Ben Swann wants money to build his Private Studio. Africa & Venezuela projects should go elsewhere.

Is constructing a studio for Ben Swann more important than africa or venezvuela?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 100.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Under the idea of promoting so called free journalism, there is a proposal, that if funded, will greatly reduce the space for small African and Venezuelan projects and give away millions to Ben Swan, so he can construct a private studio for himself in Atlanta.

The proposal is to give him another 2 million dollars, after having given him 2400 Dash before, without any breakdown of costs that are asked of everyone else or Any results..

In return, the dash community has received 5000 clicks worth $5000 and a logo so small that it is called a bug.

The audience seeing the logo don’t really know if Dash is a cola, a soap or an airline and Ben doesn’t care.Nor do many members supporting him.

American Media Problems is not the world and surely not world adoption. Some MNOS supporting it refuse to listen to any logic or numbers claiming that numbers don’t matter to further their own selfish biases.

Dash is not meant for supporting your political views, help koala bears or stop global warming. It is meant for payments but at the moment we are funding everything else but that..By continuing to waste money this way and not building a user base or promoting it in places dash is needed the most , the dash price is going to continue to fall.

Dash is already out of the top 10 and instead of getting millions of new people in Africa & Asia and Vz, all we have is a bug sized logo on random videos targeted at nothing. Funding people you like as opposed to looking for return on investment is the surest way to lose track and go to zero. And it can happen, it will not be the first crypto that bites the dust in this market

I appeal to every Dashnation member to oppose this waste of resources on pointless activities like building studios for so called celebrities in Atlanta.

@Dashmaximalist @DeepBlue @Name3
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Where is there a proposal to "divert funds"? The proposals are not in competition until the budget is full. I think your poll question is misleading, every proposal should be evaluated on its merits, and if a particular proposal in a region is not accepted, it doesn't mean that MNs don't think the region is important. There are lots of other reasons to support or not support a proposal...
Where is there a proposal to "divert funds"? The proposals are not in competition until the budget is full. I think your poll question is misleading, every proposal should be evaluated on its merits, and if a particular proposal in a region is not accepted, it doesn't mean that MNs don't think the region is important. There are lots of other reasons to support or not support a proposal...

If core asks for 1500 dash in any one of the next four months, what do you think will happen?
this proposal is getting way too dividing , i hope we can find some common ground sort of thing

Compare the nasty comments on your proposal versus the free pass given to Ben. Shows you what the word establishment means.

I wish the same people had a few minutes to ask similar questions to Ben for the 2400 already wasted and the 3200 dash about to be.
Compare the nasty comments on your proposal versus the free pass given to Ben. Shows you what the word establishment means.

I wish the same people had a few minutes to ask similar questions to Ben for the 2400 already wasted and the 3200 dash about to be.

What do you mean Ben getting a free pass? There are plenty of criticisms on his proposal and there are already 128 no votes on it.
If core asks for 1500 dash in any one of the next four months, what do you think will happen?

If the budget is full then people will need to decide which are the most important proposals to fund, at which point all of the proposals will be in competition. Which seems to me to be a good problem to have.
Your poll question is based on a false dichotomy. Those are not the real choices. It's like asking somebody, "Do you beat your wife, or do you beat your kids?"

-87 points for terrible and unfair debate practices.

And, what was your name before it became Argon?
Can someone explain how constructing a private studio asset for ben swann benefits us in any way?
He becomes independent of the "mainstream" media to produce honest news. Every person who watches his show sees the Dash name. Some of the shows are specifically about crypto and Dash. He has over 100k subsribers and each video quickly picks up 12 - 30,000 views. That number will only grow as his audience grows. Advertising they call it.

Have you participated on the forum before Argon31?
I don't know who @Argon31 is, but he just showed up a few days ago FUDing and Trolling on pretty much every proposal thread there is, telling everyone that he's going to vote against them and that their proposals won't be successful and that they should ask for less money...on pretty much every single thread, go look 'em up yourself. Dunno who he is, nor do I care. I care about the face he is presenting to proposal owners and prospective partners, and it's one that is needlessly cruel and arrogant and not conducive to healthy business or diplomatic relations. You're not helping anyone, you're just making this whole thing worse for everyone and quickly making an enemy out of me.

That being said, Ben's first proposal was meant to cover various costs. Dash took a major price hit since then, so suddenly Ben didn't have the funds he thought he was going to have. Ben is not asking for this much regularly, this is just to finish out what he intended to do with the first proposal, as they've been having to fly on much less than they anticipated--and that includes paying all the crew and for equipment, etc.

Now, that being said, the value of having partners like Ben is that they do not answer to prevailing power structures, and as the net around us tightens with the banning of cryptocurrency advertisement around Facebook, Google, and likely others who will follow suit, we will need people with massive reach to get the word out about Dash. You can't just look at "clicks" and expect that to be the only metric that matters. Even simply getting money in to wallets doesn't matter. What matters is generating new actual *users* and establishing Dash in the public view and consciousness.

Widespread adoption is about more than clicks and downloads. It has to become part of public consciousness. It has to have recognition and respect. If people are not talking about it, it won't go anywhere. Dash needs to be seen and heard out of the mouths of respectable people who can demonstrate its unique qualities and advantages and place in the world.

Now, you may not believe Ben is the right or best person for that job, that his platform is not the ideal one; fine. Then work on bringing people you believe are more ideal to the table, and in the mean time, we'll work with those that are eager to have a mutually beneficial, mutually successful partnership and help lay the groundwork for even greater projects in the future.

