Yah, I know, and that's why you're valuable. It's hard to say no to an idea like this, but you have the gift, camo, LOL. Ultimately, I think you're right. But that doesn't mean we can't do something else that would actually work, right?
I think he's a much better person to take the gas station Idea and run with it, than I. A little compute-puck might be just the sort of fire and forget integration that's needed to get DASH into that niche that BitCoin couldn't pull off.
"Oh, you want to accept DASH at your gas station? This thing is so stupid easy to use, already has POS software integration for all the major hardware and TX software. I'll just plug it into your network and, aw shit, job's already done, you're accepting DASH!"
We keep worrying about making things easier for the Payor.
We need to make it easier for the Payee. Has even one iota of effort been put into this on satoshi clones? Nope, because they know the 6 confirmations problem precludes any reason to even bother!
I think he's the guy for this job. It doesn't matter how easy it is for Payors to use DASH. You can "stop being a nerd" and "make it grandma friendly" all you want. If there's nowhere to spend it, who cares? this isn't just another abbreviation to trade on the exchange.. I've been over all this before... Take advantage of this, or DASH dies.
Don't just make DASH easier to spend. Failing to focus on making DASH easier to ACCEPT is a result of the overall cryptocurrency failure to be worth spending anywhere! IT's only good for trading on exchanges as a specutroll investment, so nobody ever bothered to think about the other half...
DASH isn't locked into that, but it seems all the people are.
This is the guy who could change that.
We don't need more magic for making DASH easier to spend. We need to make it equally easy on RETAILERS TO ACCEPT IT AS PAYMENT. This is why no real companys, like Wal Mart and Best Buy and Texaco and Citgo and McDonald's and Burger Kind, etc, accept BTC or DASH. BTC can't make it easy, it's design precludes being useful to retail and they won't change. this is the whole reason Evan started this whole damn project.
Redirect this energy. DASH has a valid and compelling reason to fund such a box as makes it plug-and-play to
accept payments. Plug it in, fill out the bank forms online BEFORE the box is even mailed to you. By the time it shows up, all the papers are in order, and you're accepting DASH. No out of pocket expense, no nerd problems. Even Grandma could set up a business and accept DASH... "Holy shit, Grandma just made ApplePay look retarded!"
Have you ever tried to get your company set up to accept credit cards? DASH can re-invent that headache... DO IT!
You've got to dangle the carrot. You'll never lower the bar so low that nothing at all needs to be learned. You'll gain adoption by making it worth learning. Why are libertarians drawn to cryptocurrency? They crave nothing more, they desire separation of money and sate above all else. If you want mass adoption, give the masses a reason to effing use it! Make it desirable. Money I can't spend anywhere ever is not appealing to me in the strictest consumer sense. Make it easy to spend the money by making it easy for vendors to accept it as payment. How hard is it to use neckbeardcoin? But if the carrot is desirable enough... We're here, aren't we? how many people with no Linux clue at all are now competently running a masternode? What the hell do we need more masternodes for? We have no use at all for more masternodes! We're wanking it because we're trying to "do something" in the pattern we're used to observing. Constant improvement of what we already have. Total failure to develop that which doesn't yet exist, and desperately needs to.
You're not going to make Grandma understand that XMR is worth learning how to use, nor will you educate her that it's a defective coin. But if Grandma knew for a fact that she'd become 25 years old again, and be married to a billionaire with a 10in dick, she might try a little harder... She may still fail because it's just beyond here. My point is, lowering the bar is only half of the equation. There are some things you just have to learn. Wiping your butt isn't hard. But you still have to do it even if it's gross because the benefits are worth it. DASH is currently failing to show it's benefits. Still. We're getting distracted with non-core functions that don't belong in a currency. Again. We're trying to improve upon things that are already way better than they need to be, way better than any other coin. We're failing to capitalize on the differences because we're so used to everything being the same.
Of course, there are myriad of integrated POS scenarios where no hardware is needed at the customer site at all. But, somewhere, there has to be a server doing something. You're not going to get an invite from Visa to share space on their swipe machines. The compute puck may not be the solution to everything, but the same software will be running somewhere.... Why not state with a completely self-contained system that doesn't depend on the competitors being nice. Do you really think MasterCard is just going to move over and make room?
But, NCR would jump at the chance become the processor, not just the facilitator... They're everywhere....
Make DASH easy to accept. It's already easy enough to use, and robust enough to handle the influx. No matter how awesome you make that new car you're designing, eventually somebody has to sit their ass in the seat and actually fuckin' drive it! If there are no roads...
DASH has become something that no other crypto ever thought about. It now has to DO SOMETHING that no other crypto ever thought about. Masturbating on my XU4 is not it.
There needs to be a budget proposal to establish cash-out to fiat the way businesses want. Nobody is going to do it for us. This is what we need instead of a foundation. I even volunteered, but it's clear I'm not the guy and I said as much in my own thread on this topic. This may or may not need a "payment puck," but some applications could use it, it's self contained, and it's as good a place as any to start doing something new, instead of continuing to polish the same old turd. DASH is not the same old turd, but we keep treating it like it is...
We need outreach developers. Inside sales. People and materials that can lubricate a ridiculously painful process. As much work as the awesome DASH devs do, polishing it to a perfect shine won't do any good if nobody develops a way to make DASH payments easy to accept. We can't outsource this because there's never been anyone in crypto who even thought about it, because until DASH, there was no such thing as crypto that was able. It's going to have to be somebody already on the project. Take away from developers' time on Evolution? Yes. That's what I said. It won't matter if there's still nowhere to spend it.
Look at the uproar BTC got every time someone, somewhere started accepting BTC. DASH could be doing that every 20 minutes... If we made it easy for the Payor, instead of obsessing over borderline retarded Payees.
How about unattended systems? Like vending machines? Holy shit, that's genius! How did I decide that? I figured the best way to see what a business needs, is to create a fake business and try to find the problems. My own business doesn't make sense. How about the venereated lemonade stand? Fist order of business, get rid of the labor force, it's fuckin' lemonade man! What's a lemonade stand with no employees and pre-packaged goods? A vending machine. Totally ridiculous starting point, but it got us going, right?
I can buy a vending machine and stick a raspberry pi in it. Instead of a giant Coke logo, it's a giant DASH logo... Maybe it'll never sell a single beverage. But it'll prove this works. How much different is a gas pump from a vending machine? Or Redbox? Not very...
http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2053587.m570.l1313.TR3.TRC2.A0.H0.Xbeverage vending machine.TRS0&_nkw=beverage vending machine&_sacat=0
Look at that huge, flat surface with no purpose but brand recognition... It's the type of transaction where you pre-pay, and expect instant receipt. It's also demands absolute security of the transaction. IX loves this idea. Something no satoshi clone can do. It also emphasizes microtransactions. Holy shit I love my brain.
We could make a promo out of it. Beverages are cheap. We could sell beverages at cost and subsidize and maintenance and electric bill out of a budget proposal. Giant monolithic dash logos pumping out Pepsi and Coke...