Atomic Swaps and a Multi-Blockchain World

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Mark Mason

Well-known member

Atomic Swaps and a Multi-Blockchain World

In the 1980’s and early 90’s, most businesses had a LAN, or “Local Area Network.” This technology allowed a company to connect computers in a network, usually in a very limited, local area. Some larger companies might have employed a WAN (Wide Area Network), which covered a bigger area, but was still mostly confined to a single corporation’s computers. A challenge for IT professionals in that era was how to safely interact their LAN’s with other company’s LAN’s. Many tech articles were written and many attempts were made with limited success. Then the Internet became ubiquitous and the problem was solved. The idea of disparate, incompatible networks is now unthinkable.

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it is my understanding (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), atomic swaps between bitcoin, litecoin etc are based on segwit. Thus, if your favorite chain doesn't support segwit, you can't join their club. Other solutions (and there are many!) are using their own chain to do it. While others, like tenx, are trying to do it without creating a new blockchain.

The way I see it, there are three broad user requirements and, thus, there is no single solution. Everyday users will want high liquidity, while others want high privacy. The third category is some kind of compromise between liquidity and privacy. Much like TCP vs UDP, different solutions under one common umbrella.
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