Allocated Budget Overview

No it's not. It's compensation for helping to run a healthy network AND ECOSYSTEM.

You can define however you want but if people are going to cry taxes everytime something should change we need a better understanding of whats really going on here... I don't disagree I'm just trying to make a point.
How does inflation apply to Dash being added into your account as interest from your MN's?

Thats all it really is, interest for collateralizing a node.
No, it's payment for services rendered, same as the miners, same as the the budged proposal owners. But I concede that perhaps raising taxes was a poor analogy.

What's the point of having a budget limit if you want to raise it as soon as the limit is reached?
No, it's payment for services rendered, same as the miners, same as the the budged proposal owners. But I concede that perhaps raising taxes was a poor analogy.

What's the point of having a budget limit if you want to raise it as soon as the limit is reached?

the bugdet is good for everyone, we can all agree on that atleast right?

More budget = more dash projects = more exposure = price rise = we can now lower the budget because we can't possibly spend money forever...
I'm simply saying, it's NOT interest.

Fair enough.

I was just making a point about it not being a tax if we upped the budget systems amount for a time. People aren't really getting tooooo much from thier MN funds, but I promise you a price increase would make everyone happy, so we need more projects and thats all there is to it.
No, no, and NO! Raise our taxes?!
Work within the budged you are assigned. Have more thing you wish to fund than money to fund it? Too bad, you have to choose. That's the whole point of having a budget.

Increasing the share of the funds intended for the development of the system 10->15->20% - It is not about "taxes and inflation" (no additional coins will be issued) - it is a question of "the most equitable and efficient distribution of new coins".

If we can double our "development and promotional budget" on 100% (10->20%) by decreasing reward for the maintenance of the current operation of the system on 11% (MN&Miners 45->40%) I think it's the BIG DEAL!

It was an issue in 2015 because a lack of competition for promotional funds (so low effectiveness) - but in 2016 it is well tested concept we can use effectively for the whole system to benefit.

Anyway it is no need to argue about it - we can just vote about it. :)
I would like to see: 15% now, 20% from 06/2016
i'm talking about raising the 10% threshold of budget proposals so it will be more difficult to get them passed
Personally i like the 20% treshold that was mentioned before to have budget proposals pass.

I agree with this there are many more participating MN owners now than there were in August and September raise it slowly the budgets are full for the next few months raise it in April to 15%