Buy with discounts in Dash, 2 Cities Valencia and Los Teques Venezuela


Hello everyone, I am Richard Jerez leader of the Dash Community in Los Teques, state Miranda in Venezuela, organic allies of our Community Madre Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela, altogether with our allied community Dash Valencia, @Edgar Caballero , we organized and agreed to present our best proposal to achieve the biggest amount of attention possible from all the users and merchants from the high mirandinos region and western center area of Venezuela, to adopt Dash as a way of payment and to enjoy the benefits of working and charging in dash, granting discounts to clients that accept dash.

This will be a proposal to place in dashboost!
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Project Summary

We are two communities from Venezuela, named Dash Valencia and Dash Los Teques, we are allies of Dash Venezuela and we share the objective of promoting Dash usage by providing a discount to acquire goods and services at less price.

What we want is that the merchants and entrepreneurs which accept Dash in our cities, offer a discount to their customers if they pay with Dash, with the sole purpose of stimulate people to change Bs (Venezuelan fiat currency) to Dash and use Dash for their everyday purchases.

We, in accordance with the entrepreneurs willing to participate in our program, will pay for the difference between the normal and discounted price, until a maximum of 3 USD per sale.

The entrepreneur will develop a social media campaign announcing this promotion and indicating how to buy Dash using Bs.

Project Scope Statement

Project purpose / Bussiness Justification

We will train 20 entrepreneurs distributed between Los Teques and Valencia cities, teaching them about Dash and making them offer a discount equivalent to 3 USD per purchase to 10 of their customers. Each customer will be eligible once, and for a single purchase, and at the same time, the customer will learn about Dash, how to exchange Bs (VE fiat currency) to Dash, and how to use Dash to pay for they purchases.

The money spent by the entrepreneur offering the discount described above, will be reimbursed by the Dash Communities of Los Teques and Valencia, with the funds allowed to this proposal.

Objectives (in bussiness terms)

Getting new Dash adopters by offering a discount when they make their first Dash purchase, while teaching them how to buy Dash using VE fiat currency. The idea is that after that first contact, the new adopter continue to use Dash freely.

Each entrepreneur will be publicized making them known as merchants which accept Dash.

Each community will develop a Social Media campaign with the main purpose of teaching how to exchange between Bs and Dash using the legally constituted exchanges in Venezuela.

Key deliverables

200 transactions per month, 200 new adopters, each user will be eligible for a single discount, at Los Teques Community.

200 transactions per month, 200 new adopters, each user will be eligible for a single discount, at Valencia Community.

Total between both communities: 400 transactions per month, 400 new adopters.

40 social media campaigns, one per each entrepreneur willing to participate in this Project.

1 social media campaign per each community, promoting the entrepreneurs participating in the project.

2 Tutorial videos showing how to use the access ramps to Dash.

1 training course per city for the entrepreneurs participating in the program.


Entrepreneur training: December 2nd week, 2018

Campaign duration: December 17th, 2018 to January 15th, 2019

Data processing and analysis: January 16th to January 20th, 2019

Final report delivery: January 21th, 2019

Success Criteria

Application of 90% of the 400 discounts in 60 days, that means 360 discounts in 60 days, distributed among the communities of Valencia and Los Teques.

This project will be a success if at least 50% of the participants continue by themselves to provide discounts to all their customers who chose to pay with Dash. The main incentive for them to continue to do so is that with Dash they can protect their money from the Venezuelan hyperinflation, and stimulate sales.

In a 2nd phase, we plan to repeat this project with 200 entrepreneurs between Maracay and Los Teques.


Merchants willing to accept Dash * Merchants who want to offer discounts for the Christmas Season * Venezuelan buyers with a medium income interested in new payment methods * Online Venezuelan Dash Exchanges.


Merchant abuse of the refund system, ie. asking more money than it was really discounted. Customer abuse of the refund system, i.e. trying to game the system to obtain more than a refund per person.


We will publish a parcial report with each reached milestone. We will open a thread in the discussion forum and in Discord.
In Spanish


Somos 2 comunidades Dash Valencia y Dash Los Teques, aliados de Dash Venezuela, con la idea de impulsar el uso de Dash como oferta para adquirir bienes a menor precio.

