Oh sorry crowning I tried to change that phrasing right after, I write really fast and often do a few modifications after I reread, it definitely wasn't ideal... my bad.
I'm going to go over your very valid points see if I can find possible benefits
- I'm an investor. I calculated my ROI based on the algorithms used in Darkcoin. Now you introduce a fee, which trashes all my calculations. Will the fee stay? Increase? Will there be another fee for other good reasons? Where will it end?
Good points. Definitely. The thing is as a company or entity in a sense Darkcoin needs to grow and always get better to increase its fundamental value over time. Its like investing in shares of a company like Apple, and in 6 months they announce they are going to use some of their funds to invest in a new product that that will increase the fundamental value of the company, meaning stock over time. What happens is yes some of the money leaves apples coffers, but they invest back in their company with the expectation that that investment will maintain their position in the market and ensure that they grow and gain market share and increased profits over time. Companies that don't have a proper established method for reinvestment have a harder time of it, a harder time seizing the momentum of their first movers advantage like Darkcoin has, as well as establishing a moat by publicity and brand recognition, which isn't in the interest of shareholders. ( the guys with the most masternodes being the biggest ones, as for stakeholders the whole world is a stakeholder so this is in a sense a responsibility to ourselves as innvestors and the world in which we live.
So to answer where will it end, I think that's really easy to answer, once its set up and once it's there it ends. It would have to be discussed extensively of course figure out details like you say, where would it end, I definitely know it would speed development along, we would probably have a bunch of devs show up, kind of like a way to recruit talent on a result oriented basis. Very effective. Maybe we would see dev marathons, where some devs go absolutely crazy and solve everything at lightning speed, one bounty after the hour like superheroes!
A small percentage to ensure continuity forever barely noticeable for miners of nodes and the benefits could be incredible over time.
The more little things like this we have the better we get I'm convinced, because it also shows how sure we are of Darkcoin. I also think it might give people a little bit of pride to know they are fully selfsustainable and able to support Darkcoin developers as a community.
- I'm a developer. I fixed a small bug which would have completely brought down Darkcoin. Nothing more. The other developer creates sexy wallets. Lots of them. The people LOVE it. In a public vote, he WILL get the bounty. How do you measure the value of development?
Once something gets solved then it frees up the place for another thing, or lets say a sudden emergency bug needs fixing, well then a process could automatically bump that problem onto the top 10 list, that would ensure that whoever solvesit would get a reward. Already, just that is cooland encourages people to try to fix bugs fast. Also if someone identifies a bug, its an incentive for him to reveal it, let it go to the top of the list and then solve it

Our bug solvers heroes can get paid too.
- I'm Joe average. I like the trust-less way crypto-currencies work. But now I have to trust people who take money out of the system for their purposes.
They are developing the coin, you better trust them because they have put their trust in you by doing this publicly and transparently for everyone and I mean everyone, and its a lot of hard work. for the purposes of attracting the best talent to Darkcoin from all around the world, imagine genius kid born wherever sees a reward for a special Darkcoin project , genius kid decides to do it, we name him Evan jr.

- I'm a hardcore Bitcoin journalist. Of course I'll publish lots of articles about crypto-currencies which by design enrich the developers.
Real Journalism is about bringing the truth to the people

Follow your heart and it will bring you to the true story.
- I own the majority of Masternodes. Why does my vote on who's gonna get the bounty doesn't count more than others?
If you have the best ideas and projects for darkcoin I'm sure people will vote for them anyways, and I have a feeling you have some of the best ideas!

Imagine a kind of Einstein guy shows up and starts giving us all advice but says he only has 1 masternode, having the most masternodes wouldn't you want his ideas making it too the top too

So in this sense, you stand to make the most profit from sustainable appreciation of price over time, and also have the most to gain from attracting the best talent to Darkcoin, especially for such a low cost. I'm sure Evan and the other Devs could use an army of Devs to multitask a bunch of projects like large companies.
After all this there would also have to be a process for cancelling projects if no one solves them over time, the funds that would be recuperated could then be used to put up a billboard somewhere, bus stop signs, etc. over time... One day advertisement can help Darkcoin like it has helped others like Coca Cola, Apple, etc. One of the best ways to bring value to the largest investors for sure. And the faster we start it the better. So if we create a sustainable revenue now for Darkcoin as a company to reinvest in itself its basically the best thing we can do as shareholders both for business development and advertising. (not branding, that has been done already, advertising...) I wan to see billboards going up and I want to see the financing for it in place, that would be something to wake up to in the morning.