[ANN] Masternode Hosting Service Free Setup


SetupMasternodes.com launched it's manual services to provide support for any Investor that wants to easily deploy a masternode for their supported coin without any experiences in Linux VPS or Technical Knowledge required to run a masternode.

This team has saved people time and money with the Setup and Hosting of Masternodes since May of 2018. The average time spent on getting a masternode to run for a new user is about 14 days time. The average investor will miss 14 days of potential rewards for any investor, and a lot of time spent working on it. They narrowed down the time spent to about 1 hour of time for the users. Once the main VPS is setup, the user is engaged to finalize the configuration.

Any investor can simply go to SetupMasternodes.com site and make a payment using BTC and altcoins

The team has been preparing the new solution with a free account platform that allows users to click and deploy masternodes with backend support provided by the same SetupMasternodes.com team. Instead, this will streamline the process to avoid time constraints involved in the process to Setup Masternodes.

The features to come are as follows:
- Free accounts to deposit funds
- Choose to deploy any masternode nearly instantly at anytime
- Decide on a setup only or hosting management plan
- Avoid any technical experiences required with masternodes setup and hosting management
- Full dashboard access to manage the masternodes
- Investor statistics and analytics reportings
- Referral programs to earn money (coming soon)

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See you here... https://t.me/setupmasternodes