Budget System v2 / Transform PR

There is so much here I could call out and rant on, but what good would it do?

The budget fix and terpin deal are not going to be separated because the whole point is to force you to do both just to get the one you want. Force you to swallow the poison pill along with the chocolate cake, which is also a poison pill in disguise... The cake is a lie, too! This should raise an eyebrow, at least.

Evan is a brilliant coder, but he knows precisely dick about real-world use promotion. Most everyone in the corecteam can be described that way. Be mad. Don't care.

The only things that coincide with price rises are substantive examples of DASH's capacity to be used in the real world.

PR is a thing company's waste money on when they have nothing better to do. Press Releases are the way of the dinosaur. Everyone wants free advertising. The world is numb to this game. Its an addiction of silly ponzi-heads who can't get out of a pattern because they don't think.

The moment you start trying to rationalize how X might, somehow, maybe have had an effect, you're already lost. Impacts are exactly that. The last time a giant meteorite crashed into the Earth, did you have to wonder? Or was there a big explosion? Correlation != Causation anyway... You're hunting for evidence of a thing that proves nothing even if its true.

Its much simpler than you're making it. Hate me for "insulting the community" if you must fraudulently misrepresent me as doing such, but the world is watching you act like a bunch of stupid pussies with no experience in how to win.

Its not name-calling when its true. If I see a squirrel over there and I say "Hey, look! A squirrel!" I'm not calling names, I'm identifying it. Its a squirrel. DASH is mired by a bunch of morons addicted to a pattern of failure that are too afraid to break from the comfort of the pattern and go win.

The whole world sees it. Why can't you? Confirmation Bias. Echo Chamber. You're so busy convincing each other about how great you are that you refuse to listen to anything coming from outside your bubble.

Its a combination of psychological problems, not technical problems. DASH is the tool. But its people are broken. Like a clueless pothead with a flat fire, jack, tire iron, and functional spare. Still stuck on the side of the road because he's fuckin' retarded even though he's got it all... But chicks dig him because he gives them free weed, so how can he be wrong? He knows how great he is, because he gets laid and that's all that matters, right? But still can't change a damn tire...

DASH is unique, for the moment... But if you people don't pull your heads out of your asses, these ideas will be copied elsewhere. Even in an inferior manner, if capitalized upon, you'll never catch up.

IX could easily be slapped on top of BTC with no master nodes. Locks would be slower, but still faster than 180 days! 1 second, 4 seconds... Still faster than half a year! Do you yhink you can sell masternodes after that happens? Woo, 3 seconds difference, ditch the installed base for our new thing nobody understands, quick!

You think Evan won't be bribed or threatened to do this? Dur, its open source, why bother?

It is one thing to be the first mover, another to fail to be when the only thing stopping you is you...

Did nobody see The Walking Dead S6E9 on Sunday?

Faith without works is dead.

You believe. You talk about it. But you do nothing, and cut down anyone who does. The world is watching you. And the breaths that were being held are exhaling on the market as they watch you fail to take action. Again. Still. Some more... The pattern is obvious when you stop trying to see what you want to see instead of what obviouslyvis... Impacts are not hard to find. They're impacts.

Live in denial of reality just because you don't like the guy who points it out to you? If someone wanted lessons on how to snatch failure from the jaws of success, all they have to do is look at DASH. A more perfect example has never existed.

Love you man. Unless you're a girl in which case I love you more.

Toknormal - over on Bitcoin forum -- had an interesting approach, in which he's strongly against Evolution wanting to be all thing instead of a single-minded focus on the currency aspect of the DASH. I kind of agree with him and ditto every word about PR being a dinosaur.

So, with all due respect to Micheal -- after all, he has come here with his real name and his real proposal and is subjected to misunderstanding and / or mistrust while he could have waited to seal the deal while at the Satoshi Roundtable (Feb 26-28) "At a (secret :wink:) resort in North America" in face to face meeting with Evan -- what I see here is a first real test of a new world approach clashing with the old world approach on the platform where we, the community, are not up to the Evan's visionary genius and are allowing ourselves to bicker or be lured into believing such a nonsense as that PR proposal will bring us any good.

Transform PR proposal is the very worst of the "old world" but it seems some people might get impressed with NASDAQ and I sold this or that company narrative and hope a similar approach would bring them money once DASH succeeds. After all, all that's needed is $6,000.00 a month (PLUS press releases, PLUS travel expenses, PLUS crisis management...) and we all can go back to rolling our thumbs and let the developers guys and PR team to create our future for us by increasing the value of our investments.

It makes me feel sad - to fall into a claptrap represented in the Three-Month Public Relations Proposal February 7 – May 6, 2016 document. Just ponder this:
9 pages proposal out of which:
1 is the cover page
4 are DASH PR related stuff pages, mostly empty talk and
4 are pages about how great we, the Transform PR people are.

