Budget Proposal: The Instantx Soda Machine!

Just bring a cooler and fill the machine with ice-cold cans! Plus there is probably some room inside for a few "Blue-ice" blocks. I agree with Camo... Keep the target in view and don't sweat the rest. The observers(vendors) we care about will "get it". The person complaining about warm soda is clueless and already missed the point!
I suggested we just get some dry ice. The fog effect would also add to the mood. Maybe say that we a using liquid nitrogen to get the speed of instantx faster than than a blink.

If need to run pop back and forth to a cooler with ice, no biggie. We can be sneaky...
Maybe we should place this Lamassu machine's image on the side of DASH'n'Drink machine to make explanations about InstantX ecosystem easier...

Or maybe this image?

This is incredibly intriguing.... you're telling me I could basically start a business making Dash soda or pinball machines if I so wanted?


Right now.

With minor changes and an integration effort; a gas pump or a replacement for a card swiper at a cash register.

It exists. It needs polishing, but it exists.
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When this thing is up and running, could someone please make a halfway professional video of someone using it? Especially the part where the mobile is used to pay?

I once had a business gig in Atlanta for that other Coke company, maybe I can resurrect some old connections...
I second this, and maybe do it before the conference so that people can watch it, then do it :) Then of course, film everyone getting a soda, put them together for a great fun video advertisement!

Oh, and maybe we can pitch in for a new refrigeration system, to help out? Unless there is a time constraint on that one? Otherwise, I like the dry ice idea, don't forget to add water, LOL.
The problem with it is that it's so fast and seamless, there's no real evidence that anything happened at all. I just wave my phone at it, and a beverage falls out... There's no proof that DASH was even used, it could just been some guy hiding behind it pushing a button on cue... It's the sort of thing that works so well and so appropriately and unobtrusively that you really won't believe it unless you do it yourself. It's shockingly simple to the point that you're not even sure it really happened...

I've got a few videos of the machine as I'm taking bits apart. I want people to see that, thanks to moocowmoo, the hardest part is turning a screwdriver, and even that is dumbass simple. I want people to see how easy it is to set up their own and then go do it! If you've ever posted a message in support of DASH, or bought DASH on an exchange, then you really have no excuse not to take the next step. If you have even the smallest interest in DASH, it'll take more energy to restrain yourself than it will to make your own DASH interactive can-dispensing billboard. These old things are everywhere and they're bulltproof. Zero maintenance has been performed on this one's dispensing mechanism in it's entire lifetime. I can find some wiring splices where lights and ballasts have been replaced and they rigged stuff up a bit... But it's not complicated. Any functional non-socialist adult can handle this and has already done similar work as a course of responsible home or vehicle maintenance. It's easier than reading this message... If you don't even own a ratchet set or a screwdriver, well, you might just want to sit this one out and let the grown-ups handle it for you. Just keep mooching, like usual...

These older machines use 110v mechanical logic. It can zap the shit out of you, and you'll notice in the videos that I don't open it unless it's unplugged and caps have had a chance to drain, if there are any. The indicator lights are all high voltage neon. It's quite nostalgic. But, it's simple. It'll be a job in itself to sort out the communication busses in more modern machines. We wanted to skip that step and keep this sledge-hammer simple. Not just for the deadline, but for the aspiring DASH fanboy who wants to set up his own.
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Can you add a little ding or something? That's so funny! LOL

Curious if the machine can still work with coins or dollars, or if you had to remove that functionality to plug in the rpi2?
Can you add a little ding or something? That's so funny! LOL

Curious if the machine can still work with coins or dollars, or if you had to remove that functionality to plug in the rpi2?
Due to space limitations, I had to yank the coin stuff. There's nowhere to put the screen except the hole where the coin interface used to be. Bigger vending machines might not have to. On the pure technicals, they could be made to work together. I got a handful of Jones Plugs that piggyback. They're on eBay for about $20 each.

Jones Plugs are the first effort to standardize the vending apparatus interface. I'm trying to build around that even though there are other shortcuts that could be made, so any aspiring DASH fanboys can just plug it in using the existing interface and job's done! Vending machine converted to accept DASH in about 4 seconds. Almost as fast as IX!
That's just so cool. You know, the more I think about what you guys are doing, the more I realize it's brilliant! I hope it all goes well. I can just imagine everyone coming to our booth and getting some Dash, then getting a soda! Simple but profound!

