Basilpop, the Dash subreddit moderator, does not have the temperament to moderate that community.

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Here is a quote @Macrochip / Basilpop:

"I'm known as the asshole mod and I thrive on that image." - Basilpop, the Dash subreddit moderator.

I thought he as just a bad moderator, but he is a horrible person. How did someone like him ended up at any position of power within Dash?

More evidence:

- Rude and condescending. "You don't know how Reddit works. How is anyone supposed to know how your frontpage looks like? Also if you didn't subscribe how did you end up here in the first place?"
- Rude to other members "So you got nothing but artificial indignation."
- Instigating conflict "Burn all your paper money then. It's being used for crime elsewhere right now and you shouldn't have to endure that on your conscience."
- Vulgar language, unprofessional behavior, accusing user of being a troll and an asshole. " Disparaging this community as a "sect" without any basis is not "dissenting in opinion", it's simply being an asshole. Goodbye troll."
- Instigating conflict, failing to defuse the situation. "You're getting no more than you deserve for your behaviour. A friendly community doesn't mean a wimpy pushover-community."
- Ad hominem towards a community "It's so ridiculous how neckbeard cryptards think otherwise."
- Offending users, calling them insecure "I should be as insecure as you because I bought at sub-dollar!"
- Straight up being a jerk "It's funny how your insecurity and intimidation facing Dash's superior funding model compels you to spread lies about "premines" and "companies"."
- Vulgar, unprofessional, rude comments. "Just like you never had a clue about anything regarding Evolution's capabilities I similarly never had any "online dating profile" in my life. But, bitch, please go ahead and link to whoever you pathetic morons think is me."

@MizzyMax , look here. It's ok when @Macrochip calls other people morons, but he gave you a lifetime ban when you said the word "moronic".

- Offending members "It took your single braincell only 44 days to think of with that ingenious comeback? Wow, nobody's impressed!"
- Threatening, being rude to members "Tell your little minions to keep their dumps on your own lawn, then there's no mud coming back at you."
- Having to be right all the time, instigating conflict, fostering division. "You're unable to address my argument, so you're resorting to talk about "ego" and "personal issues". As soon as you start talking about feelings instead of facts you have admitted defeat. So again: Thanks for confirming everything I said."
- Rude, unprofessional and offensive. "The fact that you were sulky about it waiting for this "opportunity" makes it especially pathetic. But you just had to add a cherry on top with that whiny forum post, didn't you. Gave me a nice chuckle, thanks for that."

He is also not friendly to the people in this forum too.

- Rude, unprofessional and vulgar. "Stop pushing your personal agenda in every damn thread. Nobody gives a fuck about your personal butthurt over Ben Swann."
- Rude, escalating conflict. "Oh dim-oh... you never fail to entertain with your lack of basic understanding, common sense and sanity. I voted no on that proposal quite a while ago."
- Rude and innapropriate "You seem butthurt, I have something for you" (picture of a man being hanged)
- Unprofessional and vulgar. "16 Masternodes" my ass."
- Irresponsible, escalating conflict "Combined with the extremely irritating, disruptive and downright braindead nature of your "contributions" to this forum I strongly suggest you seek medical and/or psychological counsel to get your life back on track or what's left of it."
- Ad-hominem to new users. "Thank you for your insight long time community member of 32 minutes able to talk about "us" in his very first post on this forum"
- Rude, unprofessional, vulgar "This must be dumbest bug report I've seen in a long time. Stop reporting user stupidity as a bug wasting our developers precious time. Nobody is going to auto-trim spaces. Do you think you're the first person to experience this? God... why won't you just leave."
Hey @solarguy!!

You are also a moderator for r/DASHPAY. Remember how yesterday I came to you asking if a 14 day ban wasn't too harsh, that a warning would be enough, and you lectured me on my lack of professionalism and said it was right for me to be banned for 14 days because I said the word "fuck"?

Your buddy @Macrochip was just caught saying all of this on r/dashpay: FUCK, ASS, DAMN, SINGLE BRAIN CELL, MORON, PATHETIC MORON, INSECURE, ASSHOLE, BITCH, SMALL-MINDED, SNOWFLAKE, BULLSHIT, CLUELESS, DUMB, FUCKING, FACTUALLY CHALLENGED. But nothing happens to him, right? How is that professional standard going now eh? I get a 14 day ban because I said the word "fuck" after someone insulted me, but your buddy gets a free pass to keep insulting people.