I mean really... :sad: they did not even bother to show some respect to the "Client" they plan to milk for months to come...

It may be they are great and that they - if elected to be funded - will succeed. But this lack of respect toward their "Client," the utter arrogance such a document represents, the lack of concrete, "out of the box" ideas, implementations etc., simply does not bode well...

Here's a thought. If you guys want us to shutup let us chat with Michael and stop interjecting with your flame war crap - those know who they are, or you are welcome to join David on my ignore list. (so far only him)

Whether you like me or not, I made VERY valid points, albeit they may not sound so polite. I admit that.

So how about you guys let Michael defend his own company and his own desire for our budget funds. Why are you doing it for him? The man quoted my post and has agreed to respond in a very vast manner, with Data a new mindset and the realization that he doesn't work for the core team, he works for Dash (and sure Kot I'll gladly sideline myself from this community so you guys can run it instead, you are doing so wonderful so far. But how about you stick to what you are good at and stop participating in forum debates that are both beneath and irritating for you.)

Still waiting on your response to me michaelterpin as you can see every time I say anything, the trolls come out in hoards and attack me. If you think they are going to secure your business deal though, you are misinformed. Stop letting them fight your battles for you, its not doing you a service. please ask them to let you answer all of these questions directed at you and tell them to stop being so uppidy when it comes to defending you. It's not doing you as much as a service as you may think. They have admitted repeatedly they don't know marketing, nor the different between marketing and PR. I know the difference. I work in the industry and always have. I have been in Tech since I was born and have seen this model of outdated tactics plenty of times in the past. Beyond that, i believe this is honestly a case of "oops - we thought we needed your service, but we jumped the gun and got excited, we'll revisit this later.

So please get to typing. And stop letting these people drown you out with their "we want Terpin" speals. We want data. We want ROI. We want proof that blowing a HUGE chunk on our budget is going to pay off and not just become a sunk cost. We want methods to watch the success of the campaigns. If you can't deliver that, we are not the client for you. And yes I said we, as in the Dash community, as opposed to the core team. It's not the core teams money paying you, its the Dash communities.

And for the record, we are NOT in Phase 4 michaelterpin, we have a while to go until we get there as Dash is MUCH bigger than just a crypto currency. Its the worlds first DAO. (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

We are in phase 2: Incubating to define commercialization aka we need to focus our funds in "incubating" our product, then we build the demonstrations using our new Evolution tech along with more stuff like DashNDrink the Soda Machine project. This shouldn't be a question of MR. Terpin and his businesses as much as it should be question of "where should our funds be allocated for the best return on investment." We are all being irresponsible by wanting marketing & PR this early in the development stages of the worlds first DAO. We should be perfecting our product and getting it ready for primetime before someone else passes us up.


edit: Also, please michaelterpin propose your own proposals to the network from here on out, like responsible Dash holder and soon to be Masternode owner. You should play by the same rules as the rest of us and not piggy back on Evans "godliness" if you will.

We want this system to work, and if you guys want to bend and break it along the way, there will be a backlash on the price. Don't forget that when trying to "make a quick buck". Is it worth it to go down this road? We aren't some random crypto, we have a GREAT crypto here and alot of VERY passionate people willing to stick this one out, are you ready to stick it out? or are you more worried about your bottom line over at Transform PR?

And if you ever need a better website michaelterpin please don't hesitate to reach out, your current website is very lacking and does not make me believe you guys are as "top-notch" as you may sound/believe after so many years being the "PR" salesman. I get it. Its your job. Just don't think were going to go easy, give us what we want, or find another crypto to work with who lets you run free and do as you please with little to no accountability.
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There should be separate threads for the "modified budget system proposal" and the "TransformPR" subject.

Things are becoming a mess to understand, already.
That's the point... Evan is good at some things. This isn't one of them. This blatant attempt at manipulation makes it even more clear... And lets be clear, I don't think he's a low-down dirty rat. I think he feels the need to keep control of a thing and he's grasping at straws for how to do it. It's that Parenting moment when you have to let go of your baby for the first time and let him/her fly solo, and he can't do it. The desperation has gone a little too far.

And, in fairness to Terpin, there is much to be said.

I could show an example of myself, but then the trolls get hung up on personal attacks, so I'll use something else.

When Tesla Motors, Inc. makes a press release, it's already old news. Tesla does profound things. They make big plays. They don't talk about it. Other people talk about it because it's profound. What has DASH done that anyone would talk about? What PR is there to be done? PR is about making know the things yo should know are happening. But, nothing is happening... Terpin has nothing to work with. DASH is a balloon with no Helium. You're expecting miracles. You're jumping the gun. If you want PR to work, you have to DO SOMETHING worthy of PR. IF you DO SOMETHING profound and amazing, the PR itself becomes vestigial.

