Half of my arguing and complaining is due to the nature of the PR company and the idea behind why we are going with them.
Some people think a PR company is going to get us users and/or whales so they can increase thier net worth in the Dash ecosystem. And I DARE anyone to PROVE this isn't the case.
As I have repeatedly said; who hires a PR company when the product isn't even finished yet? Who markets before they build and support the product?
Evolution is a long ways out, we do not need a PR company. It's a waste of money. We need to be investing into other small community projects and building a platform for PEOPLE, not for companies like Transform to leech off of. We have an amazing system, why not use it? Why not show it off? Wy are we asking a PR company to come save the day?
You know why? Because we have too many short term profiteering type around here still and I honestly Hope the Dash price tanks so we can weed these people out. They are not good for the long term strategy needed for Dash to succeed.
There is a reason investors have rules about selling share and such, they are always in it for the profit.
Please stop thinking with your wallets people, lets use some grit and good ol fashioned sweat instead of hiring some PR firm who just wants your money, for the least amount of effort.
Some links:
Since noone is going to read them, mostly it just says, Startups DO NOT NEED PR. Go ahead read them.