He touches on an interesting point from about 17 minutes, the time property of value but he only really covers it from one aspect, reducing delays. The time property of value is something we consider practically every day but evaluate separately to our means of transferring value, money. When we're buying groceries we look at the price and maybe check the best before date, appreciation/depreciation when buying a car or house, electricity is usually priced in KW/Hr but we might think of it in terms of monthly power bills, our wages in how much we might earn per month,week, hour and so on.
Time is just one of the many aspects of value but we don't really have any clear way of evaluating it, supermarket shelves often have a pricer per Kg yet something with only a days shelf life remaining will be the same price as something that expires in a week. That's thinking about it in one direction, the price in fixed units of value that express no other properties but maybe it can work the other way, value/time as a property of money and maybe that's just one of many properties that can be expressed.