We could be pumping gas with DASH as the payment. Right. Effing. Now. There would be a PR announcement saying "Holy fuck, DASH is real, check out Camosoul, he's pumping dash; literally! Right into his TDI! Problem Bitclones?" And a bunch of crypto nerds would already have YouTube videos up about it before any dinosaur media managed to report the story.

But the retards would rather troll me. They scuttled their own ship for the cheap thrills of calling me names... Oh whatever. Why do I even talk about it. Fucking pathetic. Their failures have become a self-fulfilling paradox where they get to say "see, I was right, the price just came back down again anyway." They turned the machine into a ponzi pump and dump with their own failures, and now feel justified in talking about how right they were....

You'll get no arguments from me, either! If you load the gun, point it at your foot, pull the trigger, well, yeah, there's going to be a big, bloody hole in your foot. Duh... Way to go with predicting the future, so right you are... Amazing crystal ball you've got there...

"The only thing worse than people talking about you, is people not talking about you." - Oscar Wilde

Give them a reason to talk about you. Not pay some poor guy to go around trying to stir up talk when there's no good reason to talk about you. It's not Terpin's fault that a bunch of deadbeat hippies sitting around expecting free stuff to land on them isn't big news... That's just not a newsworthy story, and it's the story of DASH, unfortunately.

The truths of this situation are so cliche, that there are dozens of one-liner quotes and cliches to post about it. But losers think it's new ground because they've never won before, and are afraid to do so...

George Bernard Shaw has two of the most apt ones, so here yuo go.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

@entiredashcommunity: It's easier to get mad and kill the messenger, and return to your echo chamber, than admit you're wrong.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

I doubt anyone here would disagree with the statement that, I am an exceptionally unreasonable man.

If what you do is worth a damn, you don't need PR. Your actions become clickbait and everyone talks about it to drive hits to their advertisers. DASH could be this. But; couchlock. Pot head losers have taken over the board of directors, and there's nothing but IT nerds with no clue in the rest of the organization. Have you ever heard of an organization like that which succeeds?

Sure, a handful of arrogant dickbags control BTC. About 3600 flagrantly stupid dickbags control DASH. BTC looks better from here... Slap IX on it... When you do nothing but squat in your cave polishing your precious, the world passes you by.

"Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing." - Optimus Prime

Instead of using your new-found power to jerk people around and make them feel how powerful you are, you need to rise to the occasion and realize that you're not as big a deal as you think you are. A bunch of neo-soviet progressives who see this as an opportunity to beat businesses down well, uh.... You are money. You need to grow up and stop hating money, and people who are successful at getting it. Business won't adopt that which is hell bent on destroying business....

You could be great if you stop acting like sissy brats.

If. You stop acting like sissy brats.

When has it ever been ground-breaking news that lazy losers who do nothing but sit around getting high expect free shit to fall on them, accuse everyone else of being evil and vicious, while voting for genocide, asset seizure, theft, and huge pay for entry level jobs they can't even hold down, so they can get that free stuff they think they are owed for sitting around getting high? When has such bullshit ever made headlines and re-shaped societies in a positive way?

You expect Terpin to work a miracle with that being the only card you give him to play? This is the Moon-shattering news of DASH's amazing accomplishments that you want him to work with?

There's a reason Terpin is frustrated with you and isn't "answering your questions." Same reason I'm frustrated with you. You're dumb as shit. You're actually lazier than shit. At least shit will rot into compost and grow food. And, yu've somehow managed to be so arrogant, that your nose is so far in the air you can't smell your own stink, even though shit is smarter and more productive than you are. I don't think I've ever seen the human race sink so low, and I've seen some wicked, horrible shit in my time.

If I got any "dash community" on me, I'd use shit to clean it off.

Step the fuck up, people. If I can even call you people...
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You are repeating yourself. You have already stated this earlier.

I posted that at Raganius' request. No intent to repeat myself.

It wasn't a vocal minority. Please don't spread disinformation. Even before the release of those metrics, Terpin PR proposal had lots of NO votes. It was very controversial since the very beginning.

Is 25% not a minority where you come from? The final numbers (before Evan's intervention) were 75% for, 25% against.

I am pretty sure even more masternode owners will vote against Terpin's proposal following the release of those metrics, that were released rather late, after most of the votes were cast.

Time will tell. Not really interested in that ATM. Evan says we are at least six months away from Budget v2, so I'll worry about the future when it gets closer.

I know you were involved in this PR effort, facilitating contact between some parties. Your efforts were not in vain. Even if this proposal fails, which it probably will (I hope it does), you have helped start a dialogue about the best way forward when it comes to raising awareness efforts. Don't fall in the sunk cost fallacy trap.


I do not know what will happen in the future, and I'm not presently worried about it. My intent was two-fold: To let Michael know that once it was all said and done, he had a supermajority backing him (before Evan's intervention), and to answer Raganius' question.


