I had a eureka moment last night. I was reading the old classic "Barbarians at the Gates" about the RJR Nabisco takeover in the 80s, and reflected on how often companies obsess over their stock value. Compare that to one of the most successful investors of all time, Warren Buffet, who buys quality companies that are run well and doesn't worry about short-term fluctuations in price. All he cares about is the company's book value, profits, management team, and future. He realizes that the stock price will go up on it's own, in the long term, with good management.
So many companies are obsessed with stock price and ultimately compromise their long-term potential by focusing on short-term increases to their share value. I realized as I was reading that worrying about the price of Dash is like worrying about the short-term movements in Apple stock. If you are confident that it has a solid team and a solid future, you buy it, you hold it, and in your designated long-term timeframe (5, 10, 15 years or longer), you sell it at a profit. Or you keep holding it and earning dividends (MN payments). Focusing on the price of Dash today is a short-sighted fool's errand. The "management" team is improving our technology and increasing our PR exposure, and time will ultimately show our true value.
That's why i didn't get excited back in March when we shot up to 0.0245 BTC/DASH. I knew that there was no way, at this early point, that we would achieve anywhere close to the value that we will have in five years. Personally, I would not dispose of my DASH for anything less than $100 each, unless I was selling on a spike to buy back lower. But to permanently sell? Hell no.