Android Wallet

After looking at the updates to the code, I determined why the testnet was not working with this app. It is because the Block data structure was changed to include the Master Node Vote information on Blocks after a specific date.

I will need to add some more code to handle this. Since the android app is an SPV client, it will not support the DarkSend feature without a lot of work (assuming the master node vote information is needed for DarkSend - I could be wrong on that).

Sometime next week is when I will have a version ready to test, otherwise any version I supply now would not work starting on May 25.
Thanks, I will let you know. I am hoping that the code has stabilized so I can begin working on this app again. The tricky part will be parsing the header data in java since blocks and headers after a certain time will have more data to parse, even if it is just an extra zero byte.
The OP has a link to a working app (MainNet). Some icons are not updated for Darkcoin.
There are plans for a TestNet version.
Looks fine on my old GS2.

It works well, I'll send what I promised with it!
Hope to see a full featured android wallet someday, but this is a huge step in the right direction. Thanks #Engineering for your efforts so far.
Good News. I was planning on publishing this app on Google Play today with updated icons, but my main concern is the next fork will break the app. I will wait for more feedback and also see when the DarkSend will be activated again.
A testnet version would also be good, but I need a way to distinguish between a testnet version and a main netversion in the Java code (specifically for serializing a block and deserializing blocks and headers). It is a little more complicated than setting a global variable.

What about the color scheme?
with the current icon... the dark theme is great! but depending on what icon you use will determine what colour will suit. full coin icon will do great with same theme. Just light blue D will need a change to the theme. In my view of course.
Regarding DarkSend, I saw that the RC version of the wallet had a "Use DarkSend" checkbox on the send page. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any references to this checkbox in the github source code. That checkbox will eventually lead me to all the code to help me figure out how DarkSend works (for sending coins) and I could determine how to integrate that into the Android Wallet. I couldn't find the source for the Release Candidate anywhere.
Regarding DarkSend, I saw that the RC version of the wallet had a "Use DarkSend" checkbox on the send page. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any references to this checkbox in the github source code. That checkbox will eventually lead me to all the code to help me figure out how DarkSend works (for sending coins) and I could determine how to integrate that into the Android Wallet. I couldn't find the source for the Release Candidate anywhere.

Darksend is not open sourced yet, also thank you so much for all your hard work!
I am working on a testnet version of the app. It will have a different icon and color scheme to distinguish it from the main net app.
It currently syncs to the testnet chain (as of today) after I found the necessary information on the C++ github repo. It should be ready/published next week.
The testnet app is now online. Both apps were updated to RC3 for the masternode START times. Hope it works at the end of the week!

See the OP for the links.