Budget Proposal : Promotion / Reimbursement / Core Team

May be I got an idea for the "Core Development team budget" to have something more "long term", but maybe it will take too much time to become effective:
The idea is to make something that will (in future) even don't need to take money from the budget system, but it will take time to become interesting.
Instead of paying directly the Dev Team from the budget, regroup those DASH to make MasterNode and the revenue of those MN will pay the core dev team.

The proposal for this month is 3,000$, this could be 3 MN. But dev will receive nothing this month. So next month they could receive payment from those 3 MN and create 3 more. At beginning this will be few but with time maybe the revenue of all MN created will be enough to sustain a good "Dev Core Team" without need to cut the budget, and so budget can be use for other things.

Maybe we can split those 3,000$, half to pay "dev core team", half keep for the dev core payin's MN.

I know that maybe the beginning could be hard and low paying, but if we look at future and long term I saw only benefice :
-No more cutting from budget to pay a keep "Dev core Team" motivated.
-More MN for the network.
-More DASH hold in MN.


EDIT: with a quick calcul (DASH=3$ and MN earning per day = 0.5) we'll need ~66 MN to have a 3000$ monthly revenue ;)

If we add masternodes to the network, existing masternode owners lose a piece of the earnings (about 1/3000) less. Not opposed to the idea, but it sure sounds better to an outsider if the blockchain is paying rewards that are used for development vs "interest" on a set of nodes.
Yes I know this is not perfect idea, and that they had already done lot of work, without payment, and this should took time to be effective. But once this is in place. No more problems for dev payment. This is an idea that I wanted to share, and maybe find other good "long term" solution.
Because if you want to keep paying the "dev" during all life of the project (years and years and years..) that mean cutting 3000$ every month permanently of the budget.

Solarminer :
Yes this could give little less payment for others, but this also keep some DASH away from exchange and can drive price up ;)
I will go to netherlands only if moli goes :D
Seriously now, you gotta make some photos there guys!
Even if I went, you wouldn't be there, don't lie :tongue:

It would be nice to meet our devs and shake their hands and buy them a drink or two, and it would be nice if everybody in the community could meet each other, but only for two days max before something happens... Like "my masternodes are down, why? why there's no changelog? why don't i see the coins in my wallet? why doesn't my wallet sync? Synchronization failed.. why? Why's enforcement off? Why did you let jmmA hijack my mn payment? I haven't got paid for 6 days.." BLAHH BLAHHBLAHHBLAHH....

After working hours would you want to hang out with your co-workers or patients or customers? def not !!!!

But I do want to see Holland to visit a hairdresser/artist that i've been following his videos for a few years (check out "theoknoopkapper" on youtube), and there's more to visit there like the museums, anne frank house... etc. :)
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Yes, I saw that doc, smart guy, head hunted by a large company so they can skim the top off the world's stocks, alls fair in love and Wall street I suppose, but the difference was they were not tied down to the mathermatical rules of a blockchain consensus (or any other law for that matter!)

At university, we studied how to model things like 2nd order equations for real life engineering problems such as the g-force of a fairground ride.
The masternodes, markets, memory pool, blocksize etc are all interconnected and this has never been done before, not sure how much this would help Dash but it would lend a lot of kudos to the project and provide a solid mathematical backdrop of whats going on (like I have attempted to do with the Tao sync ratio)
Those Uni Professors love their long equations and getting them interested could result in a course on cryptocurrency, Harvard and MIT already are just about to start teaching crypto, this will be taught in classrooms in the future and we could provide the starting blocks for such an erudition.
Just trying to be funny. The Dash system should be secure enough that hijacking can't happen.

I actually think we have similar backgrounds, I have a mechanical engineering degree so I have dabbled with matlab/simulink and CAD in college. Not that I am any good at it now, but good experience none the less.

Here is where I think we need to spend some effort on. How many transactions per second and how fast can they get?
It has got to be a big differential equation with constantly changing fees, coin value, and miner hashrate. It would be interesting to simulate with matlab and graph as time goes on and see if it is underdamped or overdamped. Bitcoin is really at the transaction limit now and comparing Bitcoin to DASH would be useful. Also estimating blockchain growth and pruning will be another item to tackle. And I love the Tao snyc ratio stuff, keep that going.

There is currently a class for Bitcoin/crypto. You can watch videos online. Couldn't find the link to it. Otherwise Andreas wrote a book that has good reviews.
http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Bitcoin-Unlocking-Digital-Crypto-Currencies/dp/1449374042. I would bet any class would start with this book. Maybe you can add some Sub-Ether adendums in it.
Are you saying the devs shouldn't eat or pay their bills? I think it's been a long time coming for them, how long do we want to make them wait? A C++ programmer can make a whole lot more money somewhere else right now, why should we make them work for free?
Moli, at $2 per day at current market value per masternode income split between 4 developers, we will be fighting off c++ programmers queuing round the block for a job :wink:
Moli, at $2 per day at current market value per masternode income split between 4 developers, we will be fighting off c++ programmers queuing round the block for a job :wink:

