Address Distribution

Shouldn't the mined column add up to roughtly 2M? Or are there a ton of addresses beyond these 15 that were mining in this period?

not with the dataset quoted, because of the limit 15 there at the end, you are only seeing top 15.
select dest_addr
     , count(1)
     , min(blocknum)
     , max(blocknum)
     , (select sum(val) from generation ig where ig.dest_addr = og.dest_addr and ig.blocknum < 4500) as mined
  from generation og
 where og.blocknum < 4500
 group by dest_addr
 order by mined desc
 limit 15;

here's the full dataset without the limit:
and the check, to make sure data is sane (and adds up to what you mentioned) ~1992655.0480
mysql> select sum(mined) from (
    ->         select dest_addr
    ->              , count(1)
    ->              , min(blocknum)
    ->              , max(blocknum)
    ->              , (select sum(val) from generation ig where ig.dest_addr = og.dest_addr and ig.blocknum < 4500) as mined
    ->           from generation og
    ->          where og.blocknum < 4500
    ->          group by dest_addr
    ->          order by mined desc
    ->         ) a;
| sum(mined)         |
| 1992655.0480000000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You can use this file for analysis.

20,000 blocks

height: 1 time 01-19 12:54:41 difficulty 0.00024414 nbits 1e0ffff0 subsidy 500 sum 500 add XtuVUju4Baaj7YXShQu4QbLLR7X2aw9Gc8
height: 2 time 01-19 12:54:46 difficulty 0.00024414 nbits 1e0ffff0 subsidy 500 sum 1000 add XbmPwcZCdaRMa4m4JedspBPkUqY1FKRhsX
height: 3 time 01-19 12:55:01 difficulty 0.00024414 nbits 1e0ffff0 subsidy 500 sum 1500 add XgfLsphG9KDGmyBEwHmBjMRYa8Hr7Yode5
height: 4 time 01-19 12:55:10 difficulty 0.00024414 nbits 1e0ffff0 subsidy 500 sum 2000 add XxYTj1hgGMx6X6PgFmTsq4zcMkhrSMczTJ
height: 5 time 01-19 12:55:13 difficulty 0.00024414 nbits 1e0ffff0 subsidy 500 sum 2500 add Xo9UzA2B7yyEhsrQZyFPGCTuFbNGKgHkPU
height: 6 time 01-19 12:55:22 difficulty 0.00024414 nbits 1e0ffff0 subsidy 500 sum 3000 add XmaHVRvUXiZruPwXrbvGuxBiXnSXBzMtof
height: 7 time 01-19 12:55:23 difficulty 0.00024414 nbits 1e0ffff0 subsidy 500 sum 3500 add Xp22uVtFEEJqkcHtLjKifcKt8AUFjWRYmu
This is pool address

if address == 'Xemt2zeYELCkddJHvsW4x9ytqTEnkiviaH':
address = 'mininghub'
if address == 'XccPicDbg7HhRfFwPU3Z2CFVpHSYAhuxtu':
address = 'coinmine'
if address == 'Xd4Jv9fAf8NmgkJmmkoWXMi5JJPZdf4uUa':
address = 'suchpool'
if address == 'XdgnL33mHN2byuauHqJQHAsa3s8sYakSrF':
address = 'official'
if address == 'XoYNjJ8yEPkB3YUft5BtS1Je24eMgnAQXg':
address = 'cpupool'
if address == 'XxvFVwx5hZBouVRPu2WgBkahxnojVRRgK8':
address = 'lottery'
if address == 'XkGsLLY2uZiPq9HAMzbQVJcQL3Tnr5ibuv':
address = 'lottery'
if address == 'XvW5YcFFy4rrVpQfVW13yjo6SN7iKFHdF5':
address = 'smalltimeminer'
if address == 'XtUa1xzS8rr4UMv1bopfTKipspwrUvaBMp':
address = 'officialold'
Last edited by a moderator:
Ok, so going by that data, one address mined a whole bunch (179k) before the block reward reduced to 50 at block 4500, and a whole bunch more addresses mined smaller amounts (< 15k each) to make up the 2M. Which, if we were to read between the lines, might suggest there were multiple individuals mining, or perhaps a ton of EC2 instances being fired up at some point. We might even be able to roughly answer that by doing an analysis of the timing of when those addresses started mining.

