Hey Amanda B - I watched your latest video and I have a huge connection to make for you.
Christopher here from England...I am in awe of your journey and the unique position you have carved, not simply in Dash but across all of crypto world.
How I came to Dash is a crazy story for another day...now I am here I am completely enrolled and immersing myself...leading up to a funding application from the treasury.
OK...these guys have become crypto friends of mine: BadCryptoPodcast.com
Whilst for some they may be an acquired taste! What they have achieved in about six months is amazing...and an interview on that podcast will be a great place to showcase Dash and your amazing role as spokesperon - which is so unique.
I have messaged them and I will connect you in the best possible way - probably email if you can let me have an email...is it
[email protected]?
OK...wishing you a splendid day.