I don't think most people have the foggiest idea how much a skilled programmer can make.
Just trying to be funny. The Dash system should be secure enough that hijacking can't happen.
I actually think we have similar backgrounds, I have a mechanical engineering degree so I have dabbled with matlab/simulink and CAD in college. Not that I am any good at it now, but good experience none the less.
Here is where I think we need to spend some effort on. How many transactions per second and how fast can they get?
It has got to be a big differential equation with constantly changing fees, coin value, and miner hashrate. It would be interesting to simulate with matlab and graph as time goes on and see if it is underdamped or overdamped. Bitcoin is really at the transaction limit now and comparing Bitcoin to DASH would be useful. Also estimating blockchain growth and pruning will be another item to tackle. And I love the Tao snyc ratio stuff, keep that going.
There is currently a class for Bitcoin/crypto. You can watch videos online. Couldn't find the link to it. Otherwise Andreas wrote a book that has good reviews.
http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Bitcoin-Unlocking-Digital-Crypto-Currencies/dp/1449374042. I would bet any class would start with this book. Maybe you can add some Sub-Ether adendums in it.
Indeed-simulink was mighty powerful I always meant to go back to it but never found a decent application. I like to visualize the markets as positive and negative feedback loops like in electronics, the masternodes themselves provide price dampening in both directions due to market demand (as you suggest)
When the (hoped for)optimizations of the blockchain happen, it will be a real pleasure to work out a Tao sync ratio that smashes the record which we already hold :grin:.
Your suggestion to read up on cryptocurrencies makes me think to study some theory on merkle trees, as optimization in this area will lead to the fastest possible Tao ratio and smallest transaction sizes possible, as our transactions increase our block sizes get smaller, as it should be, no 8 megabytes blocks required just yet!
Otherwise Andreas wrote a book that has good reviews.
http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Bitcoin-Unlocking-Digital-Crypto-Currencies/dp/1449374042. I would bet any class would start with this book. Maybe you can add some Sub-Ether adendums in it.

Good book, did a early release draft review :cool:

Thanks for the input everyone, I just wanted to point out a few things so that we're all on the same page.

This budget system is a really new concept and at this point we're just trying to get a nice framework of how we should interact with it and how the community and masternode network should interact with it. It's going to take some time to figure out, soon we should have a portal (it's a few months out, probably next year), that will provide a place where the proposers will be held accountable and they can interact with the masternode network and community in a structured way. It's hard to even predict how this system will be used in the future, but currently here's what we're thinking:

- No one will get directly paid that works on the project (on a continual basis), except through the core-team budget. This isn't even meant to cover living expenses, it's more of a token of appreciation for what our team does. Hopefully if the team holds on to these coins, they'll be rewarded in the future through price appreciation
- We will pay outside people directly for specific things, such as a website design, legal work, seo, pr, etc. These contractors will be managed by the team, which would be paid from the core-team budget.
- Just because a budget is approved, doesn't mean it's permanent. This system is insanely flexible, the masternode network can change their mind on a dime and downvote and remove proposals at anytime, even proposals that are currently approved and have been paid in the past. This allows us to correct errors quite rapidly.

Because we're just getting started and nothing like the budget system has ever existed in crypto, we're going to just try things and see how it works. We also are going to setup a system so the community can hold us accountable for the money and see where it's going. I think we have a really good idea of how to manage this, but some things might have to change.

A lot of behind the scenes work has went into tweaking this system to be the most effective governance and budgeting possible, but if something doesn't work out we will surely be willing to fix it. Just rest assured, our team is doing the best we can. The results we get from this over the next few months shouldn't disappoint anyone.
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Budgets Are Live!

I've added the budgets to the system and we are all set to vote. All you have to do to vote is load up a client with the masternode.conf. Your actual funds are NOT required to be online to vote on proposals

core-team :

public-awareness :

reimbursement :

To vote simply execute these commands:

./dash-cli mnbudget vote-many eac6392cd0d63e4b2ebd3c60da2d3e13137c892cd4cd1a8f3885077ac86b7487 yes
./dash-cli mnbudget vote-many cbafad18687045bb72fae611078fac09c3ec09c8379e357c36901ce84891f189 yes
./dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 428438998eeb3234b232a3609d2e0f1122049241e5ecad972554ad163772a109 yes
and for voting with a single masternode change "vote-many" to "vote"
end-result should be : "Voted successfully"

To check the current votes : ./dash-cli mnbudget show
Currently 187 YEAS for all three budget proposals

If you want to specifically vote against a specific budget because you dont agree with it then change the "yes" into a "no"
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Judging by the last block payment at 2002228, I make this an 8 year project almost exactly until the end payment.
and for voting with a single masternode change "vote-many" to "vote"
end-result should be : "Voted successfully"

To check the current votes : ./dash-cli mnbudget show
Currently 187 YEAS for all three budget proposals

If you want to specifically vote against a specific budget because you dont agree with it then change the "yes" into a "no"

Let's assume that I have a wallet with 2 masternodes listed in masternode.conf.
I want to vote using 1 masternode (ie: less than many)
Is the syntax:
./dash-cli mnbudget vote-alias mn1 eac63...87 yes
  (where mn1 = the alias of one of the masternodes)
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Let's assume that I have a wallet with 2 masternodes listed in masternode.conf.
I want to vote using 1 masternode (ie: less than many)
Is the syntax:
./dash-cli mnbudget vote mn1 eac63...87 yes
  (where mn1 = the alias of one of the masternodes)
i'm having a deju-vu feeling right now :smile:
(to the others, we are having the exact same discussion on the bitcointalk forum :grin:)

good question, i leave that for the dev-team to answer