Queremos que los emprendedores que acepten Dash en nuestras ciudades ofrezcan un descuento por pagar con Dash, para impulsar a sus clientes a cambiar Bolívares a Dash.

Previo acuerdo de las cantidades, oferta y fecha, cubriremos la diferencia entre el precio regular y la oferta, hasta un máximo de 3$ por cada consumo.

El emprendedor realizará una campaña promocionando en sus redes la oferta e indicando cómo cambiar bolívares por dash.


Propósito del proyecto / Justificación comercial

Instruir a 20 emprendedores en cada ciudad para que ofrezcan un descuento equivalente a 3 USD a 10 de sus clientes que paguen exclusivamente con dash.

El cliente recibe una rebaja por aprender qué es Dash, cambiar bolívares a Dash y pagar con Dash al vendedor de su preferencia.

El vendedor proporciona un sistema de pago alternativo rápido, económico y recibe la misma cantidad de dinero por su producto regular al contactar la comunidad y recibir la diferencia del descuento

Objetivos (en términos de negocios)

Entrada orgánica de usuarios que cambien bolívares a Dash, para motivarlos a que conozcan la moneda, y al descubrir lo fácil que es utilizarla, que por su cuenta sigan cambiando de Bs a Dash.

Campaña de promoción por cada vendedor para impulso de rebaja con dash.

Promoción a cada emprendedor participante en la propuesta, para a su vez impulsar la campaña de descuento al usuario final que pague exclusivamente en Dash.

Preparación de campaña por cada comunidad para instruir en todas las redes sobre cómo cambiar de bolívares a Dash utilizando los exchanges legalmente existentes en Venezuela.

.Valores Entregables

200 transacciones en el mes, 200 nuevos usuarios, (cada usuario será elegible para un solo descuento) por la comunidad de los Teques

200 transacciones en el mes, 200 nuevos usuarios, (cada usuario será elegible para un solo descuento) por la comunidad de Valencia

40 campañas por redes sociales, de los comercios que ofrezcan la rebaja.

1 campaña por cada comunidad impulsando los comercios que ofrezcan la rebaja.

2 Videos Instructivos de acceso a las rampas de cambio Bs Dash

1 curso de entrenamiento por cada ciudad para emprendedores que acepten participar en el programa.

Hitos y calendario del proyecto

Entrenamiento de Vendedores: 2da semana de Diciembre 2018

Fecha de Ofertas y campañas: 17 de Diciembre al 15 de enero de 2019

Análisis de resultados: 16 de enero al 20 enero de 2019

Entrega de resultados 21 de enero de 2019

Criterios de éxito
Uso del 90% de las rebajas de los 200 entregados por cada comunidad en 60 días

Estimular por lo menos a el 50% de los vendedores a realizar campaña por sí mismos de rebajas con Dash, con el propósito de impulsar sus ventas y proteger su dinero de la Inflación de Venezuela

2da Fase, 100 vendedores en cada ciudad

Comerciantes que quieren aceptar Dash * Comerciantes que quieren ofrecer rebajas en la temporada decembrina * Personas con mediano poder económico en Venezuela y se interesan por alternativas de pago novedosas * Casa de cambio Online de Dash

Abuso del comerciante en la cantidad de reintegro, abuso de los usuarios en el uso de las ofertas

Publicaremos por cada Hito de la propuesta un informe parcial, en un nuevo hilo del Foro, replicando en Discord

Presupuesto Dash.jpg
I'd vote no. The budget will also be extremely tight. Continue to focus on meetups, merchant acceptance, and remittances.
I'd vote no. The budget will also be extremely tight. Continue to focus on meetups, merchant acceptance, and remittances.

Hello Unstoppable thanks for your comment, I think we are doing exactly what you suggest, we're focusing on doing meetups, adding merchants and the business' advertising might bring remittances, achieving in a short period organic consumers with a fair budget that will persuade merchants to use dash.
I'd vote no. The budget will also be extremely tight. Continue to focus on meetups, merchant acceptance, and remittances.
@rjjerez -- Hello, and thank you for your pre-proposal. Incentivizing merchant usage with subsidized discounts is sometimes a viable strategy, but moreso when the Treasury budget is not so tight, it would be hard to justify this kind of expenditure in current market conditions. You'll also want to find a way to address both merchant and customer abuse of this system and not merely list it as a risk, because similar programs we've tried in the past have definitely been abused.
@rjjerez -- Hello, and thank you for your pre-proposal. Incentivizing merchant usage with subsidized discounts is sometimes a viable strategy, but moreso when the Treasury budget is not so tight, it would be hard to justify this kind of expenditure in current market conditions. You'll also want to find a way to address both merchant and customer abuse of this system and not merely list it as a risk, because similar programs we've tried in the past have definitely been abused.