Yes, a minority can be 49.9% even. What I wanted to say was that it wasn't a small vocal minority. The proposal had over 600 NO votes which is rare for proposals that are warmly received by the community. This one wasn't warmly received from the early beginning, even before the December metrics were presented. This was the point I wanted to make.
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No mention of Dash's sponsorship of The Daily Decrypt, a purchase which overlapped itself with our highest-viewed video to date? A video which likely has an order of magnitude more views than most or all of the articles cited above? A video which has spawned at least two regular commenters on my channel to remark that they bought Dash after learning about it on my show?

Ouch, that hurts a little.

Sure, I have criticism for someone who uses a failed competitors own troll in a video with that competitors' product placement, while being paid for by... Oh I won't repeat it again...

She makes a solid point. It's like DASH hates anything that is successful and actually works. To the point that it goes unnoticed...

How much talk has there been about DASH's features? But we're supposed to believe that more meaningless talking, again, is what caused the $7 spike, not the machine... So much so that you can't even say the words "vending machine" anymore? Talk about emotional defectives! This is how far the hateful, immature grudge goes! A grudge over what? Telling you what you look like to the rest of the world, and what you'll ahve to do to change that image? How dare I!

tungfa is half right. Most people still have no idea what DASH is. Where he's wrong, as are most of you, is in the idea that continuing to bark a bunch of ponzi hype in their faces, while doing absolutely nothing, is going to make any damned difference.

It's not Terpin's fault that DASH has no accomplishments to tout.

You can't build the roof and then build the walls and foundation under it.

DASH is a tool. It's great that it exists. But what good is the shiniest, fanciest nail gun if you never build anything with it? Fuck, do you even know what a nail gun is?
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GreyGhost we are very judicious with expenses and they always need to be approved by a client first (e.g., I didn't charge any expenses for my trip to Miami since I was already there with the conference; any other PR firm or contractor would have likely charged all their expenses to get there and stay there). Crisis management is a boilerplate section in contracts that notes this agreement is not for an unlimited amount of hours and that a true crisis represents a heightened need. It would still need to be approved by the client.

So, since the proposal may not even come up for a vote for a while, I'm likely going to stop answering every hyptothetical post for a while and get back to my real work...


See, Michael what you wrote here is the reason why I am getting strongly against your involvement with the DASH PR efforts. You can't know what I feel is better or not, I kind of detest assumptions, presumptions and suggestions, but aside that, in my previous post I asked what I see as real problems with your proposal and you chose to disregard them. Instead you are selling us your (interesting one might add) own story, NASDAQ etc.

I could not care less about your business being hacked some 16 years ago, and the outcome, I wanted to know what is:
a) your crisis management rate;
b) an outline what such a crisis might entail. Say, the IRS changes its ruling crypto are assets to they are not and the Senate makes all crypto illegal. Can you tell me your crisis management will be able to take care of it?
c) do you fly coach, business or first is what I'd like to know. Do you stay in 3, 4 or 5 stars hotels;
d) what PR services you use;
e) what "about $300 per release," really means. Where the releases go and what is expected outcome;
f) Which piece of marketing efforts corresponds with what desired results we all can track, measure and analyze etc., etc. ,all of which is just several posts above.

Dash could've been on d10e without your "connections."

Alas you, again, use it as your pitch here ("I know the organizers quite well" -- yet again without telling us who is that you know) like the currency constantly lingering in between 5th and 7th space on the coinmarketcap and has its founder on Satoshi Round-table. (I know you're also there and that makes me feel a tad uneasy; it's a bonding thing among the "new crypto elite" where all the deals might end up cemented behind the closed doors, precisely like in the detestable old world ruled by the Financial Crime Cartel and its shenanigans) needs any "connections" to attend an event like d10e. DASH is not an unknown entity in the overall space of the key people organizing the event. All that's needed for such attendance is Evan's email to Tiffany and, given how busy he must be, a volunteer, Google News alert or a low-paid virtual assistant would do. (to alert him of such possibilities)

I am really sorry to say this but it must bear repeating, your response makes me cringe and I lost any hope of having a real, based on hard data, conversation with you. If you end up selling your services to the DASH community, well, good for you. DASH will succeed on its own merits anyway and if you'll be a part of that glory everyone will be happy.

However, for now, I am voting resolutely against your involvement because you are not providing us the answers to real concerns. And your document titled Three-Month Public Relations Proposal February 7 – May 6, 2016 is an insult to any thinking entity and as such does not support the narrative of a successful PR venture it is selling. But than, I guess, this is the PR that you do at its best :)))

So, since the proposal may not even come up for a vote for a while, I'm likely going to stop answering every hyptothetical post for a while and get back to my real work...


There you go Dash Community. Thats what he thinks of you.

But by all means, lets throw some more money at him! Maybe then we can all be rich by next weekend!!!!!!

