Ben Swann’s Reality Check Sponsorship & Ambassador- Feb KPI Report

Ben Swann

New member
Social KPIs- Feb 2018


Reach: 7,302,529

Video Views: 1,674,102

Reach Paid: 17,765,080

Video Views Paid: 3,068,524

Total Reach of Dash funded content: 25,067,609

Total Video Views: 4,742,626


Video Views: 91,727

Reach of Dash funded content: 30,456,786

Video Views Paid: 7,140

Reach Paid: 59,951

Total Video Views: 98,867

Total Reach: 30,516,737


Video Views: 217,289


Video Views: 30,226


After we started promoting our DTube channel, following the 4th video Reality Check with Ben Swann powered by Dash was trending every single release.

Co-branded Banner Impressions:

Website: 962,970

Reality Check/TiM sponsored by Dash Promo: 1,354,151

Total: 2,317,121

Newsletter Co-branded Impressions:

Total 64,929

Grand Totals:

Banner Impressions (including newsletter): 2,382,050

Total Reach: 55,584,346

Total Video Views: 5,089,008

Other KPIs

DASH paid:

Number of contractors/staff paid in Dash: 18 people



Free Talk Live:

The Crypto Show:

World Alternative Media:

The Conscious Resisitance:

Press for Truth:

The Crypto Show 2:

Dash Dinheiro Digital:



  • Anarchapulco

  • Block2TheFuture, San Francisco, April 4 - 5

  • PorcFest, New Hampshire, June 19 - 24 (depending on further sponsorship by Dash)

  • World Blockchain Forum, Dubai, UAE April 16 - 17

  • Oslo Blockchain Day, Oslo, Norway April 24

  • Libertopia, San Diego, May 3 - 6

  • Blockchain and Bitcoin Conference Australia, Sydney, Australia May 29

  • Blockchain International Show, London, UK May 29

  • Blockchain Expo, Santa Clara, CA November 28-29

Please note future blockchain events are subject to continued funding from Dash.

Notes and Comments:

We are continuing to build out our distribution platform. We have recently reached agreements with the LifeZette properties to feature Reality Check segments. LifeZette properties have approximately 50 million video views a month.

We have also recently added our videos to Roku.

Real Clear Politics has been picking up our Reality Check segment.

News publications, radio stations, TV stations, etc. from all over the world are contacting us to syndicate Reality Check.

We are expecting even higher video view numbers and reach in March.

The studio construction is underway and we will be filming our first Reality Check episodes from the new studio in the later half of March.
Thank you Ben. In terms of full transparency, would you be able to share what targeting and demo was used to get the Video views on each platform? Are you targeting 18-40 year old males and females in the U.S. who are interested in alternative news, for instance? Or are these videos being targeting worldwide, and to different audience segments? Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere -- I just haven't seen much data on the audience demo this investment is actually reaching.
I would love to see what your demographic distribution looks like, what kind of person watches your videos, where their interests might lie, what age they might be, and what country they might hail from.

I think this would give us a better idea as to whether or not funding you is in turn, really helping Dash in concert with places where there are other efforts focused.

Nothing against you, but I imagine you tend to skew towards a North American audience. Many of us expect to see a switch over to digital currency in the developed world - as rather far away (especially in the USA), as opposed to other countries that might have it coming much sooner.
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just looking around for the last thread ben swann posted in on here. Apparently this is it? a February report?
Now hes going around to try to get sponsored by PIVX when times are tough here.
Great ambassador you hired, everyone.
Not only that but where is the rest of the Dash now? he should give it back asap, when he is working for another coin.

It is really time to focus on building up Dash Embassies all over the world and doing this job by our own people on the ground and not with expensive people and celebreties only searching for sponsors of their next yacht and building up their egos.
I kinda can't believe we didn't have any exclusivity clause in there

Dash was the exclusive sponsor for the duration of the project which was essentially being paid out month to month, between February and May. We didn't pay in advance for exclusivity for a certain period of time in the future.

Not only that but where is the rest of the Dash now? he should give it back asap, when he is working for another coin.

Why? He fulfilled all his promises. He does not owe us anything after having done what we paid him to do, and now that we are not paying him anymore.
This was advertised as an "ambassador". If you're an ambassador of a brand, usually its not acceptable to go to a competitor immediately after.
Yeah its "just business" and if that wasn't in the contract (huge oversight imo) hes legally free to do this kind of thing, but its at least a huge dick move. Am I wrong?
PIVX is in direct competition with DASH. its not like bitcoin vs. dash where both can easily coexist. Its a race to mass adoption.

I'm sure Verizon wasn't too happy about how their advertising turned into a golden opportunity for Sprint to take over.

We should, at the minimum, never be hiring him back at this point.
Just looked at that report
We contributed to him building his own studio? and we had a month to month deal going?
no wonder dash is down 80% throwing money away like that.
Also I'm seeing he has a deliverable due within a few days... so he is still actively working for dash while soliciting funds from pivx
I'd say this is a far cry from "He fulfilled all his promises"

he should burn the dash that he cashed out to put funds into his studio at least
Also if dash is going to commit to building a studio, why were we willing to gamble that the price of dash wouldn't decrease like this? that was ok? just waste the first few payments in this case?
You think if dash doubled he was just gonna burn the excess? Was there a contractual plan in case?
This was advertised as an "ambassador". If you're an ambassador of a brand, usually its not acceptable to go to a competitor immediately after.
Yeah its "just business" and if that wasn't in the contract (huge oversight imo) hes legally free to do this kind of thing, but its at least a huge dick move. Am I wrong?
PIVX is in direct competition with DASH. its not like bitcoin vs. dash where both can easily coexist. Its a race to mass adoption.

I'm sure Verizon wasn't too happy about how their advertising turned into a golden opportunity for Sprint to take over.

We should, at the minimum, never be hiring him back at this point.

He was unfortunately fired and had no obligations to Dash after that as far as being an ambassador. There was also not any non compete clause. Exclusivity and non compete clauses are things that should be in any proposal like this going forward. A proposal this size should also have some kind of escrow so we know exactly what we paid for, I.E a studio.

Just looked at that report
We contributed to him building his own studio? and we had a month to month deal going?
no wonder dash is down 80% throwing money away like that.
Also I'm seeing he has a deliverable due within a few days... so he is still actively working for dash while soliciting funds from pivx
I'd say this is a far cry from "He fulfilled all his promises"

he should burn the dash that he cashed out to put funds into his studio at least

I do believe Dash funds were used to build out or start building out a studio and it should therefore be called the Dash studio for future broadcast, but there was no agreement on how long that would last. Football stadiums usualy sell naming rights but contracts vary.
It appears some of the funds were used to setup a Masternode but that is still unclear. If Ben wants to work for Dash again there will need to be some clarity on these issues.