Budget Proposal - Proof of Labour

Do you find relevant thos proposal?

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In case anyone needs spelled out to them what the potential impact of something like this on the valuation of the capitalising asset (in this case Dash), it's this:

The valuation of Dash will accrue in direct proportion to the size of the flowscript economy. The reason for that is that Dash is base money - limited supply - and the number of flowscripts are not. So if the number of flowscripts in effect doubles, the marginal value of Dash will double since that's the only way to match the liquidity requirements. If the number of flowscripts in effect triples, the marginal valuation of Dash will triple.

If one doesn't vote for this - at least in its research phase - one might as well commit financial Hari Kari IMO because most of the money in the world is credit money levered of a (notionally) fixed capital base and no matter what happens to the financial system that reality is never gong to change. I'm pretty sure that was the case during the gold standard as well, it's just that the credit supply was more constrained. This type of thing is exactly what fixed supply capital bases should be used for - not for buying vacum cleaners on Amazon.
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Yeah - I thought that as well. It's like the insurance model in some aspects. The difference here is that you don't need a bank to provide the liquidity. The liquidity gets created from the value of the exchange involved. I don't think people quite realise the significance of that part.

Many libertarians (including me) balk at the idea of "money created from nothing" or fractional reserve banking or debt. But in fact you can't run a society on a fixed monetary base - you do need some kind of credit creation cycle otherwise new infrastructure projects could never be started.

The problem with the current fiat system is not that it has a credit creation cycle, it's that:

[1] - that facility (of creating liquidity) is in the hands of a few private entities

[2] - the economic value behind the new liquidity has to be underwritten by the borrowers instead of the lenders and they end up paying interest on it when in fact (IMO) the interest should accrue to them since, although they didn't provide the liquidity, they do have to underwrite its value through their labour

What the flow script model does is put the liquidity generation back in the hands of stakeholders of the economy - in this case the providers of goods and services and the consumers of same.

More tok, please if you can, please help explain this. Maybe you can help me understand, then I can find a way of expressing it (and you all can tell me if I got it right). Here are my questions:

The proposal wants to make it so that people can create limitless funds. But monetary value can only come from something that has a set value. So there must be intrinsic value to this money. Where does that come from? How are the units to be determined. I can't see this working with all kinds of different units, because that would make the "money" generated limited to being spent only where it is accepted (in each small community) So I always assumed this would be backed by Dash, but they don't suggest this, and of course the Dash community doesn't want to risk it either. Yet, I feel that this flow scryp needs a base value. Units that are understood and that are transferable to anyone else on the system anywhere in the world. Is my mind too small? Should this be defined as "1 flow scrip to Jo's auto repair is to keep my car running 1 week" and "1 flow scryp to Paul's Bakery is for 1 loaf of bread per day" and each "flow scryp" would be different? if so, there would be no value going from purchaser of service to the creator/worker, the way I see it.

I understand the concept, but not the mechanisms. Perhaps the mechanisms aren't worked out in any way yet, and they only have the concept. But the way I see it, this could work, if it were pegged to something, like the dollar. And through exchange rates between flow scrypt buying and selling in the market place, the demand for flow scryp would be monitored, and availability would be limited based on demand, so that it would retain a value of, say 1 USD.

What am I missing please? I get the concept of what they're trying to do. That this would all be done as contracts, but what is being paid back in the contract? The community, they pay back flow sryp that they create as well? Or do they have to purchase flow scryp to pay back? If the latter, there has to be a value for each unit.

I know myself, and I can see I'm at a block wall where I need to understand my way past it and I hope someone can help me :) Thanks :)
Here are my questions: The proposal wants to make it so that people can create limitless funds. But monetary value can only come from something that has a set value. So there must be intrinsic value to this money.

Isn't it about 4 in the morning where you are ? Should you not be asleep ?

Ok, I think you probably do understand most of it - it's just that we maybe draw slightly different significances form the implications. Lets go right back to basics:

We are 2 people who live in the country in a brand new economy. No money exists yet. We need to work together to build our economy, so I am going to build us a house each and you are going to work the land to feed us both while all this gets done. Only thing is we need a way to measure each other's work cos we don't quite trust each other and we don't have anything to exchange while the work's going on in order to "keep a tally" of each of our progress towards their respective goals. You might be more lazy that me but still get the work done. So we agree on a medium of exchange that abstracts out the respective goods and services (grain in your case, bricks in mine) and we invent a notional unit called the "stooshie" and value 2 houses = 2000 stooshies and 1 year's worth of food supply also = 2000 stooshies.

