WTT Because Guns. Sort-of

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This would be awesome to hunt down wild boars with an AR-15 LOL!!

Out here in the Western US, I have a preference for scoped .30 cal.
Have used wheel guns and stealth. Will do that no longer !

I do have friends with an infestation problem damaging their crops... Their choice is 12g pump, pickup trucks, and spotlights.
Lost contact with them... don't know if they are winning...

You can put a scope on a .308 AR-15. It actually kicks less than a .3006 but puts just as big of holes in the *ahem* paper. Nice 1911. @camosol : you and I would get along nicely... but I'm on the other side of the US.
If guns are the problem, then why haven't any of mine gone on a shooting rampage?

Lord knows, I've got plenty of them,. and even more ammo...

It is impossible to ban something that is as easy to manufacture as a gun. The only people who believe that, are socialists who have never done real work, so they have no idea what industry is... Making a gun is easier than growing weed... You may as well try to ban the wind from blowing. Those who say they can do it, the politicians who promote gun control... How magical must they imagine themselves to be?

I'd like to see Hillary Clinton shake her fist at the sky and order the wind to stop blowing... Maybe then Democrats will finally realize that the blood is on their hands... It's the anti-gunners' fault.

When you're a demographic of people already dedicated to denying reality, will you accept reality when it comes with the responsibility of so many dead? Can you admit to having that much blood on your hands?

Hell no, they always double-down and blame the very people who keep telling them that this is going to happen... Social justice warriors, even when the real religious fanatics reveal themselves. Even when it attacks their own pet constituency! Will gays ever learn that democrats are not their friends?
That last conversation you and I had about guns came to mind when I turned the TV on..... sad day for sure.

I'm not sure this is going to slow down at this rate..
Of course it's not going to slow down. It's not supposed to! Why do you think Obozo keeps letting them in? Why do you think the left keeps screaming about conservatives hating gays? Milo Yiannoppoulos is one of my favorite people, and I'm as right-wing as it gets... In the top 10 hottest chicks I've ever seen naked, 1st and 2nd place are both black girls... :p Conservatives are not racist. What is racist, is telling black people that they have to vote democrat or else they're Uncle Toms... "Obey, or you're not one of us anymore."

Gotta drown out the truth. Censorship. Lies. No matter what name they hide behind, Nazi, Socialist, Communist, Democrat, the games they play are always the same... It's sad to keep watching it happen, knowing how easily it can be prevented... I built a zip gun out of garbage I found at the side of the road... Garbage could have saved all those booty bandits... Re-hashing the same BS propaganda. The same lies. The same talking heads who don't care how many have to die just so they can get more power and more free stuff...
This would be awesome to hunt down wild boars with an AR-15 LOL!!
Despite what the propagandists would have you imagine, the AR-15, in default .223/5.56 chamber, is pretty freakin' wimpy.

The military switched to the 5.56 cartridge because the military has this theory that injuring a soldier causes a massive waste of resource in hospitalization, logistics, etc., failing to account for the fact that we care for our soldiers, but most of our enemies do not... So, it doesn't have the intended effect. It just ends up being an ineffective gun. Sure, it'll kill you... But there's just as much chance you'll survive... I can kill with my fist, so, that's not much of a metric.

Try something in .308 or better. I like my RFB on hog. ;-) I enjoy my Saiga .308 for the fact that even if I miss, the muzzle blast will set the target on fire... :p

Dumbass Democrat Bitch: "Why do you carry that THING on your hip? Are you expecting trouble?"
Me: "Lady, if I were expecting trouble in a place, I would:
1) Not go there.
2) If I had to go there (to save people who were too dumb to carry their own guns), I'd bring my rifle."

I only carry a handgun so that I can fight my way to my rifle.

Except when it's my 10mm. Because 10mm bitches!

Should I have the slide engraved
"Centimeter of DOOM!"
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