I need a break from this crap. It's like babysitting the whole damn extended family of kids by yourself. Go dig yourselves a grave guys. Please. I'm going to research who the next big thing is, because Dash obviously is having some serious growing pains that I'm not sure ti will be able to just shake off. You thought the premine shit was bad? Wait until the real trolls get wind of this shit. Wow.

I'm more surprised by this community than I am my michaelterpin and his attitude towards us and our requests for data and transparency. He really thiks he works for Evan, Daniel and the core team and the rest of us are just children who need to be ignored.
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There you go Dash Community. Thats what he thinks of you.

But by all means, lets throw some more money at him! Maybe then we can all be rich by next weekend!!!!!!

I need a break from this crap. It's like babysitting the whole damn extended family of kids by yourself. Go dig yourselves a grave guys. Please. I'm going to research who the next big thing is, because Dash obviously is having some serious growing pains that I'm not sure ti will be able to just shake off. You thought the premine shit was bad? Wait until the real trolls get wind of this shit. Wow.

I'm more surprised by this community than I am my michaelterpin and his attitude towards us and our requests for data and transparency. He really thiks he works for Evan, Daniel and the core team and the rest of us are just children who need to be ignored.
I don't blame him.

I'm still not caught up on backorders that resulted from me prioritizing Real World use of DASH, and being stabbed in the back for it. Romans may not have wanted Caesar and done away with him, but where is the Roman Empire now? Careful with mob rule there, buddy... Morons vote for moronic things.

I did the same thing.

For the same reasons.

Don't you see a pattern? DASH can't be taken seriously. Grown ups are bailing out.

DASH has the features.

But it's decision-making body is a bunch of ponzi troll morons.

It's not Terpin's fault that DASH has done nothing worthy of promotion. He can shout nothing from the rooftops for months, what difference will it make? I voted it down, not becasue I hate terpin or whatever short-sighted emotional straw man tripe the community will invent, but because you can't talk about your accomplishments until you actually have some! Cart is in front of horse. Situation is FUBAR.

Evan made the tool. It's up to the community to use it to build something, and this community absolutely refuses to do anything but pander to the creator, who may be a genius in coding, but that he insists on following a pattern of failure seen elsewhere in crypto simply because those coins can't do anything else... I heard both He and his Wife refer to DASH multiple times as "an altcoin" at the conference. You can't speak the loser language and expect to win.

It's no different than a pro-gunner using the phrase "assault weapon." There's no such thing! If you adopt the vocabulary of those slandering and lying about you, you won't win. Even if that slander and lying is just a result of being honestly brainwashed and clueless. It's absolutely no different than claiming to be a champion against racism while still referring to black people as "niggers." You can't adopt their slanderous language if you expect to be taken seriously. How many of you know that the NRA was founded for the sole purpose of white people giving guns to black people so they could fight back against lynch mobs? None of you know this because you believe the lies that "Old Fat Whit Guys are all Racists, and the NRA is a bunch of Old Fat White Guys." It's an example. I know it's not the topic. I'm just demonstrating how easy it is to mislead and brainwash people. The NRA exists for the sole purpose of helping black people fight back against murderous racists, but somehow the NRA is the murderous racist? See how easy that happens?

It's why those who actually walk the walk refer to DASH as DASH. And everything else is "bitclones." This is the true divide because DASH is different and superior, and everything else is just a stupid copy of stupid broken ponzi bullshit.

But if the DASH community keeps acting like ponzi bullshit, it will be perceived as ponzi bullshit.

It does. It is.

If your "leader" can't even speak without adopting false words that tear the project down, what success can you expect from him? He doesn't get it. Evan is great in a lot of ways, but this isn't one of them.

Creators and Leaders are rarely the same person. DASH is making all the wrong moves, and usually, no moves at all, because MNs are too cheap to keep the zero-experience losers out. I ask them to stop being losers, rise tot he occasion, and what happens? They dig the hole deeper...

It's like trying to herd retarded cats on meth, with ADHD... Yeah, lets put them in charge!
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Honestly, there's a ton to promote here. I think Dash as an ecosystem and potential replacement for bitcoin in person-to-person transactions, as well as its model of decentralized governance (despite all the flaws these threads display) are GREAT stories to promote. Also, I didn't say I was not going to answer ANY questions; I simply said I can't spend an hour or two every day answering every conjecture. I'm happy to dispel any actual facts someone has that suggest I am not who and what I say I am. In the absence of that, I don't see a value in continually answering the same vague questions.

I'm here when needed, but I do have other work to do!


I don't blame him.

I'm still not caught up on backorders that resulted from me prioritizing Real World use of DASH, and being stabbed in the back for it. Romans may not have wanted Caesar and done away with him, but where is the Roman Empire now? Careful with mob rule there, buddy... Morons vote for moronic things.

I did the same thing.

For the same reasons.

Don't you see a pattern? DASH can't be taken seriously. Grown ups are bailing out.

DASH has the features.

But it's decision-making body is a bunch of ponzi troll morons.

