Catch all system?

We should never have 512 or 1024 DASH unallocated in the budget, and the large catch-all proposals should never be given the chance to bump off a legit proposal. If there is DASH leftover, the unused currency should probably be rolled over to the next month's superblock, not burned.
There is the potential to manipulate the voting system with these proposals (at least more so than now). Let's say I'm a whale. I don't like a proposal that costs 512 DASH, I can vote NO for it and YES for Catchall-512. In this way I have the potential to steer large amounts of DASH away from a project and toward the core team. Unless I'm misunderstanding how these work...

I would vote yes for a modification to the budgeting system that allows unused funds to rollover to the next month (just like a bank account).This would keep the budget funds under blockchain control.

Agreed. See my post here, and Evan's response:
tungfa David

Can we get a report directly from Transform PR on what they have been doing?

If we are paying a contractor to do work for us, they should be the ones showing us what they are doing. Can we also find out what didn't go right and what went right and how they would change. I understand there may be the publicity surprise magic here, but really we need something from Transform PR directly. We are not asking you guys to defending them.
tungfa David

Can we get a report directly from Transform PR on what they have been doing?

If we are paying a contractor to do work for us, they should be the ones showing us what they are doing. Can we also find out what didn't go right and what went right and how they would change. I understand there may be the publicity surprise magic here, but really we need something from Transform PR directly. We are not asking you guys to defending them.

Thank you for being able to read my crazed rants and make sense of them.

Can I hire you as my PR guy?
tungfa David

Can we get a report directly from Transform PR on what they have been doing?

If we are paying a contractor to do work for us, they should be the ones showing us what they are doing. Can we also find out what didn't go right and what went right and how they would change. I understand there may be the publicity surprise magic here, but really we need something from Transform PR directly. We are not asking you guys to defending them.

I don't work with them. Check with tungfa or Minotaur. If TheDashGuy doesn't believe tungfa I doubt he'd believe Terpin, but hey, what do I know.