When we funded Ben, we had all sorts of people knocking on our door, wanting to learn more about who we are and what we're about. Ben alone brought at least a half dozen other solid proposals to our table. That's not something you can measure in clicks or KPI.

Lastly, we have to consider what it means to renege on our business relationships, to partner with someone and pull the rug out from under them. Dash Core is developing a payment system, but the Dash DAO is so much more than that with the potential to change the world.

If you don't have the vision or fortitude for that, then sell your stake and move along to some other project.
Ignoring the political side of this proposal and the user politics above, it never hurts to ask questions on this sort of proposal, especially when they are such large commitments by Dash, particularly when it comes to budgeting. If he is proposing an independent media org I am sure there is scope for an independent look at budgets and KPI claims too - 'who watches the watchmen'. Some quick thoughts:
  • In the original proposal I believe there was a section about what they would do with funds if the price substantially increase. IMO, especially in a volatile world like crypto, that section should always have a corresponding plan about what to do if significant deflation in price happens, particularly on large projects where price swings have a much larger knock-on effect. Another proposal is one option, but may not always be the best option (can you spend less on capital acquisitions e.g. equipment and put more in to production to stretch funds?).
  • There is an opportunity cost to every proposal, even before the budget ceiling is hit. Yes, this money could be spent on something else; if the community doesn't believe 800 DASH is best spent on x amount of views or clickthroughs or other KPIs, can we encourage another proposal that makes better use of the funding or can reach more people for the same amount? In truth it would probably be worthwhile to get an expert to compare market rates for the measurable metrics (especially the nebulous stuff like 'reach' and 'impressions' which are hard to put a value against often), though I acknowledge these metrics aren't the only consideration here.
  • Risk to Dash price with large chunks of money like this. Some contractors have been paid in Dash, but has the proposal owner liquidated large amounts too? Have they done this in darkpools or OTC to mitigate any price action as a result of them offloading currency, or on public exchanges? I don't think we have this info.
  • Has there been any matched funding from the owner? In this case Dash is basically paying for all the capital acquisitions of setting up this venture. In the everyday world, if Dash was a company investing this amount of money in capital projects for another company, you would probably be looking at some form of ownership or shares, or an ongoing arrangement. Dash is funding the capital set up, but really just getting the benefits on the production output (for a limited amount of time, whereas the capital acquisitions e.g. the equipment will continue to work for Ben long after this proposal has come and gone). If the whole studio is paid for by Dash, why not put Dash against all the ongoing output of that studio? I would like to see some transparency too if he is earning income off the videos, if he is writing off the equipment depreciation in tax etc because that is basically free funding for him using Dash's treasury.
This isn't meant to be exhaustive or definitive or combative (there may be good answers to some of these questions) but I really value transparency around these kind of things, particularly big asks on large funding amounts - I think that's always owed to the community.
We have been negotiating with Ben Swann through discussions on his proposal to improve the representation of DASH.

Ben appears now to have agreed to some changes that will significantly improve the representation for DASH including one suggestion I put forward for a weekly "Sponsor Spotlight" program. We still need this confirming officially but my understanding of the agreed changes to the "Ben Swann Reality Check Sponsorship" are as follows:

"Sponsor Spotlight" Program
The "Sponsor Spotlight" program is where Ben Swann will now have a program at least once per week showing how DASH is working to promote freedom. This could be discussing how we are supporting the various community projects e.g. the Venezuela projects or though our Africa projects or just some aspect of DASH that is enhancing personal freedom e.g. it might be our "private send" feature etc. This will help all "Reality Check" viewers learn how DASH is not like any other crypto in that we are focused on bringing freedom to the world. This aligns with the values of the "Reality Check" viewers. I had mentioned that at the moment I do not think the Reality Check viewers see the connection of how DASH is promoting freedom. This is an important message to get across.

Call To Action To Invest in DASH At The End of Each Video
Ben has also agreed to put a call to action for Reality Check viewers to invest in DASH at the end of every one of his "Reality Check" videos going forward.

With these two changes I think DASH is considerably better represented than previously.

I have stated that provided that non of our community projects will be excluded by the proposal and that all these changes we have discussed are implemented it will be a Win Win for DASH, Ben Swann and for Reality Check Viewers.

I think at the least we can see how these improvements to representing DASH will come across in the next set of videos.

We need a high profile, professional personality to represent DASH provided we are also properly represented, which I think with these changes we are at least moving in the right direction.

If these changes are implemented successfully I would think it a good idea for us to consider voting YES because we are much better represented.
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This proposal is going to kick out as many as 20 projects of 160dash each) over its entire course

Projects that are actually going to do something for dash.

Donations for supporting free media can't happen before dash itself is strong.

Some MNs have other priorities.
This proposal is going to kick out as many as 20 projects of 160dash each) over its entire course

Projects that are actually going to do something for dash.

Donations for supporting free media can't happen before dash itself is strong.

Some MNs have other priorities.

It's advertising, not a donation. That seems straightforward enough.

I would ask again, respectfully, if you have participated in this forum before under another name.
Projects that are actually going to do something for dash.

Once again, "what does that even mean?" The whole debate that has been raging on lately is about what "ROI" even means to the Dash network, and there is a varying spectrum and disparate opinions about what is "valuable" and "valued." As I've belabored over and over, clicks and downloads and new wallets are not *in themselves* valuable, but only insomuch as they are indicators of new long-term users in the ecosystem. Some things that create new long-term users and/or push us socially and economically to a place where we can acquire many new long-term users cannot be measured or quantified in this way. So if you're going to heave around rhetoric with your forked tongue, you're going to have to define your terms. You will not pull that dishonest sophistry here.