August 2017 Budget Report

Ryan Taylor

Well-known member
Foundation Member
As of last Friday, all Dash Core Team proposals were submitted to the network. Once again, due to the continued price increase compared with last month, we do not require additional funding for office space, marketing, infrastructure, applications, business development, public relations, HR/recruiting, legal, or for compensation of the team. For all of these areas / functions, we have sufficient funding to operate from existing balances and price appreciation.

As with previous months, the absence of these budgets is not a sign that the core team intends to discontinue any of these expenses. It is simply that the balances we normally keep in these categories to protect against currency fluctuations has risen in value dramatically and we can rely on savings to fulfill our obligations, even after taking currency fluctuation risks into account.

We requested funding for several one-time items, all conferences coming up in the autumn including upfront costs for our own Dash Conference.

August Budget:

The August budget cycle is slated to pay out in the next superblock (714488) which will occur at approximately 8am UTC on Friday, August 4th. That means the voting deadline is scheduled for about 8am UTC on Tuesday, August 1st.

August Core Team Budget Requests:

BTC & Blockchain International Summit
This proposal funds the expenses for Dash to participate and sponsor the "BTC & Blockchain International Summit" in Beijing, China at the Platinum sponsorship level. - 279.99 Dash

Dash Conference 2017
This proposal will fund the first ever Dash-dedicated conference in London on September 24th. - 1701.48 Dash

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference
This proposal funds the expenses for Dash to participate and sponsor the "Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference" in Stockholm, Sweden as the General sponsor of the conference. - 99.29 Dash
Nice problem to have. When you want more just ask!

Just out of curiosity, how many other dev teams turn down money and publish monthly budgets? Any? Bueller? Bueller?