Can't start ./dashd


Foundation Member
Guys, can some1 help me with my MN?

Vultr made a maintenance restart today and removed a folder it seems. Please see screenshot.

Is this normal? Did i do something wrong? Can i fix this without redoing the whole setup process? :)


Your home dir may have been moved based on the first line. Logout and log back in. Then see if your files are there by running "ls -al".
What's in /home? Anything?
[edit: nevermind, I see from above that "ubuntu" is all that's there]

If they did that to me, I would move off Vultr today. I've never had a problem with DigitalOcean.
I just sent a mail to Vultr suppor:


yesterday Vultr did a maintenance on my node (

After it was done, a folder in my /home directory was missing so i have to setup up everything again from scratch.

I got a notification prior to the maintenance saying: "Please note: This event will reboot the instances listed in this e-mail but there is no impact on your data and configurations."

=> That's not true i guess.

Will this happen again in the future on one of my nodes? Because if it does, Vultr is no use to me :-(.

Hoping for a statement regarding this issue.

I just got a reply:


Thank you for contacting us.

Please note that a host node reboot would not cause a directory to go missing. We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.

Eric Van Trease
System Administrator

...??? Why got the folder deleted then? I certainly did not delete it. °_°
What are the last few lines of

cat /etc/passwd

? Maybe the home directory of the startale user is in a different location.
Ok, that clearly states that /home/startale should be the home directory. So whatever happened, the home directory is gone.

Time to start from scratch.
A last-ditch effort, try running as root:

find / -name .dash -type d

This will search the entire system for your ".dash" directory.

Maybe it got moved off somewhere completely different? Otherwise, yeah, you will have to start over.
Seriously, this is about the third or fourth user that I know of that has serious issues after a forced maintenance reboot.
How on earth can one trust a VPS provider like that.
I would be profoundly infuriated by this. I mean, imagine running a higher level service? I know one can and should do backups, but pleeease... This is ridiculous

A last-ditch effort, try running as root:

find / -name .dash -type d

This will search the entire system for your ".dash" directory.

Maybe it got moved off somewhere completely different? Otherwise, yeah, you will have to start over.


I'm going to re-do setup tonight..

Thanks for your help guys!