He has a proven history of offending and disrespecting users, but you don't do anything, do you??? Not only you don't do anything to ban him, but also you don't undo his mistakes.

So, @solarguy, it's ok when your buddy does it but not everyone else yeah? You double standard hypocrite!
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Basilpop has shown increasing levels of restraint in response to concerns expressed from the community.

Also, he has invited a number of other people to share in the moderating duties at Reddit DashPay, perhaps because he recognizes his, "Get off my yard!" style of moderating may not be appropriate for all circumstances.

Furthermore, nobody doubts that Basilpop is devoted to the Dash cause. Yes, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically at times. He certainly does not engage in concern trolling.

And finally, regardless of what has, or will be done with regards to Basilpop, it does not change the fact that you broke the rules, and you suffered the consequence.

Perhaps you should show him up by example. By being always respectful and professional, always avoiding vulgarity, treating those with differing opinions with dignity and grace.

That is what I attempt to do. I am not in charge of the world and have a limited sphere of influence.
Here is a quote @Macrochip / Basilpop:

"I'm known as the asshole mod and I thrive on that image." - Basilpop, the Dash subreddit moderator.

I thought he as just a bad moderator, but he is a horrible person. How did someone like him ended up at any position of power within Dash?

More evidence:

- Rude and condescending. "You don't know how Reddit works. How is anyone supposed to know how your frontpage looks like? Also if you didn't subscribe how did you end up here in the first place?"
- Rude to other members "So you got nothing but artificial indignation."
- Instigating conflict "Burn all your paper money then. It's being used for crime elsewhere right now and you shouldn't have to endure that on your conscience."
- Vulgar language, unprofessional behavior, accusing user of being a troll and an asshole. " Disparaging this community as a "sect" without any basis is not "dissenting in opinion", it's simply being an asshole. Goodbye troll."
- Instigating conflict, failing to defuse the situation. "You're getting no more than you deserve for your behaviour. A friendly community doesn't mean a wimpy pushover-community."
- Ad hominem towards a community "It's so ridiculous how neckbeard cryptards think otherwise."
- Offending users, calling them insecure "I should be as insecure as you because I bought at sub-dollar!"
- Straight up being a jerk "It's funny how your insecurity and intimidation facing Dash's superior funding model compels you to spread lies about "premines" and "companies"."
- Vulgar, unprofessional, rude comments. "Just like you never had a clue about anything regarding Evolution's capabilities I similarly never had any "online dating profile" in my life. But, bitch, please go ahead and link to whoever you pathetic morons think is me."

@MizzyMax , look here. It's ok when @Macrochip calls other people morons, but he gave you a lifetime ban when you said the word "moronic".

- Offending members "It took your single braincell only 44 days to think of with that ingenious comeback? Wow, nobody's impressed!"
- Threatening, being rude to members "Tell your little minions to keep their dumps on your own lawn, then there's no mud coming back at you."
- Having to be right all the time, instigating conflict, fostering division. "You're unable to address my argument, so you're resorting to talk about "ego" and "personal issues". As soon as you start talking about feelings instead of facts you have admitted defeat. So again: Thanks for confirming everything I said."
- Rude, unprofessional and offensive. "The fact that you were sulky about it waiting for this "opportunity" makes it especially pathetic. But you just had to add a cherry on top with that whiny forum post, didn't you. Gave me a nice chuckle, thanks for that."

He is also not friendly to the people in this forum too.

- Rude, unprofessional and vulgar. "Stop pushing your personal agenda in every damn thread. Nobody gives a fuck about your personal butthurt over Ben Swann."
- Rude, escalating conflict. "Oh dim-oh... you never fail to entertain with your lack of basic understanding, common sense and sanity. I voted no on that proposal quite a while ago."
- Rude and innapropriate "You seem butthurt, I have something for you" (picture of a man being hanged)
- Unprofessional and vulgar. "16 Masternodes" my ass."
- Irresponsible, escalating conflict "Combined with the extremely irritating, disruptive and downright braindead nature of your "contributions" to this forum I strongly suggest you seek medical and/or psychological counsel to get your life back on track or what's left of it."
- Ad-hominem to new users. "Thank you for your insight long time community member of 32 minutes able to talk about "us" in his very first post on this forum"
- Rude, unprofessional, vulgar "This must be dumbest bug report I've seen in a long time. Stop reporting user stupidity as a bug wasting our developers precious time. Nobody is going to auto-trim spaces. Do you think you're the first person to experience this? God... why won't you just leave."
Hmmm “you pathetic morons” - basilpop

So @solarguy will you give him the same ban he gave me?

