


Can't seem to find any info BUT...........................

Anybody know what a single MN uses in bandwidth per month?
Maybe one of you folks running a MN can check you "remote" server info.

I'm running on these Pi's but can't really see what it's bandwidth usage per month is.

If a few people can respond, even if the answer is about the same as the last persons, that would be great. I really like comparing the numbers....... anyway :-D

That sounds like a lot - - eeee
Hopefully some better numbers come in - lol

Weeeeeeellllllll....... okay
55-65GB per month.....

and nothing else is running.......??
JUST a single MN?
It looks like I have around 50GB a month as well across my masternodes, both in and out. Really that is not much, you are only talking about 0.02 MB/s. A Pi and home internet connection can handle that in most areas of the US. Though I still look forward to this requirement being a lot higher when the network has far more functionality and users.


Oh and since you are running a Pi I assume you are running linux. Run the command ifconfig to see your total bandwidth in (RX bytes) and out (TX bytes) since you last booted. Then run uptime to see how long it has been since you last booted. Divide your bandwidth by the number of days you been running to see how much you use per day then work the math from there to figure out month, hour year etc.

Good suff..... I'm still somewhat new to Linux but always trying to learn
THX for the info....

Got these numbers
2.9GB IN
- - - - - - - - 5.4GB TOTAL Ethernet Usage

0.6GB IN
- - - - - - - - 1.2GB TOTAL Loop-Back Usage

5.4GB TOTAL Ethernet Usage + 1.2GB TOTAL Loop-Back Usage = 6.6GB Combined Usage
UPTIME: 5 days

6.6GB Combined Usage / 5 Days of UPTIME = 1.32GB Combined Usage/Day of UPTIME

1.32GB Combined Usage/Day of UPTIME X 30 Days = 39.6GB Combined Usage/Month

- - - - - - - - BUT
If Loop-Back does not count towards my Internet Usage than....
Minus Loop-Back.....

Ethernet = 81.81%
Loop-Back = 18.18%

39.6GB Combined Usage/Month * 0.1818 = 7.2GB of Loop-Back Usage

39.6GB Combined Usage/Month - 7.2GB of Loop-Back Usage = 32.4GB Combined Usage/Month with Loop-Back Usage deducted


I'll run the numbers again at EOM and see if they line-up with these figures :-D
What otaci said, do not count Loopback. That is just a fake network adapter used internally by the computer.

Also your network usage will go up as you continue to gain reliable connections to other peers. I have seen bandwidth usage climb for 3 weeks or so until it finally stabilizes which by that time the usage is about 75% higher than when I first booted.

Edit: Just realized that my bandwidth usage may not be a fair comparison. I have my max connections set to 200 but the default is 125 if you do not define anything.
I have : maxconnections = 8

And I do thank everybody that has replied

Please keep the numbers coming - like to see where some HIGHs and LOWs lay :-D

Might also be a good idea to list your : maxconnections = ?#?

All good stuff :)
I think what happens is that a home internet connection is not as large, and so it will only use what it can, and a VPS has a much bigger pipe, so the program uses it. Unfortunately, that probably means that some day MNs will be required to have a minimum size pipe, as well as storage, ram and computing power. This will probably squeeze out the rpi eventually. But that just means you have to turn it into another "thing" :)