We both credit each other with 2000 of these stooshies. At the same time, we debit a third, money supply account, with -4000 stooshies to represent the fact that no goods of services have been supplied yet. (i.e. no economic activity has taken place, so although we both have 'money', the overall money supply balance is zero).

Since you are the only other guy in the economy, I'm going to give you a chance and credit with you with 1 unit of "REPUTATION". What that means is that I'm going to give you 1 weeks credit line to grow my food before you have to supply me it, so I'm going to give you 50 stooshies in advance. If at the end of the week my food doesn't appear, I'm going to dock you some REPUTATION points and only give you 3 days credit so you'll be under more pressure the following week.

You do the same in return (cos we have two flow scripts running - one for the working the land and one for building the houses). You'll start off by paying me 50 stooshies to lay 120 bricks. I don't get another 50 stooshies from you until I've layed those 120 bricks and similarly you can adjust my REPUTATION level to compensate for my productivity and inimise your risk of me not delivering on the weekly advance.

************ Important Point ************

This is the bit that I'm not sure about - maybe Julio & Oscar can clarify, but it's they key that makes the whole thing work. My understanding is that:

When I pay you the 50 stooshies for 1 weeks food, I think what happens is that -50 (minus 50) from the money supply account gets destroyed because by paying you 50, I've endorsed to the economy that work has been done. So by you creating a week's worth of grain and me endorsing that work (by paying you) we were mutually able to bring into existence a net 50 stooshies. The reduction in the negative balance of the money supply account therefore represents the amount of work done in the economy.

The -4000 balance remains in the money supply account and when the contract closes (we both have our houses and we’ve both been fed for a year) there’s some agregate reconciliation with the money supply balance that cancels it our (coin destruction algorithm). Anyway, it doens’t matter as the principle is the same but it would be good to clarify what happens in that case.

Hopefully it’s clear thoughm that the reason the labour needs to be monetised is because halfway through the year we might have done disparate amounts of work and want to trade our relative credit status. Lets look at an example (I’ll assume the first of the two cases above just for continuity):

******** 6-month stock take ********

Tante managed to supply 25 weeks worth of food for us both but tok always to Fridays off to enjoy some of that fermented grain so only managed to lay 2160 bricks (18 weeks worth). Our flowmoney economy would look like this:


Opening Balance: +2000
Paid to tok for 2160 bricks laid: -900
Received form tok for 25 wks food supply: +1250
Closing balance: 2350 STOOSH


Opening Balance: +2000
Paid to tante for 18 wks food supply: -1250
Received form tante for 2160 bricks laid: +900
Closing balance: +1650 STOOSH

AGGREGATE MONEY SUPPLY ACCOUNT (Possibly 2 separate accounts, 1 house building, 1 land working)

Opening Balance: -4000
Trade value tok —-> tante: +900
Trade value tante —-> tok: +1250
Closing balance: -1850 STOOSH

So just by looking at the aggregate money supply account, and regardless of how lazy each of us are or how much partying I do, we can immediately see that 2150 STOOSH worth of work has been done in our the flowscript economy. Further, the flowscript economy has alsi adequately measured our relative contributions to mutual progress and rewarded each of us accordingly.

Since I was a bit lazy, I we don’t know if we can continue because you might not trust me for the second half of the year. We can check that by looking at my REPUTATION flag because that’s something that you have control over.

******** 12-month stock take ********

At the end of 12 months if we both did all the work the situation would be this:

TOK = +2000 STOOSH

HOWEVER !!! Although we both have 2000 STOOSH in our accounts something is wrong because we’ve also got both got houses so some double accounting has happened somewhere. I think that’s because what’s missing is that the 4000 STOOSH that originally got dumped in our economy is “backed” on a full reserve basis by 4000 STOOSH that came from the original source of the STOOSH.

In our notional economy we may have used some shells from the local beach so now we can take the shells back and return the beach to its original state since the flow money served its purpose and we now have our houses.


