AliPay - 支付宝 ??


Well-known member
Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
question for the chinese community

Are you guys using AliPay ?
if we had an Hong Kong exchange accepting AliPay - DRK
would that help you guys to purchase DRK.

Please let me know


如果我们有一个香港交易所接受支付宝 - DRK

Yes It could help.
In Hong Kong you can simply go to Convenience Store to buy a Alipay card and then use it to shopping. But the card can only use to buy things in Taobao and Tmall Network.
But there are some company in HK help people to add value to people's Alipay account. Which can used to transfer or withdraw money to other platform.
Most Chinese people in Mainland have Alipay account and they can add fund to their Alipay account very easily.
如果香港的交易所可以使用支付宝购买的话 这无疑是一个非常好的消息。众所周知~~中国大陆是不可以使用支付宝购买虚拟币的
hm ok tx
so AliPay + payPal then ?

i actually mailed them (bitspark) this morning saying that they should look into Paypal + Alipay
and sure RMB local transfers are key, and they applied already and should have that sorted by the end of the month (+chinese pages/ multi language web)
fingers crossed