Budget Proposal: User Friendly Raspberry Pi DASH custom built nodes

LOL, yes, you know what I mean though, right? People who can't participate in trade because they have no access to banking services. ;P

But that is EXACTLY why the "unbanked" are so important. Because they will adopt crypto far faster than any other population on earth.
@camosoul There should be a report spam button. You've made your point now let others talk. Do you wanna go offtopic? Do so in other threads.
I understand that, but that agenda is not a thing we need.

You are not we. Get it? Too much verbal diarrhea coming from you. There needs to be a report spam button on this forum. Stop repeating the same msg over and over.

Is this guy coming with some valuable ideas every now and then? Sure, just like every broken clock is right twice a day. He spills shitload of total stupid nonsense as well.
LOL, I think he's funny :grin:, sorry, I kinda adore him :tongue:

I think we share a kind of sense of humor that most don't understand, LOL
@camosoul There should be a report spam button. You've made your point now let others talk.

You are not we. Get it? Too much verbal diarrhea coming from you. There needs to be a report spam button on this forum. Stop repeating the same msg over and over.

Is this guy coming with some valuable ideas every now and then? Sure, just like every broken clock is right twice a day. He spills shitload of total stupid nonsense as well.
Wow. You need to grow up before you can be useful to anyone.

You do not know what you think you know. Not even close. I've done everything short of beat it into you with a golf club and you're still beclowning yourself...

I am part of the only "we" that matters here. A masternode operator with votes.

You can't see the point because you are still blinded by your bitclone mindset. It's only stupid nonsense because you can't figure it out, and refuse to admit that you don't know what you think you know...

We have absolutely zero use for more masternodes. Period. We have way more than we need, and they are not merely "full nodes."

We REALLY do not need to dumb them down. Masternode operators need to NOT be complete fucking idiot entitled brats merely voting more free stuff for themselves.

We DO need the payment acceptance process to be frictionless. Because it's anything but. The topic isn't even considered by other cryptocurrencies because they are, by design, completely useless for anything but bagholder trading.

I live way more "in the woods," too...

Boy, cut the dick-measuring bullshit and pay attention. You're way out of your element and you've proven it in your own words. Get educated.

Now, I'm going to go buy some ice cream so that I can attempt to restore some of the innocence you've blackened... Sure wish I could use my amazingly easy to use DASH client to do it... But damn, accepting DASH payments is so monumentally difficult that nobody does it... Too bad this guy who is all about making things easy refuses to acknowledge reality and alter his idea just a little bit so that it might be useful...
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Anyway, I know camosoul made a thread to rant in :tongue::wink: and is ruffling feathers at the moment. But back to being productive here :grin:

I think he is right in that VPS services are far better than home run systems (99% of the time) and when they are actually very good, it's because the person behind the network doesn't need help setting anything up (they're already hardware/internet junkies at least). Also, Very few people are still using Amazon, etc... as those services are far more expensive than smaller VPS providers which are everywhere and probably more decentralized than the operators are.

Finally, Dash doesn't have the full node issues that other coins have, so it's kind of a solution in search of a problem in this neck of the woods. The thing is, we're so appreciative that Chris came here with an idea, and we didn't want to just say no. And now, no doubt, we've pushed him away, which is really sad.

On the other hand, there are so many things that we CAN do, especially with Chris and his WCN connections. Something more "on the ground". I've seen videos with African citizens in the audience asking questions during the Q&A, Even 25 years ago when I was in college, I made several African friends. These people are potential trusted connections we can make when we find them, to help us help rural villages establish internet connections. Or plug in South Americans, Aleutian islanders, hell, all Alaskans, LOL

The big boys are already setting up the difficult infrastructure (fiber optics lines, etc...) Which I don't really understand, wouldn't satellite be cheaper? Anyway, you get my point, no? But it should be done face to face, especially in countries with known corruption. We can't afford to have everything stolen.

Well, it would be a HUGE undertaking, but it can also be started one village at a time :)
Wow, this place is really buzzing. There's a lot of stuff to get through here and I appreciate all the comments, even the criticisms; in fact especially the criticisms as it helps me develop the project.

This isn't a "startup", it's an art project where I work for Foxcon Factory Wages (about $3 an hour) producing low cost easy to setup Bitcoin/Dash nodes which people can use to bootstrap their adoption in to the more technical side of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

This is an educational project which is being run as a not for loss. It is not my intention to make profits from this, just be able to keep a modest existence which is well documented on my Twitter and Youtube channel.

I am not in to making plug 'n play devices where so called "dumb users" switch it on and forget it. This is for enthusiastic end users who have a flare for the technical stuff but are not actually hardcore coders but maybe have been looking for an excuse to get in to the more technical side of things. I see this as an opportunity to educate this strata while also distributing the technology and increasing the diversity of the networks. I do like the way Dash is handling incentive structures and so I will put some time in over christmas and in the new year in to building something. Maybe not a masternode but something smaller that can contribute to the network as a whole.