It's not Terpin's fault that DASH has done nothing worthy of promotion. He can shout nothing from the rooftops for months, what difference will it make?

Evan made the tool. It's up tot he community to use it to build something, and this community absolutely refuses to do anything but pander to the creator, who may be a genius in coding, but that he insists on following a pattern of failure seen elsewhere in crypto simply because those coins can't do anything else...

Creators and Leaders are rarely the same person. DASH is making all the wrong moves, and usually, no moves at all, because MNs are too cheap to keep the zero-experience losers out. I ask them to stop being losers, rise tot he occasion, and what happens? They dig the hole deeper...

It's like trying to herd retarded cats on meth, with ADHD... Yeah, lets put them in charge!
Honestly, there's a ton to promote here. I think Dash as an ecosystem and potential replacement for bitcoin in person-to-person transactions, as well as its model of decentralized governance (despite all the flaws these threads display) are GREAT stories to promote. Also, I didn't say I was not going to answer ANY questions; I simply said I can't spend an hour or two every day answering every conjecture. I'm happy to dispel any actual facts someone has that suggest I am not who and what I say I am. In the absence of that, I don't see a value in continually answering the same vague questions.

I'm here when needed, but I do have other work to do!


Keep cherry picking.

Does that tactic ever actually work out well? I'm sure you being a savvy PR guy has seen plenty of situations involving having things blow up in your face.

Do you always run when confronted?

edit: ok I'm taking a break before my comments become borderline rude. My point is PROVE to us you are worth the money PRIOR to the proposal going forward, or expect a shit show. You aren't going to waltz in here and just take the money because you have some agree with the core team. This isn't "The Core Team + Dash" This Is Dash. You answer to the community, not 3 guys who are too busy to give your the proper oversight PR deserves.

SO where is your data Michael? Still waiting.

Shall we show you an example TPS Report or perhaps a RFP? Then will you start giving us what we ask?
Honestly, there's a ton to promote here. I think Dash as an ecosystem and potential replacement for bitcoin in person-to-person transactions, as well as its model of decentralized governance (despite all the flaws these threads display) are GREAT stories to promote. Also, I didn't say I was not going to answer ANY questions; I simply said I can't spend an hour or two every day answering every conjecture. I'm happy to dispel any actual facts someone has that suggest I am not who and what I say I am. In the absence of that, I don't see a value in continually answering the same vague questions.

I'm here when needed, but I do have other work to do!

I said the exact same things, and with major help from two other guys here, I built the Vending Machine. See what it got me? No good deed goes unpunished. I can't sit around answering stupid questions all day. They don't grasp the idea of hiring an employee as opposed to buying an object. They just don't get it.

Sure. Every new ShitCoin says "I'm the new BitCoin!"

In an environment of endless lies, trolling, and hype, actions are all that matters. Everything else is tuned out.

The DASH community has taken no action, stubbornly refuses to, and even goes to great lengths to cut down anyone who tries! They hate the idea of doing anything but pander to Evan, who, in spite of being possibly the greatest man who ever lived, isn't good for what DASH needs next.

Michael, it won't matter how much you, or anyone else, talks about DASH. You could be the best PR guy in the universe. It wouldn't matter. The ponzi pall is cast upon anything crypto. DASH has to stand up and do something as profound as Tesla, or it may as well quit now. DASH has the ability to do it! But it lacks the will or the know-how. And seems to hate the idea of the will or the know-how ever being permitted to exist. DASH desperately wants to kill itself.

DASH has now fucked up so monulentally that no amount of PR is going to help them. They have to sack up and do something so profound that PR is irrelevant, or throw in the towel while there is still a towel to throw...

They're so morbidly clueless that they don't even realize the desperation of the situation they're in. It really is that bad. But they're so far out of their element that they can't see it.

The only thing that has kept DASH alive as long as it has been, is that the rest of crypto is even dumber and more useless... That won't be true forever.
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Ever see that episode of South Park where Eric Cartman's Mom wants to get a REALLY late abortion? So, she sleeps around with politicians trying to get a law made so she can "abort" Eric even though he's what, 10 years old? Humping, the thing that makes babies, in an effort to get a law made so she can "abort" her 10 year old son...

The DASH community is trying to gang-rape it's way to virginity. Telling them that this isn't possible because... Will only get you slapped around and called names. When the questions get as ridiculous as "Why won't you give me a straight answer to my question? All I asked is why you say we can't gang-rape our way to virginity, peace, happiness, and tranquility on the Moon? Why won't you just answer this simple question!? Where is the evidence that gang-rape can't create utopia? Prove it! Prove you're worth the money!"

Then they act surprised and arrogant when the people they fuck over get tired of the silliness and go back to the real world...

