Browny Point


New member
Browny Point

Decentralized work incentive: the idea behind this platform is to switch the paradigm and incintivize people to be more productive and more cooperative at the work place. To give people the opportunity to change and grow through positive reinforcement rather than penalizing and only rewarding based on neologism.

To give those hard workers and genuine team players the opportunity to be recognized and compensated for their hard work.

Company X sets aside a discretionary fund as the backing of this platform.

Every employee, of the company will have a profile that is anonymous to the platform.

Employees will have an Employee Work Score and Token "allowance".

Work score will be graded based on number of Brownie Points earned and Deeds received ".

Everyone will be able to give x amount of points to fellow employees as reward for hard work per week or day or month.

No one can deduct earned Brownie points from an employee. However, work score can be damaged by number of Deeds received. Managers will lose points for having to terminate someone. This is to incentivize the manager to mediate situations, to be human and understanding and to be thorough in selecting potential employees. (If a manager is constantly having to fire people then its probably not the employees as much as it is the manager who needs to be replaced).

Employees will be given one point for every shift worked. If employee arrives late, they will only receive half a point.

If a manager wishes to reprimand an employee a "deed" will have to be created and filed. A discretionary pot will be allocated for disciplinary action, for every deed filed, managers must pay with token from the pot. The amount of the pot will be used during evaluations of managers to judge ones ability to the right people as well as ability to mediate situations without the use of disciplinary action.

Levels: 1-minor offense (serious dispute between employees)3=1x

2-major offense (confrontation with customer)2=1X

3- Extreme offense/termination (assault employee or customer, theft etc)1=3X's

Each level will have a "token" cost based on severity.

If an employee receives 3 X's employee is terminated automatically.

Employees can redeem themselves and knock off X's by accumulating more points from employees. Ex: 200 points can be used to "expunge" an X. Points used to clear records should be recycled back into the pot.

If after 60-90 days an employee has perfect attendance he or she will automatically be rewarded x amount of points out of the pot.

Employees can nominate fellow employees for open positions.

Managers can present suggestions or potential candidates and ask employees to make a selection.

Memos can be circulated on this platform.

Employees can sign pink slip petitions. If there is a 85% consensus employee will receive 2X's. Employee will then be prompted as to whether they wish to use existing points to "expunge" X's.

If a petition is started, every employee vote is the same. Managers will not have power to sign petition.

Employees can put in a shift request(to pick up hrs or ask for someone to cover the shift)

Holiday request

It seams like a management system for time based jobs. I wonder how can it incentivize effectiveness work?
It seams like a management system for time based jobs. I wonder how can it incentivize effectiveness work?
I think by allowing for a person to receive as many rewards from any amount of workers, incentivize's workers to complete task faster and better to allow them the opportunity to finish up with spare time to go assist another worker etc.