Alt festivals the perfect venue for Dash


Well-known member
One of the biggest adoption problems that Dash faces is the chicken/egg problem - merchants won't bother with dash unless their customers have it, and customers don't want it if merchants don't accept it. If we want dash adoption, we have to get it to merchants and customers at the same time, along with a compelling value proposition.

Alternative festivals provide the perfect opportunity because they bring merchants and customers together at the same time for a singular event.

Currently there are two proposals outstanding for Dash to sponsor two alternative festival-type events:

Circus City


Both proposals include an education/help component that gets dash into the hands of customers and teaches merchants how to accept dash. By sponsoring events such as these, the Dash MN network can sweeten the value proposition by funding discounted dash that can be distributed and spent at the festival, creating a sort of pop-up crypto-currency economy that can live beyond the events themselves.

With the mainstream cash economy slowly slipping away, alternative arts and festivals are finding it more difficult to make their way. Dash -- digital cash -- can step in and rebuild those marginal economies that support all those "alts" that enrich our lives on the fringe of society.
As the person behind the circus city proposal I agree.

It's about finding the people who the current system doesn't work for, giving them solutions, they will be your early adopters and advocates.

The co-director of the festival is also the network coordinator of the Baltic Nordic Circus Network and in that capacity is currently in Finland having excited conversations with other festival directors about Dash.

The small-world characteristics of these networks means once an idea from outside reaches them it spreads quickly. It's just a question of finding the right people to serve as outward connections from the cryptosphere.
I will add:

DASH at the alternative festival venues has a grass roots feel to me and grass roots is where I think DASH can build and win. In fact, this seems like the true nature of DASH itself at this point: grass roots.

I don't see accepting DASH anytime soon, although I do want the business development/Minotaur group to continue going for the big deals too.

Meanwhile, as long as Syntheist is honest with DASH, he and his community are exactly where we want to be.
Strongly support this point of view. In terms of a clearer definition of the target market in the USA, I would suggest these data links:

Here is a suggestion for a strategic initiative to solve the "catch-22": Building consensus from within a group of merchant sponsors who would also gain from exposure within these markets could accelerate Dash adoption. Would you agree? Comments?
Strongly support this point of view. In terms of a clearer definition of the target market in the USA, I would suggest these data links:

Here is a suggestion for a strategic initiative to solve the "catch-22": Building consensus from within a group of merchant sponsors who would also gain from exposure within these markets could accelerate Dash adoption. Would you agree? Comments?

I understand you want to promote your pre-proposal, but this is not the right place.

Please stay on topic.

I obviously agree places like ours are a great way to spread the word and to start the virtuous cycle. And not just us, but every partner we deal with, our home area, etc. These kinds of events can radiate the expansion process outward, using their location as a center point. That's what we plan to do next actually.
I've been thinking about this and just happened to watch this video on 6 degrees of separation:

In the early stages it's about individuals that link between small world networks. I'm part of the small world network of the arts, particularly theatre & circus and I am bringing the technology of dash into that network.

Once you make enough links everyone is connected.

Our proposals are all about bringing the beneficial ideas and tech of dash to the people we are connected with while doing what we love: sharing creativity. Win win.
As long we provide good value for the Dash community, we can't lose. It's all about what we can bring to the table to earn what they put on our table, so to speak :)