Following my appearance on the Keiser Report I am now stacked with work while also being ill but I will return at the latest in the new year with a progress update.

Thanks again for all the technical help. I haven't had time to read every comment but will do very soon. Good to see this place being so active.
Awesome, Chris, so you're already doing what I figured was a natural progression, Honest, I didn't know until I watched the Keiser Report, LOL Awesome indeed.
Hello again everyone.

Ok last night I completed the first batch of Bitcoin #Fullnodes, each of which underwent a good fsck'ing.



So this morning I will embark on experimenting with a Dash fullnode following these instructions here: https://dashtalk.org/threads/masternode-on-raspberry-pi-2-model-b.4083/

I will let you know how I get on. Also I met a Dash miner at the Chaos Communication Conference in Hamburg over Christmas. He runs Genesis mining and seemed like a good guy and said he was up for some hacking on this so I will get in touch with him too.
Hello again everyone.

Ok last night I completed the first batch of Bitcoin #Fullnodes, each of which underwent a good fsck'ing.



So this morning I will embark on experimenting with a Dash fullnode following these instructions here: https://dashtalk.org/threads/masternode-on-raspberry-pi-2-model-b.4083/

I will let you know how I get on. Also I met a Dash miner at the Chaos Communication Conference in Hamburg over Christmas. He runs Genesis mining and seemed like a good guy and said he was up for some hacking on this so I will get in touch with him too.

good to hear
CCC rules
(Hamburg in the house :grin:)

keep us posted

I want to know how ipfs is used with the bitcoin nodes because I wonder if dash would also benefit from using it

It doesn't work directly with Bitcoin, I put it there because I wanted the node to have more than just financial services. I see Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies in general as a revolution of publishing and the commons not just finance. That's because money is information too. You can use Bitcoind to publish a raw transaction with links to content made on IPFS in the OP_RETURN field. You can try it yourself in the browser here: https://coinb.in/#newTransaction

Click Advanced Options
Tick: Allow data to be sent within.... OP_RETURN

Or for more convenience you can use http://eternitywall.it/

Installing IPFS is really easy. Once you do it's a bit like using Git. You add some files to it and it generates a unique hash of that digital object. You can then share that hash with other IPFS users and they will download it from you. It's crypto end to end and doesn't rely on http or DNS.

For an example of IPFS Gateway for http see http://alexandria.media/

I did a live demo at CCC of the Fullnode working with IPFS
Dash + Zero Click + IPFS = marriage made in heaven... instant paid access to content, no double spends

Correct me if I am wrong but Zero Click was just a rough hack done at a hackathon. I emailed the guy behind it back when he first started and I don't think he ever finished it. If you know differently then please send me relevant material.
Correct me if I am wrong but Zero Click was just a rough hack done at a hackathon. I emailed the guy behind it back when he first started and I don't think he ever finished it. If you know differently then please send me relevant material.

Yes, maybe. I liked it's use of 402 headers and saw it was on github. I realise it needs some work but I think in the right hands it's a totally doable project with huge potential. ProTip would complete the picture; both push and pull payments
Yes, maybe. I liked it's use of 402 headers and saw it was on github. I realise it needs some work but I think in the right hands it's a totally doable project with huge potential. ProTip would complete the picture; both push and pull payments

I go on a bit of a rant here sorry:

Yeah I think even on the W3C forums it has been realised that the 402 code isn't essential to get a new payment protocol working. We can use it for sure but there are other methods and the problem is that companies like Coinbase and 21inc are now controlling a narrative in the "media" that presents us with a sort of "fait accompli", that this mysterious 402 code that was always earmarked for payment has finally, now thanks to them and their financial backers, become useful and will be unlocked.

But here's the rub. The way these financial backers or Venture Capital firms operate is they invest in 100 startups and because failure is the norm they expect lose a lot of money. To offset this they have to put pressure on each and every startup to make 5 times - 10 times the initial investment in order to recover their original investment across their whole port folio.

This presents moral hazards as startups resort to capturing personal identifiable information of their customers for monetisation. It also puts enormous pressure on the founders of these companies, especially when the uglier side of the business model (control and vendor lockin) emerge on forums like this one and on Reddit like this one when it was discovered that 21inc has vendor lock-in and charges $400 for a low cost consumer device.

For this to be a truly decentralised it requires giving up the need for control and to educate people on how to take back control of their hardware less the technology controls them. This is first and foremost an educational project meaning that we have to build these protocols for ourselves.

/rant :)

In other news I have my Dash node up and running on the Pi:
I think you're saying Coinbase et al are planning to hijack the 402 to require more user info, right?

1. At the end of day, it's the wallets in the browser that will authorise or reject transactions. I don't think this stops anyone using their own 402 variant requiring less info.

2. I'm sure the 402 header can announce which coins will be accepted (bitcoin, dash etc).

3. I don't really see much point in using a 402 for bitcoin transactions while they're still fighting over the best ways to do instant transactions.