P.S. If you all use dry ice, make sure to store it above everything so the cold air can trickle down :)

(god, I'm such a micro-manager! Ugh, sorry)
The root cause here is too much focus on polishing things that are already shiny because nobody in crypto has every tread upon this ground before. BitClones know they aren't fit for it and don't even try. We're just sitting here doing what they do, which is fail. We can talk big about how different DASH is, but we all still just sit around talking about being grandma friendly.

BitClones are Vendor hostile. They expect a vendor to risk confirmationless transactions. As soon as word gets out that a vendor is doing that with a BitClone, the people with brains will show up to smack that idea into the dirt and prove how bad it is by double-spending the crap out of it.

This is why BitClones don't even try.

This isn't about a Crypto Vending Machine. Those already exist. They're nerd toys with no practical application. Ask anyone who has one.

This isn't about an arduino/pi in a vending machine. Those already exist. Again, nerd toys with no use.

This isn't even about Instant Transactions. BitClones actually do have this. Every TX hits the memory pool instantly.

We're obviously not contesting the security of the blockchain. We're simply aware of, and doing something about, the fact that making the blockchain's ledger security run double-duty as TX security, is stupid and slow. It works. Yes. But, it doesn't work properly. It doesn't work appropriately. Transactions need to be secured by an independent system. They shouldn't be in limbo waiting for lockdown. They should be instantly locked down. DASH does this. BitClones do not. Basically, it's locked memory pool which just waits to be included in the ledger for the simple task of not having an unmanageable memory pool... The ledger does what the ledger does, the transactions do what the transactions do. Without trying to offload tasks from one to the other inappropriately, like BitClones do.

This is about Instantly SECURED Transactions. The fact that it's in a vending machine is only marginally interesting.

Check on your local Craig's List or eBay for an ancient single-price vending machine like the Dixie Narco 168 I've got sitting in my shop right now waiting to be spruced up and the nerd guts jammed in it. We have the distinct position of not actually being in the vending machine business. We could put one of these in a number of high retail traffic areas with no conflict of interest that might normally exist with a vending machine. We can sell the site's own store brand products. We don't care. We're just trying to be a bigass billboard for DASH that people can actually interact with and buy stuff. Even if it's just a silly old vending machine. It's better than any BitClone can do.

The guy I bought this machine from said it as succinctly as only a redneck with no clue what crypto is can: "If I can't actually use it anywhere, it's useless to me."

We've gotta stop polishing the user experience. It's shiny enough already. We need to polish the vendor experience. It's a symptom of the crypto community's self-absorbed socialist attitude. Nobody even thinks about the vendor side because it's all about me me me, money hose money hose money hose, baghold baghold baghold, hype hype hype, etc...

What exactly is the user experience for a coin that has nowhere it can be spent? Oh, look, my shiny mobile client... With which I cannot do one damn thing... Yeah, that's pretty damned grandma friendly... It sits around collecting dust just like she does!

Actually being able to use DASH, where no other BitClone can be used, is the unwalked path we must create. We must not simply mimic the failures of others, because, duh, they're failures. I'm not trying to rub it in or anything, but my shit is all paid for, for a reason; I quit doing what other people do. I don't pay rent. I don't pay mortgages. I don't keep up with the Jones'. Most people hate me and think I'm a weirdo for the simple fact that I'm not in the rat race anymore. I give precisely zero fucks because I win. This is what DASH must do. Lots of people are not going to like us because we're knocking their long-held bag in the dirt. Not to mention the emotional investment... To bad, so sad. Go head and Gox yourself again... The writing is on the wall. If you can't read it, you're dumb. The Free Market is not going to hold your hand and make it all better when you fuck up. You've either got the stones for reality, or you need to go back home to mommy.

The platform is not merely for this conference. It's not even the main event. It's just a closed development platform that we don't have to sweat pissing off an existing retail establishment by using them as a guinea pig. It doubles as an "in." They can be placed in any number of high traffic areas where vending machines might not usually go due to lack or profitability, or conflict of interest. Our only interest is getting seen. Not just by consumers, but by the vendors. They can see it working like magic. People giggling like little girls as they shapeshift their BitClones into something that is actually useful! "When are you guys going to accept DASH for all the stuff in your store, not just this machine?" The customers will be asking for it, not just us trying to promote a thing they've never heard of.

When we've got it all ironed out, er, moocowmoo has it all ironed out, we'll help anyone who wants to set up an "interactive billboard" in their own town. It's really not a vending machine. It's an interactive billboard. I really liked the old as dirt Dixie Narco DNCB 168 becasue it's small enough I can manhandle it myself if I have to. It's got a stupid simple interface and operation mechanism. It's got a monolithic presence... And it's not so enormous and heavy that you need a fork lift, like most vending machines. If you want to do more than just sit on your ass, you can do this just the same as we are. Do your part to get DASH out there. Now, if you want to set it up as a business, we can't give you free help for that. This is about DASH, not subsidizing your vending biz...

