We have a more flexible notion with less ePeen. Not that it's a bad project. We just have a better idea that could service more than mere vending machines.
moocowmoo is already beyond this and he's giving it away once he's happy with cleaning it up. Hell, I'm already beyond this and I'm terrible. I've done keypad interfaces with the good ol' Basic Stamp and PICaxe microcontrollers. Ah, those were the days... Nerding just to nerd isn't useful tho. The only reason a Pi is even needed is to handle the overhead of dashd and monitor network traffic. If you're not even doing that, then you're only making an example of fat code. Do it with an 8-pin 0.1MHz PICaxe and I'll give it a pass... If I can do it, surely an expert can... I'm not trying to mock it... But look around at the massive resource bloat/waste that has come into the picture since the Arduino... No one writes tight code anymore, or bothers to learn their architecture well enough to know how even if they had to... Look what the Amiga did for Babylon 5... Try that on a PC of the same era?
It should also be noted that the Pi2B just barely does the job. It still misses observations now and then. We need to upgrade to a much more powerful platform, like the XU4. But, as of v0.13, it should be possible to do the job with a Pi Zero. Which I already blew a bunch of money buying from gougers so we'd have the platform ready to go, before we hit this bizarre budgeting roadblock... I gave one to each member of the team, and bought 5 for myself because, well, they know why, lols!
oaxaca volunteered his CHIP, but I think we'll stick with the more distributed Pi line even though it's not actually better. It's plenty good enough. Cost-wise there isn't really a lot of savings between the Pi0 and the Pi2B. The XU4 is a costly little bugger tho and I've got 3 now. But you can't argue with it's I/O and raw muscle. Sahweet little machines, those XU4s...
I soldered up the TI logic level shifters and could pretty much go shove the new hardware in the machine yesterday, but woah nelly, not after this bru ha ha....
If the community doesn't want it because they're scared and would rather talk shit. Wahtevs. I'm supposed to be on a boat right now. You're welcome.
Notice that this doesn't get used for Bitcoin anywhere that actually matters... Because Bitcoin can't do anything that actually matters. It lacks the feature set to fulfill it's own vision. DASH can restore Satoshi's vision, pull it back out of the stinking pit of ponzi/mlm BS that crypto has become. But nobody wants that... Rather squat in a cave polishing their precious... Remember that boat I mentioned? It quite literally will sail. Or someone will fork these features that have been left rotting on the vine...