Behind Dash
Is a look at the Invisible People and Activities that drive Dash forward.
Devs are slaving away at incredible speed, but we only see this when there’s a new release.
Many contributors to Dash live in the shadows - we don’t know who they are and what they do and we would like to change that.
We think it will be good for the Dash Community to get to know the activities and unsung heroes Behind Dash.
We hope to feature what happens in the Repos and have some short Interviews a couple of times a week.
Watching the Dashpay repos on Github on a regular basis is a great way to see just how hard the Dash Core Group is working behind the scenes to deliver the software that we sometimes take for granted. Watching the repos is usually dry work, sometimes you get some funny chatter between the devs, but most Dash users won’t want to stay on top of going thru the repositories on Github, much less get lots of notification emails, so part of our service to the Dash community will be to summarize the activity for you. We know you will enjoy the extra insight into DCG activity.
Insights gained from the Repo Roundup will be used to ask better questions of the people that are interviewed from DCG. We will also invite community members to submit questions they would like answered and Behind Dash wants to keep this light hearted.
So let’s start. Over to Agnew Pickens with his 1st Weekly Roundup:
Week of January 20th-27th, 2019
With the Dashcore v0.13.0.0 release getting quick adoption by masternodes, and with the promise of v14 being released soon upon activation of DIP3 on mainnet, let’s take a look at the repository activity and what is going on with testing of v14.
This week was an active week for the Dash repos, our DCG devs look like they are pushing hard to get v14 ready and its components tested on testnet (which already has DIP3) prior to the spork. I have not seen any commits to a master branch yet, and we won’t get a release candidate for v14 until DIP3 is fully activated, but work is proceeding quickly.
Parts of v14 are already being tested and the devs are working on getting LLMQs to work smoothly with DIP3. From sources in Dash Talk Discord, we should have a release candidate out with the DIP3 spork with no more than 4 or 5 RCs, since most of the hard work was already done in v13, which saw 13 release candidates.
DIP3 has been put on the v13 roadmap and once we have 80% miner consensus, we should be expecting a testnet candidate for v14 with a quick release to mainnet, paving the road for the release of Evolution 1.0.
Look for weekly or semi weekly repo updates beginning with this summary.
Is a look at the Invisible People and Activities that drive Dash forward.
Devs are slaving away at incredible speed, but we only see this when there’s a new release.
Many contributors to Dash live in the shadows - we don’t know who they are and what they do and we would like to change that.
We think it will be good for the Dash Community to get to know the activities and unsung heroes Behind Dash.
We hope to feature what happens in the Repos and have some short Interviews a couple of times a week.
Watching the Dashpay repos on Github on a regular basis is a great way to see just how hard the Dash Core Group is working behind the scenes to deliver the software that we sometimes take for granted. Watching the repos is usually dry work, sometimes you get some funny chatter between the devs, but most Dash users won’t want to stay on top of going thru the repositories on Github, much less get lots of notification emails, so part of our service to the Dash community will be to summarize the activity for you. We know you will enjoy the extra insight into DCG activity.
Insights gained from the Repo Roundup will be used to ask better questions of the people that are interviewed from DCG. We will also invite community members to submit questions they would like answered and Behind Dash wants to keep this light hearted.
So let’s start. Over to Agnew Pickens with his 1st Weekly Roundup:
Week of January 20th-27th, 2019
With the Dashcore v0.13.0.0 release getting quick adoption by masternodes, and with the promise of v14 being released soon upon activation of DIP3 on mainnet, let’s take a look at the repository activity and what is going on with testing of v14.
This week was an active week for the Dash repos, our DCG devs look like they are pushing hard to get v14 ready and its components tested on testnet (which already has DIP3) prior to the spork. I have not seen any commits to a master branch yet, and we won’t get a release candidate for v14 until DIP3 is fully activated, but work is proceeding quickly.
Parts of v14 are already being tested and the devs are working on getting LLMQs to work smoothly with DIP3. From sources in Dash Talk Discord, we should have a release candidate out with the DIP3 spork with no more than 4 or 5 RCs, since most of the hard work was already done in v13, which saw 13 release candidates.
DIP3 has been put on the v13 roadmap and once we have 80% miner consensus, we should be expecting a testnet candidate for v14 with a quick release to mainnet, paving the road for the release of Evolution 1.0.
Look for weekly or semi weekly repo updates beginning with this summary.
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