I already told you, searching the laws around US is trolling. The laws contradict eachother among US states (for example have a look at the
Amazon Tax.)
What are you going to do in the case one law says you go north, and another says you go south?
You cannot serve concurrently two laws that contradict eachother! If you mess with this, the dash community may tear apart. You have better leave US, and go have your seat to an offshore, to a country that has straight forward laws. So this is the first question you have to ask your lawyers. What is the country that best fits to the dash needs?
Having a safe harbour, you can then approach US or any other market. Either directly if this is legal according to the laws (note that laws differ in the federal and in the local level, so legality is relative). Or if there is a law mess, then you can approach any market indirectly by convincing merchants to offer gift cards which the final consumer can buy in dash in the internet e.t.c.