I can't say it enough, moocowmoo has been god-like. I've got experience with microcontroller programming, but the huge world of a true computing environment, and learning a language in it, has been more than I could do. I knew I wasn't the guy for this job, but somebody had to do it, so I just starting beating my head against it. You'd laugh your ass off if you saw my rigged up version of an event-driven IX detector. It worked, sorta. Kinda. But, uh... Solarminer and I were making a hilarious "failing upwards" attempt at it. I'm so glad moocowmoo stepped in, or this might not have been possible on this deadline. I don't know if it'll dispense cold beverages, but it will dispense beverages. I was trying to keep the cost low, and this thing has a blown-out r12 refrigeration system. It doesn't even have fill ports... But the core function is damn near a done deal already. There's a mockup of the machine sitting on my desk that clicks relays when tDASH are sent. It makes change, detects IX and non-IX, bounces insufficient sends and non-IX sends... It's pretty sexy already. All I have to do is stick it in there, and there's a bit of debugging and sneaky fucker catchers to do. Oh, and drag it 400 miles to Miami, and then back again... :p Most vending machines, like people, live out their lives within 50 miles of their original installation. They're a bitch to move around...

ATMs are just a band-aid for the problem of retail un-usability. Nevermind the huge amount of AML/KYC guvscam BS that comes with it. DASH can skip that whole mess, so we better damn well actually do it. Digital Cash? Right? So, uh, lets actually BE DIGITAL CASH ALREADY!

Gas Station POS systems are a house of cards, at best. We need this project as a Phase 1 before we can approach Gas Stations.
Time for Dash to be Digital Cash (A commentary by Camosoul)

We don't need no stinkin' blocks!


It would be a cool promo animation to see the letter "b" get chopped off of the word "blocks" and turn into "locks." Or maybe the whole word "blocks" is running along, but the letter "b" is too fat and slow and falls behind... Where's GeorgeM?
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where are we with IX integration on the phones ??
i know it is not on, and i never heard the Devs of each devise are working on it
are they ?
This proposal will not be paid with next budget payment round (06-01-2016), since it exeeds the total available budget.

I updated the proposal page to cover this issue: https://www.dashwhale.org/budget

From my understanding, it will be paid with the budget in one month (05-02-2016), as long as there are no other proposals making it earlier into the budget. Maybe moocowmoo can comment on this.
This proposal will not be paid with next budget payment round (06-01-2016), since it exeeds the total available budget.

I updated the proposal page to cover this issue: https://www.dashwhale.org/budget

From my understanding, it will be paid with the budget in one month (05-02-2016), as long as there are no other proposals making it earlier into the budget. Maybe moocowmoo can comment on this.

Why don't just replace the proposal with one for the available amount 590 DASH, it seems like the difference is not much and it can be funded separately or on the next budget is just a 60 DASH difference. Otherwise the 590 DASH that are available would not be created anyway when we do have this project. I think that is a very simple solution.
Unfortanately the "591-soda-machine" was a little bit too big for the next super block and will not be paid. Due to this I've went ahead and submitted a new proposal called "590-soda-machine", which will definitely fit in the next budget. For future reference, here's how I figured out out the spacing.

The command "mnbudget projection" will give you the exact budget that will be paid if the budget was finalized right now. From this command, from this command you can look at the last "TotalBudgetAlloted", which represents the total amount that will be allocated and paid in the next super block. Currently this amount is 7432.26000000. I've also added a new command in the v13-evo branch on our main github, "mnbudget nextbudgetsize", this will calculate the next budget superblock size.

mnbudget nextbudgetsize == 802285689600
mnbudget totalbudgetalloted == 7432.26000000

802285689600-7432.26000000 = 59059689600 (590.59 DASH)

So now we have an excess of .59 DASH, I think we're good

Ps: this is exactly how the budget system was intended to be used and work! It's really exciting to see us filling up the budgets to their exact allowed amount and prioritizing what we're doing. I'll also try to improve the commands for getting this type of information from the budget system, it's a real pain at the moment, but I see what needs to be done.

Please vote!

mnbudget vote cf26e6b9bca96048c8fc9ff48f3dbbc3eeb80c19ebc895c2bc13b6f4525170f9 yes
Camosoul has the soda machine, but we both have several PIs. This is my unit ready with a fresh install of jessie lite awaiting some moocowmoo magic. Trying to do a start to finish so we can repeat the process.