A DASH of Analytics: Insights on Project Funding Allocations and Governance

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Overview and Problem Statement

Our proposal seeks to fulfill an information gap within the DASH community by performing statistical analysis on the DASH governance system and the proposals submitted for deliberation.

*This work has since been resubmitted as a research project. We thank those who provided feedback!*
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In case you weren't aware, there's already a Masternode/DAO-based analytics proposal currently on the block this month:

How might your proposed project overlap with this, how might it differ?

Our projects differ in the following ways...

Scope: ...


Duration: ...

Escrow: ...

Hope this provides some additional clarity on what we're proposing!

*This response was edited to remove details.*
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In the DATA is the power. I'm lawyer and entrepreneur and I have learned to appreciate the information provided by the data and statistics to do better things. It's a good idea. I would like to know which indicators they intend to measure and how deep they intend to reach with their research? Periods of time and location. Greetings from Venezuela.
In the DATA is the power. I'm lawyer and entrepreneur and I have learned to appreciate the information provided by the data and statistics to do better things. It's a good idea. I would like to know which indicators they intend to measure and how deep they intend to reach with their research? Periods of time and location. Greetings from Venezuela.

Greetings from USA :)

The dataset will include all proposals tracked on dashninja.pl, dashcentral.org, and dashvotetracker.com. As of now, these projects go back as far as May 2015, though not all projects have information on each site. This will be a part of the more exhaustive data collection and munging process we'll undertake.

The indicators we'll measure are outlined in the list of questions. If there are additional questions requested in the pre-proposal period that we reasonably expect to answer with the data we intend to collect, we'll be more than happy to include them.

Hope this helps!
Greetings from USA :)

The dataset will include all proposals tracked on dashninja.pl, dashcentral.org, and dashvotetracker.com. As of now, these projects go back as far as May 2015, though not all projects have information on each site. This will be a part of the more exhaustive data collection and munging process we'll undertake.

The indicators we'll measure are outlined in the list of questions. If there are additional questions requested in the pre-proposal period that we reasonably expect to answer with the data we intend to collect, we'll be more than happy to include them.

Hope this helps!
Totally, I'm sure it will be a great project when it's in action. If you need data from Venezuelan projects, we are an active part of the community and we could help you. I'm to order. Success
Here is a follow up question that was suggested:

Question: Of the NLP tagged projects, what percentage of each type of proposal are being submitted to the DAO?

Answer: The main focus of the submitted proposals have been regarding wallet adoption and conference attendance. As a proportion, technical projects have historically lagged behind the other types of proposals.

Of course my goal is different, I want to spot the individuals that are masternode operators, by analyzing the way they vote.
And my question is, will you also try to spot these individuals?
Of course my goal is different, I want to spot the individuals that are masternode operators, by analyzing the way they vote.
And my question is, will you also try to spot these individuals?

It may not be entirely possible to pinpoint exactly who owns a masternode, but it is possible to analyze voting records. I've viewed some of the previous posts and their analysis that make an assumption that each individual voting pattern is a separate node, but this isn't the case. More than one node may share the same voting pattern, especially for newer nodes that have voted only a few times. Just imagine a voting pattern Yes - 1 , No - 1 , Abstain - 1. Any node that has voted on exactly 3 projects with this distribution would be flagged as 1 node, but it's obvious this pattern isn't unique.

May I ask why this is important to the network? If there is substantial interest in both this question and our proposal I'd be more than happy to attempt to answer it.
It may not be entirely possible to pinpoint exactly who owns a masternode, but it is possible to analyze voting records. I've viewed some of the previous posts and their analysis that make an assumption that each individual voting pattern is a separate node, but this isn't the case. More than one node may share the same voting pattern, especially for newer nodes that have voted only a few times. Just imagine a voting pattern Yes - 1 , No - 1 , Abstain - 1. Any node that has voted on exactly 3 projects with this distribution would be flagged as 1 node, but it's obvious this pattern isn't unique.
We can track down who is the new masternode and who is the old one, by his hash ID. A masternode owner who constantly changes his hash ID in order to avoid his voting behavior to be tracked, he is either a spy or a fun of anonymity. So we can give to this masternode the appropriate label.
Look at the aggregated data (from 2015-now) of the dashninja.pl , where some masternodes are reported as offline. https://demodun.github.io/mnowatch/the_results_31-12-2017.html
Some extremely rich masternodes operators continuously change their IPs in order to avoid the taxes of their government. Anyway, the older the masternode hash is, the more credible it is on what it concerns the voting behavior.

May I ask why this is important to the network? If there is substantial interest in both this question and our proposal I'd be more than happy to attempt to answer it.

It is not imporant to the masternodes owners and operators. But it is very important for the dash community, in case the masternodes are owned by government spies (or stupid) who vote against the real benefit of the community. In that case the community should spot the ones who cast destructive votes, and cease their voting rights. Of course, instead of ceasing their votings rights, a better alternative could be the masternodes who cast destructive votes to pay the losses.

As you can easily understand, what I am trying to achieve is extremely beneficial for the dash community, but it will never be voted by the clique of the masternodes.
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Wouldn't it be better to datamine the blockchain directly instead of going through those three websites?
Wouldn't it be better to datamine the blockchain directly instead of going through those three websites?
I am doing both.
I datamine the blockchain directly with the monthly dashd report, but I also datamine yearly data from dashninja.pl. (and compare their integrity to the monthly blockchain data).
I think @OmniAnalytics should do the same. The dash blockchain does not keep historical data of the votes (although it should), so the more people keep these data the better it is.
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Wouldn't it be better to datamine the blockchain directly instead of going through those three websites?

In deciding to use dashninja.pl, dashcentral.org, and dashvotetracker.com, we are trying to be mindful of budget and scope constraints by purposefully leveraging the existing efforts of the network. Though the data from these repositories haven't been completely pre-processed, it is nowhere near its raw form, which helps reduce the amount of time it takes to construct a snapshot suitable for analysis. Since there has never been such a pointed statistical study of the network like this, our primary focus is on providing useful insights that can immediately be leveraged by the community. Once the initial skepticism has been alleviated, we could then direct our attention to some of the logical next steps. One of such would be a dashboard that tracks the KPIs most relevant to the masternodes and core team.

We are highly skilled, so extracting and manipulating information directly from the blockchain won't be an issue. Right now however, our focus is on providing initial value before we create a more robust solution that will involve a longer time frame and higher costs.

Hope this helps.
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Aside from what we've outlined, what are some other questions of interest? We can have a discussion about feasibility given the data we have available.
Thank you for the kind words. Another proposal has been passed and I'm not too sure how the DAO will respond to another data analytics project. If there is interest, I'd be more than happy to submit!
Hello OmniAnalytics,

I like your proposal. Additionally, of showing the descriptive statistics obtained from the data, you could use machine learning to generate more specific models. That way you can build indicators or variables of how the proposals influence the growth of the Dash.
This study would give more added value to your proposal.
Hello OmniAnalytics,

I like your proposal. Additionally, of showing the descriptive statistics obtained from the data, you could use machine learning to generate more specific models. That way you can build indicators or variables of how the proposals influence the growth of the Dash.
This study would give more added value to your proposal.

Thank you for the support. Right now another project has been approved that tackles a subset of our proposal. Though I believe that is room enough for two data analytics projects (especially two without significant overlap), we are waiting to see the results of their efforts and the reception of the community towards it before we submit a formal proposal.