address used to fund ProTx fee ??

I am unable to issue
protx register_prepare
because my new payoutAddress has 0 balance so is this because I just need to fund one transaction for the protx register_prepare command to work at this time or does this new payoutAddress always need to have a balance in order for the MN to work ?
You can either put a small amount of balance on your payoutAddress (assuming this address is in the wallet submitting the transaction) or you can specify a separate feeSourceAddress.
Thanks strophy ,,,,, what I am really getting at here is:- will the payout/feeSource address ALWAYS have to contain an amount for transaction fee of is this just a one off fee purely for the registration process
It is only for the registration process, afterwards you can remove all balance from the address. However, if you want to make any changes to the masternode configuration, you will need to make another protx, and you will need to pay a transaction fee to get it mined into a block, just like for any other transaction on the Dash blockchain. You can use the same address or any other address, depending on how concerned you are about privacy and likability of addresses.