Baikal Cube 300


New member

I am a new owner of a Baikal Cube and have a couple of questions regarding operating temperature. Hope someone can share their experience.

1. I noticed the miner's UI has a couple of spots with temperature, one in the upper left corner (under Devices -> Temp) and one in the bottom right corner (next to Load x.xx). They tend to show significantly different temperatures (like 38c and 50c). Can somebody clarify which one is correct?

2. What is a safe operating temperature on these units? Is 50c safe? I try to keep the fan speed around 50-55% which seems to raise the temp to about 50c.

Just want to make sure I don't wear this thing down too quickly :)

Thank you.
Hi, welcome to the Dash Forum.

1. I noticed the miner's UI has a couple of spots with temperature, one in the upper left corner (under Devices -> Temp) and one in the bottom right corner (next to Load x.xx). They tend to show significantly different temperatures (like 38c and 50c). Can somebody clarify which one is correct?

Both are correct, the temperature on the bottom of the page is directly from your PI, which is quite normal at 50-60 degrees, it should not go over 80 as the PI likes to shut down then. I recommend using passive heatsinks if it goes above 60 (but you are perfectly fine at 50c)

The more important temperature is the one from the miner itself, if it stays under 40, you are fine. At 40-50 things become a bit unstable depending on what you are trying to mine, but works fine as well. One of my Giant miners starts to crash at 48 degrees, so I cooled it down more, but it still crashes at 31c, I guess there is something broken. All my cubes are usually at 30 degrees with Qubit at the moment, but I have seen them go up to 45-47 degrees (at 50% fan, which I then increased to 70-90 again to lower that by 10 degrees) and they are still pretty stable for about a month for me now.

Overall the baikal miners work well, but I noticed differences, some work flawlessly and even under high temperatures, others like to crash and need more attention, so I split them into two groups for now, so I can mine what is most profitable (currently DGB Qubit) and then switch the stable ones to X11 once it makes sense and keep the other 1-2 miners mining MUE or DGB or something else if they don't behave with X11 (X11 needs the most power and generates the most heat).

2. What is a safe operating temperature on these units? Is 50c safe? I try to keep the fan speed around 50-55% which seems to raise the temp to about 50c.
Baikal recommends staying below 40, but they also say it works stable even in the 40-60 degrees celsius range. I have not gone this high, but from a few of the miners I cannot say they run very well at 48 degrees. My GPUs run fine at 90 degrees and the new Ryzen CPU also has no problem with 80 degrees, but the baikals like it a bit cooler. Good ventilation should keep everything below 40 with no problem, I modded all my miners as I did not like the noise (Giants with broken fans can be pretty loud), here is my thread about that:
Thanks for a thorough response.This is exactly what I was looking for. The miner's temperate seems to top out at 41C with fan being on 55%. I was thinking about lowering the fan speed to lower the noise even more, but will keep it as is to make sure it doesn't overheat.
When it is not so hot I have the fans at 40-50% and they are really quiet. However with the giants besides them and some big fans blowing fresh air on everything, the overall noise is greater than anything I can tweak on a cube. With outside temperatures reaching 30c here I have put all fans at 75% for now and hover around 42c for most miners.