Outsider view from someone that just drank the coolaid:
1. The brand needs some serious work. looks like a "duh" from this extensive exchange here. Glad to see the marketing firm hired. If you ever want a change, Weiden and Kennedy is in my backyard and built the Nike Brand. Dash should be in the top 10
trusted brands worldwide in 10 years. That needs to be the goal.
2. The brand you are building is simple.... "Trust":
a. Trust that if you send grandma DASH she will figure out what to do with it (evolution needs a focus group for every release of 10 grandmas that are brand new to crypto). Hint: the video's I've seen of Evolution are not there yet... I'm guessing you guys already know that.
b. Trust that the value of the currency will not swing wildly, or at least not wildly down. Good for this community for holding their DASH during a flash downturn. Count me among your holders and as soon as it makes sense, a consistent spender as well.
c. Trust that when I want to use it merchants will accept it. If you don't know what to do with your funds right now then you should be giving some coin to every merchant that installs dash in their store and has 5 transactions per month. Maybe you are already doing that... I just haven't seen it on here or in my community.
d. Trust that the developers and ecosystem is stable, and as bulletproof as possible. Safety of my money needs to be better than a bank. And don't make me memorize 24 words so i can feel safe at night.
Those are your messages IMHO. Nothing about investing. Nothing about jet fighters going super fast with Dash logos. Nothing about speculation. Actually I think most of this could be done with simple 30 second spots on what you are doing in Zimbabwe. Its really nothing more than a personal story, a brief shot of how easy it is to exchange money, and a logo at the end. That's it. Dead simple. Trust.
3. Don't use those unspent coins. Considering them your savings account violates trust. You get 10% of a gigaton of money - it should be plenty if used correctly. spend every token in a methodical strategic fashion every month.
I hope this doesn't come across as critical. But the Marketing thing is critical, and you have a huge advantage right now for so many reasons. I just felt compelled to add my 0.02D to the discussion. We are all newbies only once in a field and sometimes newbies can help frame things while they are young and naive.
100% in...