EDIT: Or will you now lift my ban because I only see it as fair that we get the same punishment.
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I signed up with to purely to add my comments on this thread.

My experience.

I am (or was) a new Dash user. I tried Dash and whilst it did work, I found the confirmation times were relatively slow (3-4 minutes, if I recall). This is was my experience. A few weeks had passed and I had sold my Dash and moved on, but noticed a thread on Reddit about "Ignore Dash" which was a thread about strategies to get new users. It also talked about "instant confirmations" which piqued my curiosity. I relayed my own experience with Dash's slow confirmations on the off chance that someone might respond with something useful. This is where I became acquainted with the moderator, Basilpop.

I can't quote directly from the thread because it seems to have been deleted (except for the original post), but I started with the following comment.

"That'd be great if Dash had instant confirmations. I tried it a few weeks back and it was like watching paint dry."

That post may sound somewhat ignorant, and it most certainly was, however, that very same term "ignorant" might also apply to the expectation that every single user is born knowing every single technical detail about Dash. If you want to bring new people into Dash, treating them like idiots for not knowing everything about Dash, is slightly counter-productive, IMHO. At the time I made the post, I had no knowledge of instant pay (the feature) or master nodes. As far as I was concerned at the time, Dash was no faster than, or different to, any other comparable crypto.

Now, paraphrasing, because like I said, the thread was deleted, but Basilpop replied to the thread saying something to the effect that the "instant pay" feature had been turned off for a while, but was back now and that I should have checked this before I started spreading incorrect information.

Sounds fairly subtle, but already the arrogance and disdain that Basilpop regularly shows towards others is evident. The accusation is implicit; that I was there merely to spread misinformation.

So I replied to this saying that I was not there spreading anything, but describing my own experience that was only a few weeks prior and asked whether the moderator was accusing me of lying. He then went on to say that yes he was accusing me of lying and that I was clearly stupid and so on. The thread degraded from that point. At no point did I call the moderator any name, suggest he was stupid or anything of the sort, yet I was repeatedly called a liar, stupid, and told that Dash wouldn't want people like me (again paraphrasing) anyway. It would appear that the whole point of the thread (to discuss ways to bring more people to Dash) was lost on the moderator who appeared dead set intent on personally attacking and belittling me. Apparently Dash doesn't want people who aren't already experts in Dash. i.e., Dash doesn't want new users after all.

At that point I checked the moderator's history and quickly saw that (no exaggeration) at least 80% of his posts on Reddit were of the same sort. The moderator, always right (of course), talking down to people like they are gutter trash. The motif was unmistakable. Even other users were making the same points about how the moderator continually talks down to people and generally lacks the civility one would expect from a moderator. There appears to be a long history of this going on.

After discovering the above, I pointed out to the moderator that their conduct seemed to follow a pattern and that perhaps there are some issues they need to address, because they were not fulfilling the role one would expect of a moderator. Of course, at that point I was banned (though I had already left the group before the ban was instigated). I had expected to be banned, because it's not about assisting someone to learn something new, it's simply about the power play.

Getting back to my personal experience with Dash. Yes, it was my experience. No, I am not lying. No, I am not stupid (one doesn't obtain several software patents by being stupid, let me assure you). I was, however, new to Dash and was not aware that there was an instant send feature. I was not aware of master nodes. A helpful moderator would have started by believing what I posted and enquiring about the specifics of my experience, such as what wallet software I used and any additional details. They might have also enquired as to my knowledge/experience level and whether I was aware of feature X, Y or Z and potentially provided some information on those features, and encouraged me to try again, after I brought myself up to speed. An unhelpful moderator, like the one I encountered, on the other hand immediately accuses the poster of being a liar and stupid and merely present to spread misinformation.

I felt compelled to respond here, because as a person who has worked in the software industry for many years and who is also an employer, I would absolutely not want the kind of person who I encountered on Reddit to be anywhere near potentially new users of my product. Feel free to consider this information, or ignore it, it matters not to me.

You seem like an oversensitive SJW snowflake to me with way too thin skin to ever use any internet message board at all.

This is what @Macrochip has said to me at the beginning of this very first thread. He knows absolutely nothing about me. I could be a 18 year old girl or a 55 year old veteran, and yet he explicitly attacked me, in front of you all to see. He did the same with hundreds of people on r/dashpay and on this forum, as I have proven.

