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Bitcoin Liquidity for cryptocurrencies´s holders.

Welcome to Crypto PawnShop, the first real PawnShop of cryptocurrencies.
Your BTC loan in less than hour with your cryptocoins for guarantee.
Do you need BTC now for interesting operation?
Do you need BTC now but no have fiat money?
Do you hold DASH that have no wish to sell?
Do you need BTC now but no have fiat money?
Do you hold DASH that have no wish to sell?
¡This is your site!

How Crypto PawnShop works?
The main service offered by Crypto PawnShop are BTC loans. If you need BTC for your operations, and you have other cryptocurrencies that you don´t want to sell, you just have to complete the form on the homepage. Tell us how many BTC you need, your email, choose the cryptocurrencie that you will provide for guarantee, and how soon you want to repay the loan. Before sending the form you will see how many coins you need to let us bail.
Once you submit the form we will contact you by e-mail, we will inform you the direction of the Wallet for you deposit bail and once placed you will get a transfer of your BTC loan. When the loan period ends, you return we the loan with interests and immediately we will refund your coins for bail.
Once you submit the form we will contact you by e-mail, we will inform you the direction of the Wallet for you deposit bail and once placed you will get a transfer of your BTC loan. When the loan period ends, you return we the loan with interests and immediately we will refund your coins for bail.
We accept for bail: LTC, DODGE, DASH (DRK), PPC, XRP, FC2, NMC, STR and XWT. (This list may be expanded soon)
We also have a shop section for developers groups where we sell the total control of coins into full operation, for relaunch and to have a second life.

04/20/2015 ARCH Added!


Sobre Bitcoin:

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