The interesting part of that data (pending a deeper analysis) is there's nothing to directly suggest that only a few individuals were mining during that period.
you have to look at the convergence of those small 500 reward blocks in on a few addresses.

look at these transactions:

then find the addresses sending 500 DRK in several massive transactions to a few addresses, effectively making all the tiny 500 DRK reward addresses that do not repeat in the few blocks one person, or a group of people controlling enough nodes.
Ok, so here we sit. Nothing can be done about this. I'm not sure Evan even took this seriously when he started, now people have invested lots of money into this coin. And we have a weird history. I don't know. It would be great if someone had the energy to give a clear as possible history, but at the same time, what can be done? We're all invested in the coin, it's a great coin otherwise with a great developer with great ideas.

Like we've all said before, it's a matter of whether or not the big holders will be dumping their coin, and we think that would be illogical. Hopefully they have been selling off, someone has! In fact you never hear anyone saying "I just sold a bunch of dark" but you constantly hear people saying "I'm buying up dark" this suggests to me that a big holder has indeed been selling off his shares. Maybe this could be verified by someone following the trail? If that is what is happening, I can't imagine a better way to distribute those coins to the population at large. It's kept the price down so more people can invest in dark, which spreads the user base, which in tern will eventually make Darkcoin more valuable. We may have a very intelligent person holding large chunks of Darkcoin who is actually following concept of the enlightened self interest?

I would love to see someone follow the money trail, I can't do it, it'd require programming I think, my head hurts when I look at those charts, LOL. We'll only be able to follow them until DarkSend kicked in, but it'd still be interesting :)
you have to look at the convergence of those small 500 reward blocks in on a few addresses.
then find the addresses sending 500 DRK in several massive transactions to a few addresses, effectively making all the tiny 500 DRK reward addresses that do not repeat in the few blocks one person, or a group of people controlling enough nodes.

I may not be understanding, but that sounds like a pool started up? or? oh no, excuse me, now I understand :)
Wow, I'm following one of the trails and boy that person went through a lot of trouble to break up the amounts and create trails! One line continuing on with the majority of the funds! Like a tree with branches starting at the trunk!
I saw this one page before.

mysql> select dest_addr, count(1), min(blocknum), max(blocknum), (select sum(val) from generation ig where ig.dest_addr = og.dest_addr) as mined from generation og group by dest_addr order by mined desc limit 15;
| dest_addr | count(1) | min(blocknum) | max(blocknum) | mined |
| myJgUmRWzB4j6Xo3TVUpRiFMuUxsMkta1v | 4773 | 5342 | 20000 | 459412.7335851400 |   ---> officialold
| n1LC1QgLpP5X7zHhMBfCx8KdU28jCFTcJ5 | 2946 | 3643 | 19558 | 413520.4917303200 |  --> smalltimeminer
| mhSWBQegXRWN3q8yF9hhzan2qwTZ5S4ZVj | 4978 | 8411 | 19999 | 373359.2557711200 |  ---> coinmine
| mtNVC6a45hxqfiMhjkr3QPqB3ifNefF2i5 | 1866 | 3951 | 19981 | 203265.5540000000 |   -->  cpupool
| mq6yo8y7ksw4TKACDgFZTh8wMhUoiZiwGM | 260 | 5315 | 19571 | 23349.6890100000 |

Using min block, first 4 is pool address.

height: 5342 time 01-22 06:59:03 difficulty 6.10650391 nbits 1c29ec00 subsidy 21 add officialold
height: 3643 time 01-19 23:56:38 difficulty 1.0 nbits 1d00ffff subsidy 277 add smalltimeminer
height: 8411 time 02-01 03:06:37 difficulty 3.16947264 nbits 1c50c4f1 subsidy 136 add coinmine
height: 3951 time 01-20 03:12:58 difficulty 1.0 nbits 1d00ffff subsidy 277 add cpupool

if address == 'Xemt2zeYELCkddJHvsW4x9ytqTEnkiviaH':
address = 'mininghub'
if address == 'XccPicDbg7HhRfFwPU3Z2CFVpHSYAhuxtu':
address = 'coinmine'
if address == 'Xd4Jv9fAf8NmgkJmmkoWXMi5JJPZdf4uUa':
address = 'suchpool'
if address == 'XdgnL33mHN2byuauHqJQHAsa3s8sYakSrF':
address = 'official'
if address == 'XoYNjJ8yEPkB3YUft5BtS1Je24eMgnAQXg':
address = 'cpupool'
if address == 'XxvFVwx5hZBouVRPu2WgBkahxnojVRRgK8':
address = 'lottery'
if address == 'XkGsLLY2uZiPq9HAMzbQVJcQL3Tnr5ibuv':
address = 'lottery'
if address == 'XvW5YcFFy4rrVpQfVW13yjo6SN7iKFHdF5':
address = 'smalltimeminer'
if address == 'XtUa1xzS8rr4UMv1bopfTKipspwrUvaBMp':
address = 'officialold'