He insulted, offended, mocked, ridiculed and angered hundreds of people. He also abused his power and banned users without any criteria. He broke rules hundreds of times . What else does somebody need to do to have moderator privileges revoked?

Posts & Comments
Reported as: Insulting/Threats/Doxing
The Dash community is very friendly, respectful of each other and open minded. Name calling and insulting another user is strictly forbidden and may lead to a ban in extreme cases.​

I have a question to all the moderation team of r/Dash that haven't commented: @tungfa @moocowmoo @amanda_b_johnson @thedesertlynx: Did you know about all this? I don't think you did, because I would be very disappointed if 5 respected members saw everything and did nothing. Now that you do, are you going to to allow someone like him to continue to be a moderator?
It also seems that no one here really knows what "Ad hominem" means, with the exception of randomalbum.

It's simply when you avoid addressing the argument and instead direct comment at some attribute of the person making the argument, whether those characteristics are true or not. So everything in the earlier table can be an ad hominem if used as a strategy to either avoid addressing the argument, or to undermine it.

The idea that "outsider", for example, is never an ad hominem, demonstrates a lack of understanding of the meaning of the term. Basilpop is demonstrably X, but that being so, I can't use that fact to bolster my arguments, or undermine his. Being X doesn't automatically invalidate logic or have any bearing on the argument being made.

This is the difference between approaching a claim of, for example, "The development team is not doing anything" with either...

1.) You one post wonder coming in here thinking you know everything about Dash. You are an outsider! The development team just released an update, so you are clearly wrong.


2.) I notice you are a new user here. Welcome to the Dash sub-reddit. You appear to be concerned about a lack of development. As someone who is actively engaged with the Dash community I can assure you that this is not the case. You can see for yourself here and here. If you would like to discuss this or have any questions please let me know.

Which type of face do you all want Dash to have?

Irrespective of the above, what concerns me the most about this thread is that there appears to be some kind of obsession about new people and outsiders and how they are seen as some kind of threat, instead of the opportunity that they are! New users who have a positive experience bring in more new users and so on. If you drive off new users, like you did me, welcome to the downward spiral; we'll see Dash at CMC #300 in due course.

I normally charge a lot of money for my time. You just got it for free. Use it how you see fit.

Yup, I will comment on this: I am a fierce DASH supporter, but I am not stupid. I have issues with SOME of the decisions the DASH team has made, and I am absolutely not afraid to openly defend my positions respectfully.

This guy banned me from the DASH subreddit for disagreeing with him on something. Really - that's why I was banned. I am banned from the subreddit of the coin I have the most holdings in....

What a great community... /s
@Macrochip / Basilpop

Your role as a moderator is not "being right"! You have this obsessive necessity of being right all the time. You banned me for disagreeing over the definition of ad-hominem. A good moderator would have defused the situation. Instead, you escalated it to a whole new level. With me, with mikebam, with MizzyMax and many other users.

You are not a friendly person, you do not have the patience or the temperament to manage a community, even though you might have all the facts right.

I'm going to list plenty of examples of you being unnecessarily rude, using unprofessional language, failing to defuse a situation, escalating problems, and just out right being a jerk to other users. I want to be clear that I will fight for your right to be a jerk and say whatever you want, because I respect free speech, but not as a Dash Moderator.

All these messages are just within the last 30 days.

Thank you for that trip down memory lane with the epic history of me whacking trolls, FUDsters and Dash-haters. I stand by every single word you quoted, otherwise I wouldn't have typed it. I encourage anyone to click the links and explore the actual context he decided to conceal.

Something more in general: On the r/dashpay subreddit you can say "fuck", "shit", "piss" or whatever curse you prefer. It's called free speech. Anyone is free to yell "What the fucking shit is this piss?!" on the subreddit. Nobody cares. What you cannot say is "Fuck you, you shitty pisshead" which is a direct insult without any argument in it. I don't think I need to elaborate on the difference?

Anyway, I don't remember ever talking to another user like this:


which I found in my inbox today. In fact I strive to always address the actual argument at hand which you can verify why checking the context of each quote. Whether the wording is strong or not does not really matter to me, just like your "feels" don't matter to me. I may say "Your argument is fucking stupid", but not once will you ever find me saying anything to the effect of "Your face is fucking stupid". If you dislike strong language, tough luck, I call it free speech. The limits of free speech, at least on r/dashpay are where pointless insults begin and no more utility can be derived from a discussion.

