Solarminer, thank you for the revised proposal. It is very thorough and well-written.
I have to be honest; I initially voted "yes" on this proposal. At the time I voted, it was 0 yes / 14 no. I literally provided the very first yes votes, since I was online when you posted the proposal and fastest on the trigger. I have to admit, however, being the type of irresponsible masternode owner that Camo dislikes; I did not check the duration of the proposal before voting. After much consideration, I changed my votes to "no."
I think this is a brilliant project and I think it's something that's necessary. I would love to fund it, but I simply cannot vote for something that will endure for 99 months.* That's too long, and too much will change by then. If we are lucky, the price of Dash could easily exceed $1000 by then...if not more. In eight years, Evolution will have been fully deployed for about 5-6 years, and the potential is endless.
Yes, we can always vote it down, but a rudimentary understanding of psychology will show that it's much more difficult to get people to vote no to something that they once approved. See my comments on the other thread about how taxes (rarely) get repealed once passed. If you don't believe me, read up on the endowment effect ( People also do not like to admit that they are (or were) wrong, and many will refuse to change their vote out of pride. Even if you yourselves eventually decide to move on and ask people to shut down the proposal, it could take months to rally enough votes for that. I'm sure you would return any monies received during that time, but to whom? How can you repay the blockchain?
Camosoul is very smart and very capable. Frankly, he's probably brilliant. But his comments over the last couple of days have been extreme. He may very well have just been trying to make a point, but when one of the proposers of a project asks me to vote it down because he won't be participating any longer, I take him at his word.
More than this, though, is my concern over the duration of the project. I could support six months, or even a year. But 99 months with the stubborn (and disingenuous) assertion that we can vote it down anytime we want--that is simply too much for me. Eight years is a long time for anything, and both of you could have long moved on to other projects by then. Look at how rare it is for people to spend eight years in the same job!
It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: if this proposal passes, I will stand behind you 100%. I believe in democracy and majority rule, and I believe that both of you are extremely capable people who can do a lot for our ecosystem. Best wishes!
*I realize that Core Team and Public Awareness are funded for 99 months currently. I'm not necessarily thrilled with the duration of those, but as Evan is the curator of those funds I can accept it. I realize this may not seem fair, but it is what it is.
P.S. I categorically despise any accusations or implications of malfeasance that may have been directed at you. I think that both of you are among the most trustworthy members of the community, and I realize how hard it is to budget for complex projects. I have no doubt that you lost money on the soda machine. I have no doubt you would spend any money you get from this proposal wisely. Anyone who says otherwise is either naive, misguided, or a fool. Anyone who impugns your integrity is simply a fool.