PR is about touting accomplishments. Sure, there's a lot to talk about. But, what accomplishments? What has the DASH community done that puts IX/DS in the hands of the people as a thing they can actually use? How many YouTube videos can you link to where someone actually spends DASH on something in the real world, even though the ability to do this has exists for almost a year now? Terpin can't do that for you. You have to do it. Terpin can talk about it and get people's attention. But you have to do it. You have to get off your ass and DO something. I know, no other coins do that. Because they can't. The pattern is failure both in conclusion and inception, holy fuck, are you even paying attention?! DASH can so something. So get off the fucking couch already!

Where were the wallets with IX until 1 day before the Vending Machine was to be shown, with the entire leadership saying it'll never work, and even trying to stop us from showing up? If your leaders don't even believe in their own project, does pandering to their whims get you anywhere? If your own leaders try to stifle progress because it includes possibly losing control of their piggy bank. Coders rarely make good executives. There's a reason why IT is just a small part of any organization. Nerds who try to keep the other parts from growing, only expose themselves.

It happened. Because I am an unreasonable man. Encouraged by oaxaca to do something even more unreasonable than I would do on my own...

And this is where we are now.

For shame.

The problem is not whether you're willing to go too far. The problem is an unwillingness to go far enough.

Girls will forgive a guy for going a little too far, some are even turned on by it when he goes full retard. But, she'll never forgive him for being a pussy. Not a chance. Neither will this market. Being a pussy who can't make the move, who does nothing but talk about how great he is... Has that ever worked? That's exactly what DASH is doing, and the general public is grossed out like woah...
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Honestly, there's a ton to promote here. I think Dash as an ecosystem and potential replacement for bitcoin in person-to-person transactions, as well as its model of decentralized governance (despite all the flaws these threads display) are GREAT stories to promote. Also, I didn't say I was not going to answer ANY questions; I simply said I can't spend an hour or two every day answering every conjecture. I'm happy to dispel any actual facts someone has that suggest I am not who and what I say I am. In the absence of that, I don't see a value in continually answering the same vague questions.

I'm here when needed, but I do have other work to do!


thanks for participating in this thread in the first place and i appreciate the feedback so far....
Well, All I can say is if you make a proposal, I will vote YES. And none of these people who are being so antagonistic speak for me. I want to see PR work being done. You, TransformPR haven't been given the time you needed, and I don't agree with all the accusations that are second hand, as they're balanced out by the positives I've heard from my own "second hand" people. I say lets give TransformPR a proper chance to do what they can in the time period they said they could do it in, and THEN judge the results.

I'm done here.

I just read your comments camosoul , but I disagree in that, I think PR will bring the talent we need to move this project forward. You're absolutely right that we need to make Dash useful and get people using it. But we need more people developing services off of it. I wish we could get your project off the ground, and maybe we still can. Barring you not wanting to get involved anymore. But we need even more people aware, people that would take what you, solarminer and moocowmoo put together to the next level.

And that's what PR should do, bring more people together to get things done. We need to overcome inertia. That's the hardest part.
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You know what Michael, go ahead, make your proposal however you please and go right ahead and represent Dash. This community has such little business development knowledge it's screwed anyways and I hope the price tanks to prove this to all of you. It might shake out all you half assed investors who want this get rich quick sceheme mentality to permeate.

There is something in business called sustainable development. Go read about it. I'm done here. I need to cool off before I just completely give up on all of you like InTheWoods feels like doing. You are all too naive for your own good. Hate me. I don't give a single shit. This is a complete waste of my talents and time. None of you want Dash to succeed, you just want some quick profits before the next big crypto comes along for you to jump onto and reap the benefits from.

I hope you all end up poor and crying over the fact you kept squandering everything that was given to you.

Sustainability can be defined as the practice of reserving resources for future generation without any harm to the nature and other components of it .[3][unreliable source?][4]Sustainable development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social, political, and economic challenges faced by humanity.Sustainability science is the study of the concepts of sustainable development and environmental science. There is an additional focus on the present generations' responsibility to regenerate, maintain and improve planetary resources for use by future generations.[5]

Swarm intelligence (SI) is the collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems, natural or artificial. The concept is employed in work on artificial intelligence. The expression was introduced by Gerardo Beni and Jing Wang in 1989, in the context of cellular robotic systems.[1]

SI systems consist typically of a population of simple agents or boids interacting locally with one another and with their environment. The inspiration often comes from nature, especially biological systems. The agents follow very simple rules, and although there is no centralized control structure dictating how individual agents should behave, local, and to a certain degree random, interactions between such agents lead to the emergence of "intelligent" global behavior, unknown to the individual agents. Examples in natural systems of SI include ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding, bacterial growth, fish schooling and microbial intelligence.

The application of swarm principles to robots is called swarm robotics, while 'swarm intelligence' refers to the more general set of algorithms. 'Swarm prediction' has been used in the context of forecasting problems.