************ Conclusion *************

I hope this example shows that you can’t do anything without flow money - at least not anything new that didn’t exist before. With stock money you can only do exchanges - i.e. pay for something that already existed with something else that already existed.

What Dash would do is provide the basis for flowmoney economies like this. Dash would not itself be created out of thin air or destroyed, but it would form the capital base for such mini-economies.

IMO, it’s a bit like bank lending but with some absolutely profound, humungous, ground breaking differences:

[1] - the liquidity creation process is in the hands of the people who need it, not the people who don’t (tok and tante in the example above)

[2] - it’s a full reserve system, not fractional because you need the Dash to form a full reserve capital base for any new flow money (thats why it has a potentially huge favourable impact on the value of Dash itself) - I think :) Maybe the guys can clarify. I don't really care if it's full or fractional w.r.t. Dash because the flow money is backed by the labour transaction anyway. There are some questions about the denomination of the flow money though that I'm not sure about

[3] - the decentralised, automated monetary rules of the system ensure that only as much new money ever gets creates as economic activity. No more no less so it’s not printing money out of “thin air”

Thats just my take so far - hopefully it’s a starting point in mutual understanding between us and Julio & Oscar, but the potential I can see is massive because it taps into a route for adoption that fiat does not currently exploit. (Cannot exploit)
Who can sleep with all this going on? LOL
I do see the purpose of all this, and the necessity, just not the actual mechanics yet, which I need to get over.

OK, so you're saying this is a reserve system, that is, a flow scryp can be exchanged for Dash at any time? How would this be enforced? Would Dash owners have to be willing to put up their coins for use (in exchange for interest, I'd assume?)
What Dash would do is provide the basis for flowmoney economies like this. Dash would not itself be created out of thin air or destroyed, but it would form the capital base for such mini-economies.
I just want to understand ways in which this could be done? We could peg the available flow scryp to be worth 1 USD, then, using Dash as a "backer" we can say currently, there are 24 million flow scryp available (the Dash market cap) and the availability would fluctuate according to the price of Dash. I know NuBits has successfully created a system like this, but i don't know what the Bitshare holders have to give up to be the backing for the NuBits, but I assume they give up something. Would Dash owners be willing to give up something for this?

I'm missing something... I mean, if the credit the Baker receives because the customer is willing to buy 10 loaves of bread this month really doing him any good if he can't spend it to buy flour sugar and yeast to bake those breads? I mean, the customer really hasn't given anything of value up, only made a promise that they can renege on. It simply can't be done with "no value credits".

Oh I think my head hurts too much here, LOL I'm getting muddled and am going to have a long day tomorrow, so I'll just put the computer away. If you feel like helping more, I'll look forward to reading what you wrote, but probably won't be able to until tomorrow :) Thanks so much :D
I just want to understand ways in which this could be done? We could peg the available flow scryp to be worth 1 USD, then, using Dash as a "backer" we can say currently, there are 24 million flow scryp available (the Dash market cap) and the availability would fluctuate according to the price of Dash.

I think the reason you're unclear (and me) is that the doc is a bit sparse in this area. The relevant paragraph is Section 5, 'Business Wallet' chapter, Paragraph 5:

2°.- At the ending of every trading period: Pick all UTXOs corresponding to both the charge and credit accounts, and use them as inputs for a coinbase transaction, in order to destroy all the involved coins.

My understanding is:

[1] - The way it's presented in the document (which may not be the way it ultimately ends up) is that new money is created in one address against a negative balance in another.
[2] - It is denominated in Dash (so for the purposes of exploring the principle only, we'll just consider Dash as a denomination)
[3] - Both the positive and negative balances are sent to one wallet (the business wallet of the enterprise that wants to make a supply, like the house builder)
[4] - The business wallet can spend the positive balance upon certain conditions
[5] - The business wallet has to make supplies to maintain it's reputation level and therefore credit line

Here's what I don't understand yet:

[1] - What gets destroyed ? The balance of what's not been spent ? (i.e. if the business wallet opened with balances of +10 and -10, spends +7 then there is +3 and -7 left so according to that quote above, only 3 coins can get dstroyed leaving a residual of -7 in the business wallet and +7 somewhere 'out in the economy" where it was spent)

[2] - at the end of the cycle, is there any net residual new money or do all plusses destroy all minuses at the end of the flow cycle

Clearly, you can see why they suggest a sidechain (and I suggested an API layer) to manage all of this because you probably wouldn't want all this going on in the main chain itself. nevertheless, the principle is very powerful because it's how society works and so is a natural extension of "getting rid of banks" from the equation. (At least "banks" in the sense that they exist today)
OK... I'm trying to understand it, as it seems I was far away from the idea with my previous understanding of it...