Finally I won't ever show respect to someone who barges into our subreddit and starts yelling "instamine scam", "centralized Masternode shitcoin" or similar nonsense and I will never ask any of you for permission to attack people like that. I will use strong language to factually debunk them as I have done in the last 3 years and I will never excuse myself for doing so.

Btw: This forum has different rules (almost none it seems) than r/dashpay, so don't act surprised if I choose to express myself differently here. It's not like I haven't been personally insulted on this forum myself before and nothing happened as a consequence. You don't see me bitch and moan about it though.

Btw2: Every single rule on r/dashpay was written by me and I ran them by the then Slack-moderators/now Discord moderator for feedback. Nobody had any objections. Rule #6 in specific was lent from Tao's rulebook. Just an FYI

Hmmm “you pathetic morons” - basilpop

So @solarguy will you give him the same ban he gave me?

EDIT: Or will you now lift my ban because I only see it as fair that we get the same punishment.

A proven troll threatened to dox me pretending to be part of a group of hackers. I retaliated to his provocation of me allegedly being a desperate person doing unsuccessful online dating. I never had an online dating profile in my entire life. I responded how anyone would've responded faced with this idiotic kind of provocation.

I signed up with to purely to add my comments on this thread.

My experience.

I am (or was) a new Dash user. I tried Dash and whilst it did work, I found the confirmation times were relatively slow (3-4 minutes, if I recall). This is was my experience. A few weeks had passed and I had sold my Dash and moved on, but noticed a thread on Reddit about "Ignore Dash" which was a thread about strategies to get new users. It also talked about "instant confirmations" which piqued my curiosity. I relayed my own experience with Dash's slow confirmations on the off chance that someone might respond with something useful. This is where I became acquainted with the moderator, Basilpop.

I can't quote directly from the thread because it seems to have been deleted (except for the original post), but I started with the following comment.

"That'd be great if Dash had instant confirmations. I tried it a few weeks back and it was like watching paint dry."

[cut off to shorten the message below 15k characters]

The discussion was not deleted. Again spreading false information? Is that some sort of hobby of yours? In your very first sentence you claim Dash has no instant confirmations. As in "Dash does not have the feature of instant confirmations and this applies for everyone". That is what you said. Just because it didn't work for you once.
After being corrected you've argued about "your experience" for the next few comments when I made it abundantly clear that I wasn't talking about "your experience" but you stating the false claim I just pointed out. You had no interest in accepting that your statement was incorrect, instead you decided to complain about how bad this whole experience made you feel for being called out. Refusal to have a factual discussion equates trolling. Also: Why did you edit your original message 1 week later? Did you realize you said something inflammatory after all and wanted to hide the evidence?

Yup, I will comment on this: I am a fierce DASH supporter, but I am not stupid. I have issues with SOME of the decisions the DASH team has made, and I am absolutely not afraid to openly defend my positions respectfully.

This guy banned me from the DASH subreddit for disagreeing with him on something. Really - that's why I was banned. I am banned from the subreddit of the coin I have the most holdings in....

What a great community... /s

I asked you to provide evidence for your claim that the "Dash Core Team owns 45% of all Masternodes". You refused to provide it passing your speculation off as fact which broke rule 6, hence the ban. Here is the link to the conversation for anyone to read:

Sorry for broken quotes. I only made this account to be able to read posts restricted to registered users. As an anonymous MNO I don't appreciate having to step in to clean up the mess Basilpop has been making all over our forums...,

"Macrochip / Basilpop now decides who is a member of the Dash community or not.
Imagine all the millions of dollars Dash spend on marketing and we now have this guy representing Dash's values and speaking on behalf of the community as a moderator."

No wonder the millions wasted on FeedBands, etc. marketing have not made Dash more competitive in CMC rankings or adoption. Dash's marketing subcontractors' paid advertisment clicks are being funneled into a Reddit forum with abrasive, horrendous moderation. No wonder it is a ghost town. Not even DashForce's excellent content has been able to grow out an ecosystem on Basilpop's toxic scorched earth.

"Macrochip / Basilpop

Your role as a moderator is not "being right"! You have this obsessive necessity of being right all the time. You banned me for disagreeing over the definition of ad-hominem. A good moderator would have defused the situation. Instead, you escalated it to a whole new level. With me, with mikebam, with MizzyMax and many other users.

You are not a friendly person, you do not have the patience or the temperament to manage a community, even though you might have all the facts right.

