Becoming a Dash Merchant ...


New member
Is it really that hard?


If my company cannot get listed as a merchant how can Grandma by JACK from us?

Apparently it is ...


With all love due to Robert and Jon this doesn't help me get my enterprise listed as a Dash Merchant and it REALLY doesn't help Grandma pay our firm!

Just sayin.
Not sure here, what you are asking ?

how to get "listed"? or how to actually setup a website that accepts DASH?

Thanks for the quick response. At least I'm not standing in line at the DMV heh!

We'd like to get our website set up to accept dash payments. A couple of Dash Community members sent links to several entities / websites that purport to offer that service, but it all went over my non-tech head ... and I'm the tech savvy hombre in the firm!

Not necessarily looking for a solution in this thread, just highlight then need to make the listing / registration of merchants who accept Dash a simply click, enter data, click submit process. Maybe that is over the technology horizon, but it sure would make my life easier.

Regardless, I do need load a Dash payment software / tool on our website so anyone with insight regarding that task please do chime in.


Thanks for the quick response. At least I'm not standing in line at the DMV heh!

Regardless, I do need load a Dash payment software / tool on our website so anyone with insight regarding that task please do chime in.


I use the woocommerce plugin by nmarley right now for however his price hosting service is down at the moment and so it's not working right now. I am looking into how to mitigate that risk and hosting my own price ticker or switching to dashpay.

You can submit your business on that is one place that has a DASH merchant listing maybe that can get you started....

I reached out to both buywithdash and spenddash, among others, and am in the que .. I guess. My point remains. If an experienced user - hell a MINER - like you is experiencing downtime on the site that links you to your customers then ... that's a problem. Again, we need a simple click to register, enter data - what data I'm not sure - followed by choose your provider / interface etc. and then a SUBMIT button that registers your enterprise. Who the provider / interface, etc. is is, I think a key, and I'd like to see a robust competition for such services within the Dash Community. But if lawyers, accountants, retailers, small business owners, etc. etc. art to utilize the service it must NOT entail trips to multiple websites where we BEG to be listed. The process must be CLICK, Enter DATA, Pick Provider, SUBMIT, done, you ARE registered.

Otherwise Dash just becomes Betamax2.0

Just my .02 cents worth.
If my company cannot get listed as a merchant how can Grandma by JACK from us?

If your grandma is anything like my grandma, Dash in its current state is not for her. Dash will become grandma-friendly when the Evolution project is completed in approximately six months (keep your fingers crossed, it will probably take longer than that).

I'm working on a very simple Dash invoicing system here:

Should have some working code for you in about a week.