CATV | Dash: A Better Money For A Better Future


Well-known member
Join Tao as he examines Dash's situation when it comes to marketing, checks out highlights of a beautiful Ted Talk by Simon Sinek called "Start with Why", and offers suggestions for a new Dash tagline and marketing focus.​

Good video. However, no matter how the great efforts to attract new users, success will be minimal. The market will continue to punish dash until it delivers. Not until evo is rolled out with blockchain usernames will the market be willing to listen. All the other great enhancements along the way prove this to be true. The market doesn't care about chainlocks, and they won't care about going to POS. They want to see Dash make good on it's promise. Investors feel burned and the rest of the world is extremely skeptical. Only the true believers remain. On the bright side, this is the chance for us to continue accumulating while we wait for what we know is coming.