As a MNO can i stop private send ?


Well-known member
i think its a just a matter of when , the authorities start stepping on the shoes of MNOs and shut it down as they could hold MNOs responsible for the privacy function

can some one throw some legal light on this ??

also is there a possibility of not supporting private send ?
i think its a just a matter of when , the authorities start stepping on the shoes of MNOs and shut it down as they could hold MNOs responsible for the privacy function

can some one throw some legal light on this ??

also is there a possibility of not supporting private send ?

yes it is. try to compile dashcode from scratch, and disable it by yourself.
thanks for that
and if you are from US, beware of the "amazon tax"
Regarding the lack of VAT in the US, let me inform you also about the new arriving so called "Amazon" Tax.

VAT starts invading US, so if you are living in one of these 28 US states, beware! Probably you are illegal when you are offering goods or services (defined in the dash budget system) without giving the appropriate VAT(or "Amazon") tax, similar to what he is almost everyone else living in the rest of the world (were VAT is compulsory for both goods and services).

This is my "legal" advice. No need to pay 1500 dash to a lawyer to tell you the same thing! If you liked my advice, just give your tip to the universal dividend foundation.

Last year I had a debate with @babygiraffe, and after they spend 1500 dash to US lawyers, they are now planning to move Dash to Switzerland. They are searching a "safe harbour" outside US.

I already told you, searching the laws around US is trolling. The laws contradict eachother among US states (for example have a look at the Amazon Tax.)
What are you going to do in the case one law says you go north, and another says you go south? You cannot serve concurrently two laws that contradict eachother! If you mess with this, the dash community may tear apart. You have better leave US, and go have your seat to an offshore, to a country that has straight forward laws. So this is the first question you have to ask your lawyers. What is the country that best fits to the dash needs?

Having a safe harbour, you can then approach US or any other market. Either directly if this is legal according to the laws (note that laws differ in the federal and in the local level, so legality is relative). Or if there is a law mess, then you can approach any market indirectly by convincing merchants to offer gift cards which the final consumer can buy in dash in the internet e.t.c.

What I have predicted and adviced comes truth, but I still I have only 1 dash offered for my universal dividend foundation, while the US lawyer (who outsourced his job to a switzerland lawyer) has already cashed his 1500 dash. Because the daemons have the majority of the votes, over here.

Thats why I think the most important issue is to discover in what country the laws are the more easy for hosting masternode services. So you need a DAO of lawyers funded by the budget, that can collaborate eachother and that they will write their legal report in their native language (do not trust english speaking lawyers explaining the laws of Estonia!). Then you need a DAO of translators of legal terminology (this is yet another budget proposal)
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Thanks guys
Bythe way, if you still want a version of dash masternode software where privatesend is disabled by default, I could try to compile one for you.
Or even better, you may ask @UdjinM6 to compile one. He also knows better whether this version will be accepted by the masternodes network, or not.
From tech point of view coins/private keys never leave your wallet when you mix and thus MNs have no control over them, each mixing partner signs his part of a mixing tx by himself. For a legal side of the question I think @fernando can provide some answers.

Re disabling mixing on MN: yes, of course you can just ignore mixing on your MN if you hack some code and no, I won't help you to compile one, I'd rather think how to dis-incentivize such behavior for example by providing more anonymity to MNs :rolleyes:
From tech point of view coins/private keys never leave your wallet when you mix and thus MNs have no control over them, each mixing partner signs his part of a mixing tx by himself. For a legal side of the question I think @fernando can provide some answers.

Re disabling mixing on MN: yes, of course you can just ignore mixing on your MN if you hack some code and no, I won't help you to compile one, I'd rather think how to dis-incentivize such behavior for example by providing more anonymity to MNs :rolleyes:
I think the legal opinion @TroyDASH linked above is quite clear. Of course, things can change from country to country and nobody can be completely sure of what the future will bring, but the system could stand some countries becoming hostile without any problem. And anyway I doubt any important one will go that route. There are many other technologies that help privacy that are not being chased (i.e. Tor), so I don't see a reason why we would be. Privacy is important and there are more legal reasons for it that illegal ones, so I would not overthink this.

And more anonymity for MNs would be great :)
Hmm, me thinks all masternode services like mixing and Instant Send should be tested as part of the proof of service.. am not liking that some people can compile and run masternodes without it.