I know everybody is trying their best and bravest to keep the Trolls on BCT under control
the more we engage , the more we fuel their fire (and stupidity) !
I hereby want to encourage everybody
- NOT to quote them
- put them on IGNORE
and lets hunger them out like that !
please ! BCT is unusable in the moment, and the only way (i see)
is to IGNORE them !!! use that button , and do NOT quote them !!
(oldest rule in the book !)
the more we engage , the more we fuel their fire (and stupidity) !
I hereby want to encourage everybody
- NOT to quote them
- put them on IGNORE
and lets hunger them out like that !
please ! BCT is unusable in the moment, and the only way (i see)
is to IGNORE them !!! use that button , and do NOT quote them !!
(oldest rule in the book !)