Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

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How can you tell it's at block 1047200?
Will it be automatic exactly at block 1047200?
It was my understanding that spork activation is a manual process.
What's that IP address?
I don't see 1047200 anywhere on that page.
It looks indeed like Spork 15 is already activated.
Very confusing.
@masternube this is the difference between the "spork show" and "spork active" commands. The spork is set to activate at a specific block in the future, and therefore shows active because it is not set to 0 or some other invalid value.
When can we expect "SPORK_16_INSTANTSEND_AUTOLOCKS" activation?
From first post in this thread:
>Spork 16 is the final milestone in the deployment of Dash Core v0.13. After Spork 15 is activated,
>we will monitor the network for a short period of time to ensure general stability before activating Spork 16.
Yeah, I was just wondering what exactly is "a short period of time". An hour, day, or a week
Any information on how masternode payments will proceed from now on ?

I suspect we have to wait a first full cycle before "last paid block" in Dashninja-deterministic and "next pay" in Dash Central
will show correct data ? Which basicly means waiting a week ? Or waiting maybe even two weeks? (depending on when masternode payouts get assigned to blocks through this new deterministic system).

That part (when to expect our first MN payment) is still a bit unclear to me.
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That part (when to expect our first MN payment) is still a bit unclear to me.

The deterministic masternode list has been running in the background since DIP3 activated. Spork 15 simply controls which list is valid for payment - the old list, or the new deterministic list. So masternodes have been being selected for payment on the DIP3 list for some weeks now, the only difference is that that payment is now enforced. You can see which block a masternode is due to be paid in the masternodes tab of Dash Core.

For more information on the selection process, see here:
The deterministic masternode list has been running in the background since DIP3 activated. Spork 15 simply controls which list is valid for payment - the old list, or the new deterministic list. So masternodes have been being selected for payment on the DIP3 list for some weeks now, the only difference is that that payment is now enforced. You can see which block a masternode is due to be paid in the masternodes tab of Dash Core.

For more information on the selection process, see here:

* Is there any other way of getting the "Next Payment' information for your masternode besides starting up the windows wallet, syncing the whole blockchain+additional data and going to the masternodes tab of Dash Core ?
Can this information be fetched from either a public API or from a dash-cli command ? In other words : is there a shortcut to obtaining this info ?

Edit : i'm only now starting to notice the improvement in speed with syncing additional data in the windows wallet, its a world of difference. Makes me actual consider just using the windows wallet to check things like next payment info for now.
I do hope we also get a next payment estimate in time (days / weeks) as column in the DIP3 masternodes tab, makes it easier to see with one look when next payment is due and is a bit more user friendly.
Also it would be nice if dashninja could also show the next payment info (pref in time), instead of just showing last paid blocks.

* Is there a way to use multiple IP addresses in the filter list of the DIP3 masternodes tab when running the wallet as a normal Dash user ? (not as a masternode owner). I tried seperating my ip addresses with a / , | but that does not work and i only get to show one masternode through the filter list.
Selecting the option "My masternodes only" wont work, because i'm not running the wallet as a masternode owner.
Edit : i solved this for myself, but it could be handy for masternode owners with multiple masternodes who just want a quick check through a normal dash wallet.

* How is the PoSe score handled between v0.13 and v0.14 ?

PoSe is a scoring system used to determine if a masternode is providing network services in good faith. A number of metrics are involved in the calculation, so it is not possible to game the system by causing masternodes to be PoSe banned for failing to respond to ping requests by e.g. a DDoS attack just prior to payment. Each failure to provide service results in an increase in the PoSe score relative to the maximum score, which is equal to the number of masternodes in the valid set. If the score reaches the number of masternodes in the valid set, a PoSe ban is enacted and the masternode must be repaired to ensure it provides reliable service and registered in the list again using a ProUpServTx. The current scoring rules as of Dash 0.14 are:

  • Failure to participate in DKG= 66% punishment
  • Each subsequent block reduces PoSe score by 1

Seems like failure to participate in DKG (with 66% punishment) will only start with v0.14, which leaves us with a gray area between current v0.13 and v0.14
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Is there a way to use multiple IP addresses in the filter list of the DIP3 masternodes tab when running the wallet as a normal Dash user ? (not as a masternode owner). I tried seperating my ip addresses with a / , | but that does not work and i only get to show one masternode through the filter list.
Selecting the option "My masternodes only" wont work, because i'm not running the wallet as a masternode owner.

One option here is to import the owner privkey into the Dash Core wallet. Your masternodes will then appear in the list when filtered using "My masternodes only".
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