Announcing the winning logo! #1


Core Developer
Thanks to everyone who voted on in the logo contest, we had a great turnout of 66 members of the community voting on the icon, we really appreciate the input. The clear winner of the logo contest was #1, with 45 total votes, the runner up was #7 with 33 votes.


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Thanks to everyone who voted on in the logo contest, we had a great turnout of 121 members of the community voting on the icon, we really appreciate the input. The clear winner of the logo contest was #1, with 45 total votes, the runner up was #7 with 33 votes.



It's great. Perfect!
#1 was the only logo I voted for. None of the other options (except #2 which was never a contender anyway) had a legible D.
To me, all other options were:
  • Strange alien symbol + "ASH" (#5,#7,#8,)
  • "GASH" (#6)
  • Hebrew letter + "ASH" (#3,#4)

With the winning logo, the D has the desired dash embellishment and is yet still readable as a D. Kudos to the designer.

Also, the unfinished crossbar of the A almost appears to be part of the same "streak" as the D's dash, together working synergistically to evoke an illusion of speed. To me, it is reminiscent of a drop of water streaking across the side a fast moving vehicle, sometimes catching on a pillar or mirror and lingering for a split second while its tail grows and eventually slips away.

Possibly the 'D' could be animated to spin and reflect - DASH -- CASH -- DASH -- CASH, etc.

However that could totally repurpose the idea.