I'm going to list plenty of examples of you being unnecessarily rude, using unprofessional language, failing to defuse a situation, escalating problems, and just out right being a jerk to other users. I want to be clear that I will fight for your right to be a jerk and say whatever you want, because I respect free speech, but not as a Dash Moderator.

All these messages are just within the last 30 days.


Is @Macrochip the kind of person you want speaking for the Dash Community?
Does it look like he is welcoming to new members and contribute to healthy discussions?

Remember, this is only from the last 30 days. And before someone comments on my post history, I am not a Dash moderator and do not speak for any community.

I don't doubt he is a good member of the community, that he likes to be right all the time and probably is, but he is not a good moderator for Dash in any way, shape or form. Please remove him as a moderator, and set up official standards for the others."

Dash can't be Grandma-friendly while Basilpop will leap at any opportunity to grab her walking cane and beat her to death with it. Basilpop's NSFW potty mouth is also not family-friendly. It's hypocritical for @solarguy to concern troll and tone police random posters for casually using four letter words while his fellow mod does it all the time in abusive, aggressive contexts.

Basilpop: I thought he as just a bad moderator, but he is a horrible person. How did someone like him ended up at any position of power within Dash?

He is also not friendly to the people in this forum too."

There are two explanations for Basilpop/Macrochip's appalling behavior. The explanations for the (lack of) community reaction to his toxic conduct are more complicated.
If Basilpop really wants to help Dash then he is incompetent, as we can observe from this thread, Dash's sliding market rank, and the lack of community engagement on our Reddit subforum.
If Basilpop is really a Trollero infiltrator, then he is malevolent.
Either way, the Dash leadership and grassroots must quickly adopt and enforce a Community Code of Conduct so Dash has a public image suitable for the Evolution roll-out process starting this Fall.

This is the best CoC I've ever seen so it's a good starting point for Dash: h teetee ps://
No serious commercial enterprise (much less government agency) will want to partner with Dash when a quick visit to the subreddit makes our ecosystem look about as vibrant and welcoming as Silent Hill's toxic, haunted hellscape. Crypto Reddit is already bad enough but Basilpop manages to make his shitty little corner of it even worse by acting completely without impulse control or external regulation.

How did a horrible person like Basilpop ended up at any position of power within Dash?
Perhaps Basilpop is a Trollero who bought many Masernodes cheaply and entered the community in order to scare away newcomers with his over-the-top Cult Enforcer bullying.
But IMO it's more likely Basilpop is a true Dash dinosaur, IE an Instamine beneficiary and probably a member of THE DARKCOIN FOUNDATION INC.
This hypothesis entails Basilpop knowing the truth behind Dash's hidden, ugly secrets regarding the Instamine and using that as leverage to make sure he cannot be reigned in by the proper authorities.

Whether Basilpop is a member of Evan's Inner Circle, Trollero saboteur, or just a random incel nobody, Dash needs to fix the kind of toxic strip club/locker whistle masculinity problem he represents ASAP.

Why is this conspiracy theorist troll allowed on here claiming the instamine was an intentional scam and that I was supposedly in on it?

Speaking of trolls, why is iCEHOLE still allowed on this forum, too? He just candidly admitted his agenda to me in PM:

ok , everybody hold their horses !

Moderating Crypto pages is never easy and the longer you do it the fiercer u become
as the freaking trolling is for real ! and is rolling in on a daily bases !
overreactions might happen, as we all made mistakes in the past , there is no need to go overboard here with the personal attacks and the likes !

I personally am getting spammed on a daily bases from multi people and outlets
example: " I am an MNO u need to this NOW as I invested x amount and this is "F" that and "F" this"
well - good on him , and yes sure - but "the sound makes the music" , the more people yell at me (example) to do things - obviously the less I do them - as I have 1 Million other things to do and will not be yelled at , can not handle fouls language and the likes, ....
polite articulations are still key as always !
"can you please"
will always get you further than:
"F'ing do it now " ;)
many things need to be handled by Devs in the back , I am not a dev and need to wait and rely on others to do the tasks at hand - the more people yell at me (I definitely do NOT yell at the devs and "ask" them to do things .... people are traveling , having families and whatever other personal things going on - so - sometimes things take time to be sorted
please be considerate !

I will have a conversation with Macro/ Balsi + other Moderators/Admins about this issues vented here
suggest for everybody else to take a breather !
Macro is working since year with us for free , is doing a great job keeping Forums and the likes on track , so give the man some credit ,
sometimes emotions take over (as we are all just human ), and mistakes happen !

I will close this thread as I believe the "case is made"
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