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib64 ./ccminer {your_options}

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Much appreciated!

One more question: I've seen the miner in various places online; where should I download it from, and where should I download it to on my system?
All went smoothly until I executed this line:

PATH=/usr/local/cuda-5.5/bin:$PATH make

At first it seemed to be going well, but it ended with the following errors:

/bin/bash: nvcc: command not found
make[2]: *** [heavy/heavy.o] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/kflynn/ccminer-master'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kflynn/ccminer-master'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Any ideas? Did I miss something?
I suspected that if I removed the "-silent" from the line...
sudo sh -silent -driver -toolkit
...I might get some clues...and I did. I needed to shut down my X server first...will try again later or probably tomorrow.
I suspected that if I removed the "-silent" from the line...
sudo sh -silent -driver -toolkit
...I might get some clues...and I did. I needed to shut down my X server first...will try again later or probably tomorrow.
Actually i always installed this always on headless system without x server :)

Let me know if it works for you
This is proving quite difficult...fortunately this machine is brand new and specifically intended for mining, and never used for anything else yet, so I am able to reinstall ubuntu every time things get too messed up. I am working a lot of hours for the next couple of weeks so I only have 2 or 3 hours in the evening to devote to this. I'm confident I'll work through this, however, and as stated, I will keep you posted as to how it's going. When I finally figure it out I'll post a good tutorial explaining exactly what I did. reinstall...again LOL.
Great news! I installed cuda-tools and even checked out a few of the! I then proceeded to install ccminer, and the installation seemed to complete successfully.

My question at this point is: What are the suggested options for running ccminer? can I determine what my optimum options should be?
And by the way, I installed cuda-tools 6.0, ccminer 1.2, and am running a single NVIDIA GTX 780 Ti graphics card...if that information helps.
Hello Darkcoin community.
I want to start mining and i dont have an dedicated rig for this. I just have an pc with nvidia gt 430 videocard. Yes i know is weak but for experiment is okay.
So i try last two days to setup an GPU miner but with no positive results.
I've tested sgminer,phm-sgminer,cudaminer nothing to work just errors.
So far i found phm-sgminer 4.1.0 starting but it gives me errors too.
So can anyone make me a little guide on how to setup my GT430 mining darkcoins?
I've tryied to add an image and my .conf file to understand my problem better but forum policy don't allow me ...

Thank you.
I've tested sgminer,phm-sgminer,cudaminer nothing to work just errors.
So far i found phm-sgminer 4.1.0 starting but it gives me errors too.
So can anyone make me a little guide on how to setup my GT430 mining darkcoins?
Check out CCMiner 1.2, i moved your post to the apropriate thread.
Check out CCMiner 1.2, i moved your post to the apropriate thread.
Ok. it starts but it shows me this for about 10 minutes...nothing else happening.
Also the hash rate is too big for this old card.

This is a paste from my miner window.
[2014-07-25 13:16:04] 1 miner threads started, using 'x11' algorithm.
[2014-07-25 13:16:04] Starting Stratum on .. ( the pool denied link :) )
[2014-07-25 13:16:05] GPU #0: GeForce GT 430, 9100 khash/s
[2014-07-25 13:16:06] GPU #0: GeForce GT 430, 613392 khash/s

LATER EDIT :after 15 minutes this appears on miner window
[2014-07-25 13:32:34]stratum_recv_line failed
[2014-07-25 13:32:34]Stratum connection interrupted
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I've installed cuda tools and ccminer, but when I try to run ccminer I just get a message telling me what version it is, who wrote it, etc....but it doesnt seem to be mining at all.

I am really in need of some information about the command line options I should set.
I've installed cuda tools and ccminer, but when I try to run ccminer I just get a message telling me what version it is, who wrote it, etc....but it doesnt seem to be mining at all.

I am really in need of some information about the command line options I should set.

Use --help

C:\darkcoin\testnet\ccminer-v1.2\x86>ccminer.exe --help
     *** ccMiner for nVidia GPUs by Christian Buchner and Christian H. ***
                     This is version 1.2 (beta)
          based on pooler-cpuminer 2.3.2 (c) 2010 Jeff Garzik, 2012 pooler
          based on pooler-cpuminer extension for HVC from
        Cuda additions Copyright 2014 Christian Buchner, Christian H.
          LTC donation address: LKS1WDKGED647msBQfLBHV3Ls8sveGncnm
          BTC donation address: 16hJF5mceSojnTD3ZTUDqdRhDyPJzoRakM
          YAC donation address: Y87sptDEcpLkLeAuex6qZioDbvy1qXZEj4
Usage: minerd [OPTIONS]
  -a, --algo=ALGO       specify the algorithm to use
                        fugue256  Fuguecoin hash
                        heavy     Heavycoin hash
                        mjollnir  Mjollnircoin hash
                        groestl   Groestlcoin hash
                        myr-gr    Myriad-Groestl hash
                        jackpot   Jackpot hash
                        quark     Quark hash
                        anime     Animecoin hash
                        nist5     NIST5 (TalkCoin) hash
                        x11       X11 (DarkCoin) hash
                        x13       X13 (MaruCoin) hash
                        dmd-gr    Diamond-Groestl hash
  -d, --devices         takes a comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.
                        Device IDs start counting from 0! Alternatively takes
                        string names of your cards like gtx780ti or gt640#2
                        (matching 2nd gt640 in the PC)
  -f, --diff            Divide difficulty by this factor (std is 1)
  -v, --vote=VOTE       block reward vote (for HeavyCoin)
  -m, --trust-pool      trust the max block reward vote (maxvote) sent by the pool
  -o, --url=URL         URL of mining server
  -O, --userpass=U:P    username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user=USERNAME   username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD   password for mining server
      --cert=FILE       certificate for mining server using SSL
  -x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT]  connect through a proxy
  -t, --threads=N       number of miner threads (default: number of nVidia GPUs)