I understood the flow scrip proposal works similarly to how insurance contracts works (as Tante has already pointed). But this "flow scrip contract" would be created in a parallel "asset market", pegged in the issuer's labour, and convertible to DASH. (Is it?)

A practical example I could foresee:

Let's say, my DASHpag.com service.

I offer merchants consulting services in order to give them support in the adoption of cryptocurrencies in their businesses. And whenever they need assistance, they could pay for my specific services for bringing them a solution.

Now, let's say that I create a flow scrip contract of full support for 1 year (12 months payments) for 100 customers. So I issue 12 x 100 "DASHpag credits" = 1,200 DASHpags, each with a price of 2.7 DASH (1,200 DASHpags backed by 1 year of my unlimited support towards 100 customers, which totals the price of 3,240 DASH)...

The costumers (who trust me) would acquire these assets:
  • by paying directly in DASH on the (to be created) flow scrip market, or
  • by paying with their own flow scrip contract existing in that market.
In this situation:
  • I have received "credit" from the network (customers) with the price of 3,240 DASH that I could freely use to pay for equipment, suppliers, etc.
  • I have a "debit" to the network (customers) with the value of one year of full support services.
Monthly, 100 of the issued DASHpag tokens would be automatically "burned" away from the "assets market" customer's wallet, as long as I provide my services in accordance to the "flow scrip contract", thus, delivering value to the network, paying my debits.

It does not matter if the customer "uses" my service any given month, because every month the respective token will be burned. But the customer may demand my services daily, because the customer's every needs will always be covered during the contract's term.

So, it will be my best interest to prevent the customer from having "troubles", (instead of "creating potential troubles" for the customers... if I was a dishonest service provider, stimulating more payments from more unnecessary demands).

Is it what is being proposed as an idea here? An "Assets Market" based on the DASH network (more or less like NXT, or NEM already has)?

Thank you.

edit: and there is also another detail, in the case of the baker who has been stolen of some of the loaves he should deliver. In such cases of fortuitous event or force majeure, as I understood, the network would absorb the business risks, and the service provider (flow scrip issuer) would be remunerated (his respective debit be burned) and the "network" (customers who does not receive the "contract payment") would have the possibility of trying to be refunded from the "stealer", if possible....

... Bringing to my above example, if, due to some case of a fortuitous event or of force majeure, my service is not possible to deliver the works that pay the debits from the flow scrip contract (for example, a eventual government "prohibition" of cryptocurrencies related services), as long as I demonstrate the impossibility of the execution of the works, I will be relieved from my respective debits. Is it?
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Lots of interesting things in that interview, cheers :) Not going to write a big, long post on it but imho it's much more complicated than it needs to be and the system can be honed down much further to just a few basic functions.

I've not finished listening through it yet but something just came up that I'd be very interested in hearing more about and that's the article on the ideal number of connections in a reputation system, as far as I can hear it was by a mathematician with a name something like Alglisco. I don't think that's really relevant for a reputation system based on satisfied contracts, a major producer could have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers and they (and their connections) are all relevant but it could offer some insight for rapid routing and decision making. Fwiw, huge groups (murmurations) of starlings flying in harmony use about 6 or 7 connections between each bird in the group and similar numbers come up a lot in nature varying mostly by the amount of information being shared.
Stan, instinctively, I think you're right.This can become a very complex system, but needs a simple, solid base in which it builds out from. Damn I wish I could figure it out. I've been sitting here with pen and paper all morning, LOL. But I keep hitting walls, probably because I don't understand finances well enough. At the root of the problem, for me, is how to approve a line of credit. I understand a community can basically vote in the credit, but how do you keep people from colluding and gaming the system?
One day I should learn to stay quiet Stef but it aint happening today :/

Firstly, it's not been built it from the ground up, its based on the way things are today with the aim of improving on them and in doing so it has introduced a fatal flaw, a base unit. Consider markets, in an entirely free and open market you don't have a base unit, you're free to use the dollar, euro, yen, gold, silver, cowrie shells if you want. What you chose to accept is up to you, not the market and we only think in terms of a single base unit because it's imposed on us by state currencies.

