The Wifi-Portal is making progress. First of all we expanded this project to not just be software and a webpage run from an Odroid but to also include a mobile wallet update to communicate with the portal and actually scan bar codes on products. It will be impressive when complete.
- We have updated most of the dashvend code to work with the Odroid-XU4. Moocowmoo has helped a lot with that too. The images for the 5" display still need to be rotated to finish the dashvend Odroid version on github, but that isn't needed for the wifi portal.
- I have the access point software mostly working. Luck was not with me on this first part and I ended up finding several OS and Wifi dongle combinations that didn't work. I guess you could call that progress. LOL. The next part is straightforward, but will take a little time.
- The webserver portion is done. I also have a rough webpage design for the portal. I am working on security so it has a login screen before you can enter a new product. We have narrowed down the json file format that will communicate with the mobile wallet. A shopping cart is no longer needed on the wifi portal website since it will be included on the phone.
- Fulltimegeek is adding a way to read a json file from the web portal with the mobile wallet. This will download a product list with pricing. That will be used to checkout and pay for each item. We are also planning to scan bar codes from a product directly from your phone. We are going to set this up for a single product order initially. Next version will have a shopping cart which may require a new feature....the multi IX send.
- We are also working on a way to login to the wifi portal using the wifi id and password embedded in a QR code.
I'll give another update when I get the website done. At least that will be something you guys can see and will help understand how this will all work. This is going to be revolutionary....and eventually evolutionary.