You think the bank/guv team isn't going to strike back, hard?
Don't get too comfortable with setting them back on their heels, slightly, this one time. They're going to come back at you fucking hard... They're going to target privacy as a bad thing, accuse you of trafficking in child prostitution, drug dealers, money laundering for terrorists, etc... "Lack of transparency" will be their propaganda-backed narrative, which is nothing more than the elimination of privacy. Regulation is nothing more than guilty-until-proven-innocent. The regulations that hold back banks from competing will be forced upon anything better, crypto in this instance, to artificially level the playing field under the guise of "if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear."
And in the name of the ponzi shitcoin that finally achieves adoption, no one is going to fight it. They'll bend over for anything to get that pump... No pun intended.