  -r, --retries=N       number of times to retry if a network call fails
                          (default: retry indefinitely)
  -R, --retry-pause=N   time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 30)
  -T, --timeout=N       network timeout, in seconds (default: 270)
  -s, --scantime=N      upper bound on time spent scanning current work when
                          long polling is unavailable, in seconds (default: 5)
      --no-longpoll     disable X-Long-Polling support
      --no-stratum      disable X-Stratum support
  -q, --quiet           disable per-thread hashmeter output
  -D, --debug           enable debug output
  -P, --protocol-dump   verbose dump of protocol-level activities
      --benchmark       run in offline benchmark mode
  -c, --config=FILE     load a JSON-format configuration file
  -V, --version         display version information and exit
  -h, --help            display this help text and exit

This commandline works very well for me

ccminer.exe --algo=x11 -o localhost:19998 -u darkcoinrpc -p mySUPERsecretPASSWORD
Use --help

C:\darkcoin\testnet\ccminer-v1.2\x86>ccminer.exe --help
     *** ccMiner for nVidia GPUs by Christian Buchner and Christian H. ***
                     This is version 1.2 (beta)
          based on pooler-cpuminer 2.3.2 (c) 2010 Jeff Garzik, 2012 pooler
          based on pooler-cpuminer extension for HVC from
        Cuda additions Copyright 2014 Christian Buchner, Christian H.
          LTC donation address: LKS1WDKGED647msBQfLBHV3Ls8sveGncnm
          BTC donation address: 16hJF5mceSojnTD3ZTUDqdRhDyPJzoRakM
          YAC donation address: Y87sptDEcpLkLeAuex6qZioDbvy1qXZEj4
Usage: minerd [OPTIONS]
  -a, --algo=ALGO       specify the algorithm to use
                        fugue256  Fuguecoin hash
                        heavy     Heavycoin hash
                        mjollnir  Mjollnircoin hash
                        groestl   Groestlcoin hash
                        myr-gr    Myriad-Groestl hash
                        jackpot   Jackpot hash
                        quark     Quark hash
                        anime     Animecoin hash
                        nist5     NIST5 (TalkCoin) hash
                        x11       X11 (DarkCoin) hash
                        x13       X13 (MaruCoin) hash
                        dmd-gr    Diamond-Groestl hash
  -d, --devices         takes a comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.
                        Device IDs start counting from 0! Alternatively takes
                        string names of your cards like gtx780ti or gt640#2
                        (matching 2nd gt640 in the PC)
  -f, --diff            Divide difficulty by this factor (std is 1)
  -v, --vote=VOTE       block reward vote (for HeavyCoin)
  -m, --trust-pool      trust the max block reward vote (maxvote) sent by the pool
  -o, --url=URL         URL of mining server
  -O, --userpass=U:P    username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user=USERNAME   username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD   password for mining server
      --cert=FILE       certificate for mining server using SSL
  -x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT]  connect through a proxy
  -t, --threads=N       number of miner threads (default: number of nVidia GPUs)

  -r, --retries=N       number of times to retry if a network call fails
                          (default: retry indefinitely)
  -R, --retry-pause=N   time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 30)
  -T, --timeout=N       network timeout, in seconds (default: 270)
  -s, --scantime=N      upper bound on time spent scanning current work when
                          long polling is unavailable, in seconds (default: 5)
      --no-longpoll     disable X-Long-Polling support
      --no-stratum      disable X-Stratum support
  -q, --quiet           disable per-thread hashmeter output
  -D, --debug           enable debug output
  -P, --protocol-dump   verbose dump of protocol-level activities
      --benchmark       run in offline benchmark mode
  -c, --config=FILE     load a JSON-format configuration file
  -V, --version         display version information and exit
  -h, --help            display this help text and exit

This commandline works very well for me

ccminer.exe --algo=x11 -o localhost:19998 -u darkcoinrpc -p mySUPERsecretPASSWORD

"--help" was the first thing I tried....and I am still struggling with this. It seems that the command line you quoted is for windows, but I am running Ubuntu.

Here's the command line I am currinetly working with:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/lib64 ./ccminer -a X11 -d gtx780ti -f 1 -o stratum+tcp:// -u XhwsyqCT5pXmfbMCvjkVefcqTAzsUd1y2z -P mypassword -t 1 -D

Of course, I have been trying all sorts of variations as well. I know I am very close...and also a bit frustrated!
"--help" was the first thing I tried....and I am still struggling with this. It seems that the command line you quoted is for windows, but I am running Ubuntu.

Here's the command line I am currinetly working with:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/lib64 ./ccminer -a X11 -d gtx780ti -f 1 -o stratum+tcp:// -u XhwsyqCT5pXmfbMCvjkVefcqTAzsUd1y2z -P mypassword -t 1 -D

Of course, I have been trying all sorts of variations as well. I know I am very close...and also a bit frustrated!
I can see absolutely no reason in the sourcecode why Ubuntu version should differ in options from Windows version

For me the Ubuntu version works with the same options as i wrote above - maybe cuda 6 doesnt work and you should try cuda 5.5 as this is the officially supported cuda version...
I can see absolutely no reason in the sourcecode why Ubuntu version should differ in options from Windows version

For me the Ubuntu version works with the same options as i wrote above - maybe cuda 6 doesnt work and you should try cuda 5.5 as this is the officially supported cuda version...

The thing about 5.5 vs 6.0 is a possibility. Also, it is my understanding that on windows it is typical to create a .bat file, but obviously this would not be the case on Ubuntu...but is there perhaps some configuration file?