@Argon31 thank you for your feedback. I would like to clarify some of the points you've made. First I do not "blindly support everything Venezuela" there are quite a number of projects I have not voted for that were Venezuela projects and others I've voiced very strongly against e.g. I did not agree with the the David Hay Venezuela initiative and I posted messages explaining exactly why I do not agree with that project. I had a
lot of resistance from pro David Hay supporters along with David Hay himself on my feedback.
Other Venezuela projects I voted down because I can see they are either not well thought out or the project itself is not right in some way to the goal of helping Venezuela convert to DASH as their primary currency. We only have so many funds in the budget and If we can convert Venezuela to DASH that would be a huge achievement. Venezuela's GDP in 2017 was 356 Billion USD all of that could be in DASH. That would bring stability to the DASH price because for the first time we would have large scale practical users of the currency rather than investors and speculators. In addition the world wide PR on this would be huge.
The comments I made on Venezuela projects were after doing my due diligence - if they were positive comments it was because I genuinely thought they were good projects after doing my assessment on them. The proposals were based on stats, with full accounts breakdown and a well actioned plan, video intro to the team and even infographics. No I am not saying that all Venezuela projects get rubber stamped by me. If I see something that is not right or not clear I will raise it with them. I also have regular correspondence with a core member of the Venezuela projects who provides additional background information on all the Venezuela projects. The teams I am speaking to are working together in a united efforts so most of them know the others and are actively supporting them.
The reason I am very pro Venezuela is because after a lot of market analysis of my own since September of 2017 to the current date I could see that Venezuela is as about a perfect opportunity as exists for DASH to be established as their national currency whilst at the same time solving a terrible problem for the Venezuelan people that has been going on for many years with their currency. Not only this Venezuela is in fact one of the richest countries in the world with the largest oil reserves of any other country
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_proven_oil_reserves So once the country gets on its feet with a solid currency again (DASH) it will be able to invest in its petroleum infrastructure and release that reserve of wealth.
I also like the way the Venezuela projects are put together and promoted because they put the DASH name up and foremost in all their campaigns - at least the projects I'm interested in. I particularly like this because DASH has the double benefit of building its brand whilst at the same time getting a valuable service in return. We get
free advertising and brand awareness with the Venezuela projects. Unlike other projects which I disagree strongly with that are building their own brand with our DASH funding.
In my opinion
projects that are heavily funded or founded by DASH should first consider using our DASH brand upfront with their campaign so that we benefit from the brand exposure. There are some projects that are just putting our name in the background, rather like an afterthought. But in addition those projects that do not use our DASH brand name upfront present a risk that they could just swap over to using any other crypto at any time because they built their network using their brand name. This is a form of centralization. Whereas
if the DASH Brand name is used it is more decentralized because they cannot just swop over to using another crypto once they built their network with our name. The Venezuela projects respect our brand name and are now using it upfront on most of their projects. There were some earlier projects that did not use our brand however now I see that most of them are. I think that the MNO's are not seeing the tremendous value of our Brand being used upfront with some of the campaigns that could so easily use our brand as their organization name.
When you say some good proposals are getting voted down which one's are you referring to in particular? Some projects are getting voted down because they really are not that good or there are some doubts about them or their leadership. I would prefer not to say which ones. Everyone needs to do their own due diligence. I will raise points when I think it is necessary or if it would be beneficial.
If the DASH community could focus more on achieving helping Venezuela convert to DASH rather than spreading our energy, time and resources over hundreds of un related projects we could help Venezuela establish DASH within 1 year as their national currency I am absolutely convinced of that. If that occurs DASH would have more than 3 x the market cap of Bitcoin. Then once other people world wide see that DASH is established in Venezuela and is the reason for the stability in the DASH price we will attract even more investors organically without having to do any other marketing, or at least minimal marketing. The world media would pick up the story. This is why I feel DASH community needs to focus on Venezuela.
Other reasons: The Bitcoin transactions fees are still too high for it to take off in Venezuela at $2 to $3 for a transaction this makes small purchases not affordable. In addition an average wage now in Venezuela is just $2 / day. Who would want to spend a day's money on making a transaction when they can do a similar transaction with DASH for less than a cent?
Now is the time for DASH to move. We must move quickly and in a coordinated response with all we've got. Lack of focus is our greatest risk we must focus on achieving this goal.
There is one other point I wanted to make on Venezuela projects. They always ask for small moderate sums of money which means our risk is minimal if something goes wrong with the projects. We have to be realistic some projects might not work - just as not all businesses work. But because the Venezuela projects are all modestly funded it is not a big deal for us.
The other big advantage of having dozens of smaller projects that are all working on the same goal is that it is another form of decentralization. This gives even more strength and credibility to these projects and the Venezuela projects fulfil this.
This is why I am such a strong supporter of
valid and well thought out Venezuela projects. I am not a supporter of all Venezuela projects just because they have the word "Venezuela" in them. I do my homework before supporting the ones I do.
I agree that we have a huge risk with projects that are asking for large sums of money. By large sums I mean anything over 150 DASH is starting to take a significant risk. I would rather dozens of projects between 10 to 150 DASH. Projects with funding in the range of 10 - 150 DASH helps to promote smaller, more focused ventures and therefore helps to maintain decentralization on the promotions and therefore lower risk.
From now on I am definitely going to favour significantly more projects that meet these criteria:
1. Smaller decentralized projects (less risk and more secure)
2. that give us a lot of value for modest price i.e. between 10 DASH to 150 DASH (less risk for us and it is not promoting a large centralized organization creation which is what we want to prevent. We've had enough of large powerful organizations controlling us.)
3. That address a specific niche within a larger project e.g. Venezuela projects that have many different niche teams. (clearer more focused messages)
4. Projects that are working to achieve a bigger goal e.g. Venezuela
5. Projects that are practical not Advertising or Sponsorships (Projects that give real tangible value to the user or solve a problem)
6. Projects that solve real actual problems for users. ( I love these projects because they give true value and people adopt through utility)
7. Projects that are sustainable i.e. can support themselves once we provide the seed capital. (Again utility projects)
8. DASH brand upfront ( we gain brand awareness as well as the service / product)
10. Projects that have a pre-proposal with feedback. (The team have already received a lot of feedback for their proposal before they post it. They care more)
11. Proposals that can show they have some credibility e.g. connection with existing project or are a specialist in their own field. (We need experts working on these projects as much as possible. It is hard enough to make a project work on its own. Alternatively people that have the skill sets necessary but may not have the specific expertise in that field)
12. Projects with proposals that are well laid out and presented with full cost breakdown, timelines, infographics (helps MNO quickly get a grasp of the project and shows they care on the project)
13. The project leads are shown on video so we know who they are and they are accountable.
14. Projects with leaders that interact well with the DASH community and provide frequent updates on their projects.
15. Projects that promote exclusively DASH and not other cryptos.
16. Projects with good leadership where the leaders who respond positively to constructive feedback. They then take positive
fully accountable steps to improve their proposal based on feedback. (some project leaders say they are going to do something just to get the project then do not deliver on what they said they would do).
I will be preferably focussing on giving my support to the above types of projects from now on. I am not saying I will be exclusively giving my support only for the projects that meet the above criteria but I am saying I would show strong preferences for these types of projects.
Thanks for your feedback I see it as constructive feedback and has helped others understand more clearly the situation.