In media, an echo chamber is a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission and repetition inside an "enclosed" system, where different or competing views are censored, disallowed or otherwise underrepresented.
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...we need more people developing services off of it.
You don't say... :p

We've seen what happens when someone tries...
You know what Michael, go ahead, make your proposal however you please and go right ahead and represent Dash. This community has such little business development knowledge it's screwed anyways and I hope the price tanks to prove this to all of you. It might shake out all you half assed investors who want this get rich quick sceheme mentality to permeate.

Am I beating a dead horse, or giving it chest compressions? Who would know the difference? Who cares, lets call names and troll! Way to go, DASH community!

DASH is not a bitclone. It won't survive by acting like one. It has to be what it is; useful in the real world. If it fails to do the thing it was meant to do...

I don't hope the price tanks. I'm watching it tank as confidence in it's community vaporizes faster than Acetone on a hot rock in Death Valley.

Load the gun, point it at your foot, pull the trigger. It doesn't take charts, crystal balls and ouija boards to figure out what happens next...

Confirmation Bias. Echo Chamber. Preaching to the choir. Jerkin' each other off. Whatever you call it; birds of a feather flock together. If a bunch of idiot losers flock together, what sort of Swarm Intelligence do they offer?

Greatness has been thrust upon you. Rise to the occasion, or someone else will. Being an idiot loser is not a permanent condition. You can stop at any time!

Tough love is still a form of encouragement, but the wimpy entitled, brats of the day would rather be offended and stay wimpy, entitled brats. Imagine any of these fools in boot camp in 1935... We'd all be speaking German. He may not have meant to, because he doesn't have any idea, but Evan drafted you fuckers, so when are you going to step up? If the entire army shoots itself in the foot so it can escape it's obligations, where would we be?

Whhaaaaaa you're mean, it's not fair!!!! Get the sand out of your vaginas or it will soon be replaced by something much worse, and there will be no one to blame but yourselves.

I've got shit to do.
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Between that last post, and this one, I made almost $10,000. Yeah, I'm totally butt hurt about that. It sucks terribly. Oh, how I wish I were some douche bag living in my parent's basement, preaching the glories of fanatical socialism and hating my own investments in ponzi coins, because if I ever make any money I'll have to kill myself out of guilt over, something...? Oh, how I wish I could beg for crumbs from the DASH table of plenty... How ever shall I manage to survive without your approval?

If you can't learn the lesson with such an obvious example, you'll never learn. Troll on, losers. I hope trolling feels good enough to make up for intentionally losing just to be spiteful.

To see so many stand up and say "My only regret is that I have have but one nose to cut off to spite my face" is hardly what Natahan Hale had in mind...

The only reason I downvoted Terpin's deal, is not because I believe he is a terrible waste of money. I downvoted it because I know better than to spend money advertising nothing... Until DASH actually does something, there's no reason to drive hits... Oh, check out all this totally nothing at all we've done! Aren't you impressed?! All you're doing is generating more people who write you off as yet another ponzi bitclone. All hype, no action.

I'll give you an example. I've been waiting for 4 years for ATF approval for 6x Form 1s. Why should I promote a product connected to that, when I can't do that? DASH isn't waiting for anything tho... It's just sitting around doing precisely dick because, uhm, reasons? Two of my new products are about to become reality because the Form 1s I needed to publicly display the stupid of the same law were finally approved. I've been sitting on this inventory for a long time... But, I had a reason. DASH doesn't.
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Oh, yeah, maybe a Press Release about the Vending Machine sitting in my workshop, disassembled, because I was fixin' to re-do it with a proper screen bezel and an XU4 when you all stabbed me in the back... Maybe you could talk about that? Or someone else could do it? Because someone else here has the requisite skills and equipment to make that happen? Or, even has the ability to communicate the matter to someone who could do it for you? Hell, you people can't even scrape the resources together to come pick the thing up! Mommy won't let you borrow the Mini, again? Please... Even if you had it, what would you do with it? Why shouldn't I dump a few hundred rounds into it for a funny video? At least it might get enough hits on youtube to pay me back like all these deadbeats never will.

Why do I even care when it's not enough money to quibble about? Because it's not about me, it's about you.

This thread is a joke because: It doesn't matter whether Michael Terpin is good or bad at presenting something that doesn't exist. The reason these two concepts are tied into the same proposal, without any reason for doing so, is a bald-faced manipulation. How can we expect big returns on a PR sCampaign to show the world, uh, nothing? Maybe we could put a bigass neon sign out in the desert that says "Open!" with the catch being there's no store! There's nothing there! But it's open for business! Run a bunch of ads! Pay a lot of money! Then get mad when nothing comes of it... Or worse, we could fly around to conferences with bigshot do-nothings of the ponzicoin community. Oh, wait...

I guess I'll go back out to my workshop and be "butt hurt" about the next 5 figure deposit into my bank account. Shit, the Credit Card Company makes more in fees off of my transactions that DASH's whole month long budget... You are small time. Swallow your pride and get a fucking clue.
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