That might seem like a minor point but it's very significant because it introduces an artificial form of value into the system and that's extremely dangerous, that value is supposed to act as an anchor, a solid point of reference but what it does is put a huge, gaping hole in the system. The desert island analogy used is a great one to work from, you put an artificial form of value into the system and allow it to be accumulated and pretty quickly you have more stored value than the entire total of real value on the island, start with 100 ounces of gold and 99 of those ounces end up in storage with only 1 remaining in the entire islands working economy. In a free economy the island stops using gold long before it reaches that point but when gold is the base unit for the system...

From a purely economic point of view there are 2 interconnected systems that should be separate, the value and the means of transferring that value, the goods, services, etc represented by contracts and the market for those contracts. Imho those 2 things should be entirely separate, the market accepts what you have to sell and links it with what you want to buy with no influence whatsoever on the value, it just accepts relevant information and creates the route (and Dash is the very best in the business at doing that in a decentralised manner ;) ).

What decides that route is up to the user, if they're unwilling to accept fiat currencies, contracts relevant to the arms and energy industries, crypto backed by memes or anything else then the system has to find a route around those things. The same applies to trust, if there are users and groups someone doesn't want to deal with then the system works around them but that's another system entirely and not part of the market, ideally its the system the market is part of.

EDIT: The flow script idea is very relevant to that though, the identities, contracts and the means of routing them are the key to the whole thing but translating them from goods/services into a unit and then back from a unit into goods/services is unnecessary, they can be translated into any acceptable intermediary form of value without introducing one into the core of the system.
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I think you're right Stan, My mind is in a box and I'm struggling with the scotch taped lid! But I still don't see how you can do this without establishing a numeric value to the flowscryp if it's to be transferred from one type of work to another. Otherwise, it's a barter system and kind of inflexible. I can't help but think on how this is to be programmed. When I see that, not in a programming language, but in design, then I think it will be easier for me to see how it can be used. Right now, I'm on overload I'm afraid. So I'll have to re-read your comment again later.

Also, I do hope you never learn to stay quiet because that will simply mean you gave up on me :( I have no idea how my words sound, maybe I sound confrontational, which isn't my intention, I'm just confused :p) And I re-word things, to see if I'm getting it right, or not.

I do not understand the way the finance sector works. I was hoping my mother would help me here, but she didn't like crypto so I'm on my own :..( Anyway, got to drive 550+ miles today, and I'm gonna have to go now. I'll be way too dead tonight, I think, to continue, but I've got the interview on my ipod and hope to listen to it some today :)
It sounds inflexible when we're used to pairing everything with the dollar but really it's just the same as the economologists idea of linking to a basket of currencies for stability, you're creating a web of pairings rather than a central hub so when you try to move one it moves all the others around it, and so the ones around those, etc. Except with the economologists way of thinking you've got lots of currencies with Keynesian economics trying to dictate their value on one side of the equation and the market trying to decide their value on the other... kaboom! :/

It's not necessarily a means of allowing the market to decide value either, you can create a contract to sell a coat for 10 Dash, receive a contract requiring 0.01 bitcoin to pay a toll and allow passage, offer a ton of coal in an underground seam as a store of value at whatever the market deems a fair rate in contracts for silver in a trusted vault with storage fees reducing their value over time... and so on and so on, the contracts specify the routing requirements and the network does the routing. Not simple to design that kind of complexity from zero but it can evolve from a relatively simple system, something like selling simple goods and services for Dash then allowing more direct routes with Dash maintaining the balance, contracts for other cryptos, contracts for fiat, etc. etc.

EDIT: Including contracts for future goods and services, leases, whatever. Its up to the user to decide if they want to accept them as value, the market might say they do but markets have some funny ideas sometimes :/ Good luck with the drive. 550 miles... ouch.

EDIT2: Just been watching the Anarchapulco vid (great job :) ) and the same thought was expressed, a barter system is too complicated so you need a base unit of exchange, a default money. The same thing would have been said about the Dash network in the past, you can't manage massive amounts of transactions in a decentralised manner, you can only do it with a centralised system.