Hello Arthyron thanks for your comment, indeed to avoid the abuse, It will be explained to every merchant that they must send an email with the sale's receipt, the same day, the shipping address and the information of the person
Hello @Arthyron , I'm Edgar from the Comunidad Dash Valencia and I accompany @rjjerez in this proposal.

Before putting the proposal, we studied the risk of abuse, by the user and merchants, for what we established to minimize it, request the fiscal invoice for the sale, added to the transaction
Hello Arthyron thanks for your comment, indeed to avoid the abuse, It will be explained to every merchant that they must send an email with the sale's receipt, the same day, the shipping address and the information of the person

Merchants may not want to hand over all of their receipts or invoices, and their customers may not want their personal information revealed either. I would encourage you to pursue different solutions to this problem. I don't know how regulations are in Venezuela, but that might violate them in some places.
Merchants may not want to hand over all of their receipts or invoices, and their customers may not want their personal information revealed either. I would encourage you to pursue different solutions to this problem. I don't know how regulations are in Venezuela, but that might violate them in some places.

Yes, you are right, however our sample of 20 merchants, it is limiting to give invoice, of the few regulations that are very verified by the government is the tax of the VAT
Dash es mas rapido y mas seguro. En un país en donde se ha llegado a cobrar hasta el 1000 % por transferencia bancaria a cambio de efectivo, un descuento como incentivo tiene sentido. Esta iniciativa definitivamente puede ser de gran ayuda para captar a más usuarios.
Dash es mas rapido y mas seguro. En un país en donde se ha llegado a cobrar hasta el 1000 % por transferencia bancaria a cambio de efectivo, un descuento como incentivo tiene sentido. Esta iniciativa definitivamente puede ser de gran ayuda para captar a más usuarios.

Thank you for your comment, let's hope the project is replicated in the other communities
Hello everyone,
Today I want to report the intervention of the community Dash Valencia, in the Radio of the Word Trade Center, we talked about the advantages of using Dash and our next project where we will offer discounts to businesses that use Dash instead of bolivares



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In the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the Comunidad Dash Valencia

Attended different events where entrepreneurs learned about the use of Dash as a means of payment and expand their sales worldwide

Aliadas en Cadena- Chamber of Commerce of Valencia




Dear friends: My name is Richard Jerez and I am the founder of Dash Los Teques. I am an entrepreneur and merchant based in Los Teques, I work with advertising, I have been working with cryptocurrency since 2016, and I like to research and analyze cryptocurrency projects regarding their functionality. I first heard about Dash from Eugenia Alcalá, founder of Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela, and since then I became interested in participating in the Dash community as an entrepreneur, contributor and lately as founder of Dash Los Teques, capital of the Miranda state.

in January 2018 I founded Dash Los Teques. I started organizing small meetings with coworkers, friends and acquaintances. Step by step we, in Dash Los Teques, have produced 8 meetings, 4 meetups, 2 conferences (one for the general public and other for entrepreneurs and merchants) 4 interactive courses. Each of these events have been directed towards financial education, while showing the benefits offered by Dash as a way to preserve economic value.

Right now we need your help to getting our proposal 2 Cities Valencia and Los Teques Venezuela in Dashboost approved. This proposal will allow us speed the adoption of Dash in Los Teques and San Antonio de Los Altos (Altos Mirandinos), taking advantage of the Christmas season, with the objective of getting on board of the Dash ship 20 new merchants and 200 customers.

Good news! We got permission from "La Cascada" Shopping Center, the biggest in the Gran Caracas, to produce events were we will provide information to the public about Dash. This will be the starting point of our proposal about giving discounts to any person who pays using Dash.
Global Entrepreneurship Week in Valencia Venezuela

Event Venezuelans who inspire VQI- Venezolanos que Inspiran






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