Amanda B. Johnson on Bitcoin Uncensored – A Rebuttal - Dash Nation

"if you can sybil btc by running a bunch of non collateralized full nodes why can't you do the same with dash?"

For the same reason it doesn't happen in BTC, squared. To run an MN, you need 1000DASH.

yeah i understand that part (1000 dash for a masternode) but why can't i just run a bunch of non collateralized dash full nodes/wallets to attack like people can do with btc? i'm guessing a dash masternode takes priority somehow over dash full nodes/non collateralized wallet nodes.
yeah i understand that part (1000 dash for a masternode) but why can't i just run a bunch of non collateralized dash full nodes/wallets to attack like people can do with btc? i'm guessing a dash masternode takes priority somehow over dash full nodes/non collateralized wallet nodes.

You have a dash wallet and if your dash wallet owns more than 1000 dash, then it is named a masternode. Because the blockchain is a distributed database readable by everybody , everybody knows what dash wallets own 1000 dash. So masternode wallets can recognize eachother. If you run a bunch of dash full nodes, you cannot sybil attach dash, simply because none of your nodes has 1000 dash. And of course there is no way to change the structure of the blockchain and falsy claim you own 1000 dash, as long as this database is copied-mirrored to all nodes and all transactions are signed.

Like you, I am also guessing that a dash masternode takes priority over dash full nodes. Masternodes are supposed to sign the transactions, and generaly affect the blockchain much more than others. But I dont know where this is implemented in code. This is what they claim it happens, but if they do not point to the numbered lines of code, I believe nothing.

Dash is a fork of bitcoin. I almost trust bitcoin code, because it is a tested code that runs over 7 years and no severe bug has been found. But I have the feeling that the specific dash code which runs over bitcoin code as a fork, it is not as thoroughly tested as bitcoin code is.
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But I have the feeling that the specific dash code which runs over bitcoin code as a fork, it is not as thoroughly tested as bitcoin code is.

Don't worry about that.

We have a remarkable amount of losers (mainly from the Munero community) who are devoted his lifetime trying to discredit DASH. You can join the Bitcointalk forum to learn more about that ;) ;) .

I am sure we have dozens of apprendice devs checking and tring to hack our blockchain right now. If there is a bug or exploit, they will find it (and we will fix it)
I am sure we have dozens of apprendice devs checking and tring to hack our blockchain right now. If there is a bug or exploit, they will find it (and we will fix it)

Your blockchain database cannot be hacked easily, because the distributed blockchain database inherits its technology directly from bitcoin.

What may be hacked is the dash protocol, the way you communicate eachother in order to sign the blockchain, the way you vote and decide e.t.c. This is what differentiates you from bitcoin, and this is where bugs may be discovered. Not only bugs in the code, but also logical bugs.
We have a remarkable amount of losers (mainly from the Munero community) who are devoted his lifetime trying to discredit DASH. You can join the Bitcointalk forum to learn more about that
Captain Blonero has been barking about how easy it would be to destroy DS/IX for 1.5 years. If it's so easy and he knows so much, why doesn't he do it already? Hot air.

As will one-trick-pony-coins who implemented a neat idea in a stagnant and incorrect manner...

DASH took Peercoin's Proof of Hoard and converted it to Proof of Service.

DASH took the idea of privacy, switched it from un-auditable, un-provable cipherbloatneckbeardcoin, and made it privacy in plain view with no concern for future computing power breaking it. This also fostered a 2nd tier incentivized infrastructure capable of doing so much more than just that one thing... This makes Blonero's bagholders really mad/sad. Even if they were right, which they're not, they're still just a one-trick-pony-coin lacking all else that DASH brings to the table.

storj/DashDrive, look around... one-trick-pony-coins are everywhere. The ideas aren't always bad. Just useless on their own, or in need of a tweak.

You can't build a car our of a box of screws. You take the various parts and make them worth together. A tire all by itself doesn't do much for us... This is far too complex for the average ponzi-brain cryptotard to comprehend. Look at their lives. They are the ultimate useless, clueless consumers. They've never made anything i their lives. It's why something as derp simple as hooking a relay up to a vending machine with a computer attached is beyond their ability.

I wonder when DASH will grab the mining ideas in spreadcoin... OR fix the DGBB [cought12.1cough] to be better than it is now, and do what Ethereum fails to do... Or, once it's got all these other sources of entropy in the network, dump mining altogether.
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