Consider that group of starlings again, thousands of birds working as a single unit and they do it in a very similar manner to the masternode quorums, each bird is only aware of 6 or 7 birds around it and that allows simple messages to pass through a group of almost unlimited size extremely quickly and efficiently. Now, instead of movements as the messages you pass metadata, "coat", "Dash", "USD" , "beer" and positive/negative values for each, you can very quickly pool them and their pair and from there create paths between them. Frankly I don't know enough about networking to go beyond that but Dash has some some finely tuned minds with an intimate understanding of that kind of networking.
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It sounds inflexible when we're used to pairing everything with the dollar but really it's just the same as the economologists idea of linking to a basket of currencies for stability, you're creating a web of pairings rather than a central hub so when you try to move one it moves all the others around it, and so the ones around those, etc. Except with the economologists way of thinking you've got lots of currencies with Keynesian economics trying to dictate their value on one side of the equation and the market trying to decide their value on the other... kaboom! :/

It's not necessarily a means of allowing the market to decide value either, you can create a contract to sell a coat for 10 Dash, receive a contract requiring 0.01 bitcoin to pay a toll and allow passage, offer a ton of coal in an underground seam as a store of value at whatever the market deems a fair rate in contracts for silver in a trusted vault with storage fees reducing their value over time, and so on and so on, the contracts specify the routing requirements and the network does the routing. Not simple to design that kind of complexity from zero but it can evolve from a relatively simple system, something like selling simple goods and services for Dash then allowing more direct routes with Dash maintaining the balance, contracts for other cryptos, contracts for fiat, etc. etc.

EDIT: Including contracts for future goods and services, leases, whatever. Its up to the user to decide if they want to accept them as value, the market might say they do but markets have some funny ideas sometimes :/ Good luck with the drive. 550 miles... ouch.

I believe (I can certainly be wrong here) this (the idea as proposed by OPs - as far as I could understand it) will make things much more complicated, instead of simplifying anything. Impractical, maybe...

Of course, having an assets market running attached to the DASH network can be very convenient, and I am fine with this (specific part ? of the idea). But, Running a tangle of barter currencies, created ad hoc by the market players (worse, depending on trust... which we should avoid), instead of having a single common "denominator currency" (in this case, DASH) to make the system work ... it sounds to me like a "fractal emulation" of the whole cryptocurrencies tangleness, right inside DASH.

Unless I have understood nothing of this profound proposal.

Anyway; Now I prefer to wait and observe, in hope that I got it all wrong.
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I believe (I can certainly be wrong here) this (the idea as proposed by OPs - I far as I could understand it) will make things much more complicated, instead of simplifying anything. Impractical, maybe...

Of course, having an assets market running attached to the DASH network can be very convenient, and I am fine with this (specific part ? of the idea). But, Running a tangle of barter currencies, created ad hoc by the market players (worse, depending on trust... which we should avoid), instead of having a single common "denominator currency" (in this case, DASH) to make the system work ... it sounds to me like a "fractal emulation" of the whole cryptocurrencies tangleness right inside DASH.

Unless I have understood nothing of this profound proposal.

Anyway; Now I prefer to wait and observe, in hope that I got it all wrong.

Careful not to mix it up with the thoughts I've been rambling on about (this is why I should really stay quiet :/ ) As far as I can tell the proposal in the paper is using its own common denominator currency and is intended to operate on top of Dash rather than within it, at least initially.
Wow, this is awesome. You guys are on the right track.
We have so much to discuss and clarify.
But please bear in mind that all of this is new grounds even for us.

Julio has been working on this idea about 4 years, and all by himself. I just recently came in the picture (about a year and a half) because he publish a first paper in Facebook and I knew exactly what he was trying to achieved.
His first idea didn't take in consideration crypto curriencies, and is with long hours of Julio reading and learning that he understood how the blockchain technology can help us. But there are still so much to be tested. And we know DASH is the right path to implement this. We just need to prove it with compleling data.
So, much of what is in the audio is just a tiny picture of all the ideas that explains the main focus of the paper.
Julio has created a new way of measuring labour in a way that when I saw it, it simply blew my mind. How to work inside the new companies that are going to be created in this new type of economy, How to interact with the different kinds of bonds and nodes (MasterNodes?) and a lot more.

Do guys think the paper is groundbreaking? Wait and see all the things we will deliver if we got approved.

So please forgive us if there are a lot missing and not explained, Julio and I are taking baby steps towards explaining all the different aspects of the project and how Dash can really benefit from us and this new ideas.

We are now going to make a very cheap (in money terms) video trying to gains votes for us, because we really need this money. I know it may be (or not) a lot of money but to us is even much more.
So please be patient and all this ideas will be clarify in time.

Again, thank you so much to all the people that has supported us. That had belived and understand that is important to DASH and the world.
This my friends is going to be a hell of a ride.
Careful not to mix it up with the thoughts I've been rambling on about (this is why I should really stay quiet :/ ) As far as I can tell the proposal in the paper is using its own common denominator currency and is intended to operate on top of Dash rather than within it, at least initially.

This was my take after I did the interview with them. I do not believe they want to insert code into any core software. It would be another layer built on top of core (kind of like they are doing with evolution).

I want to make it very clear, I am not endorsing this proposal: Some morons on reddit seem to think that is my goal here, it is not. I did this interview to give the community the opportunity to pose questions and also for Julio/Oscar to explain their proposal in detail. I never claimed to be an economist, in fact I hardly believe even 90% of masternode owners could call themselves economist.

Just wanted to say thanks to oaxaca juliomoros and oscarmolivera for giving the time to do this interview. Good luck with your proposal and remember don't get discouraged if you don't get funding.
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This was my take after I did the interview with them. I do not believe they want to insert code into any core software. It would be another layer built on top of core (kind of like they are doing with evolution).

I want to make it very clear, I am not endorsing this proposal: Some morons on reddit seem to think that is my goal here, it is not. I did this interview to give the community the opportunity to pose questions and also for Julio/Oscar to explain their proposal in detail. I never claimed to be an economist, in fact I hardly believe even 90% if masternode owners could call themselves economist.

Just wanted to say thanks to oaxaca juliomoros and oscarmolivera for giving the time to do this interview. Good luck with your proposal and remember don't get discouraged if you don't get funding.
Thank you buster for your time and efforts.
This was my take after I did the interview with them. I do not believe they want to insert code into any core software. It would be another layer built on top of core (kind of like they are doing with evolution).

I want to make it very clear, I am not endorsing this proposal: Some morons on reddit seem to think that is my goal here, it is not. I did this interview to give the community the opportunity to pose questions and also for Julio/Oscar to explain their proposal in detail. I never claimed to be an economist, in fact I hardly believe even 90% of masternode owners could call themselves economist.

Just wanted to say thanks to oaxaca juliomoros and oscarmolivera for giving the time to do this interview. Good luck with your proposal and remember don't get discouraged if you don't get funding.

Thank you all. It was a great interview!
One comment I had, I am not a fan of the term "Proof of labor" - I think the terminology is too similar to Bitcoin's "Proof of Work". One of the core concepts in this paper is that "doing work" is not what creates wealth. The claim is that "Delivering goods/services that other people want/need" is what creates wealth, regardless of how easy or difficult it was to produce that result.

Suppose for some reason there is a demand in the community to dig a hole in the ground to make an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Suppose you arm 3000 people with tweezers, then have them all help dig the hole with their tweezers, and say the wealth created is how much money it takes to pay the workers for all the man-hours of labor it took to dig the hole. But that is preposterous, no one would think like that, and in fact by accomplishing the task in such an inefficient manner, net wealth was destroyed not created. This is what crypto does with "Proof of Work" and miners to meet the demand for a decentralized currency. To me that is essentially the same thing as "Proof of Labor". What you are really going for here in this paper though is straight to the value, that you can prove that you in fact delivered the good or service that was valued by the community. Not sure what might make for a better term, but I think perhaps the term could be improved.
So, if I just take two concepts from this proposal, boiled down to the bare bones:
1. Credit transactions would create positive and negative coins, representing a line of credit and debt.
2. Reputation can be assigned to wallets by the decentralized community (or communities?), and reputation is a prerequisite for creating a credit line via credit transaction.

This essentially takes you up to page 6 in the paper. As I see it, literally everything else in the paper after this point is contingent on the above being implemented and resistant to sybil attacks, which is briefly acknowledged. So that is my main focus at this point so we do not get too far ahead of ourselves.