A completely voluntary caveat to proposals that would boost Dash Boost

Should proposal owners add a voluntary caveat to proposals requesting one Dash for Dash Boost?

  • I like the idea of proposals adding in the voluntary caveat to set aside one Dash for Dash Boost

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • I don't like the idea of proposals adding in the voluntary caveat

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
What if just as proposal owners factor in the proposal fee of five dash to be returned to them they also started including in a 1 Dash donation to Dash Boost.... a completely voluntary but highly respected move to advance Dash Boost participation.

It may read something like this in a proposal-

"And for good measure I shall also request 1 Dash for which I will donate to the Dash Boost micro-proposal funds for the advancement of Dash."

This shall never be a mandatory caveat-completely voluntary. But if it were to become a popular sentiment I think Dash would benefit.

Hmm, so sort of like those "Do you want to donate $1 to X Charity" at checkout lanes? It's an interesting idea, but I suppose we would have to develop the use and purpose of DashBoost further, since participation is--last time I checked--not exactly stellar. I could see this idea really shining when Dash is more involved in philanthropic efforts like the project formerly known as DashDirect. It's good to keep those kinds of projects alive and funded as our ecosystem grows.
Hmm, so sort of like those "Do you want to donate $1 to X Charity" at checkout lanes? It's an interesting idea, but I suppose we would have to develop the use and purpose of DashBoost further, since participation is--last time I checked--not exactly stellar. I could see this idea really shining when Dash is more involved in philanthropic efforts like the project formerly known as DashDirect. It's good to keep those kinds of projects alive and funded as our ecosystem grows.

I agree-what I'm starting to worry about is were creating all this cool stuff but nobody is showing up.

Kind of like the rich kid with the big house that nobody wants to hang out with. Why is this?

Dash should be at the #1 spot by now in my opinion. I've always been Patrick Positive trying to rally people but in truth were at #12 now and I'm worried that it seems we got about the same 10 people commenting on videos and reddit when we should have hundreds.

Sometimes it's just my one comment.

Pre-proposals BARELY get commented on and Masternodes seem to have about as much loyalty to projects as used car salesman.

Is my vision skewed because my proposal didn't pass and I'm fixing to clock in at my Custodial Delivery job in about an hour-your goddamn right it is!

But that's neither here nor there!

My question-with our millions of dollars to spend how we choose getting everyday people on board-what are we doing to get that done?

What is going to get your neighbor on board?

Crypto people are looked at as pompous, pretentious....I know I certainly feel that way at conferences where you have to pay $5000 to have a 10x10 booth or pay $500 to learn BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY.

We need to get the youth and mainstream crowd loving Dash through fun, enjoyable events.

And we are doing some of those...but we could do better....

Dash Boost was supposed to be the topic here....I don't know...I'm angry this morning.
I hear ya, @Blake, it's frustrating when we have triumph after triumph and it all goes unnoticed, and you put all this time and effort in to the ecosystem and it doesn't seem to go anywhere. I think some of the recent talk about shifting our focus to developing or struggling nations really seems to be the best path forward. People in the Western World already have solutions that work "well enough" with which they're already acquainted, onboarded, and integrated. For those users, cryptocurrency is simply a speculative investment or even just a novelty (that's how it started out for me). No one that isn't pandering to the hype/pump & dump/etc cycle is going to gain any ground in the Western markets. Broadly, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are seen as "solutions in search of a problem." However, in some places of the world like Venezuela, Zimbabwe, etc, or industries like the Cannabis or Gambling industries, there are real problems for which these technologies--and Dash in particular--offer very real, workable, ready-to-use solutions, so it seems like that's where we should turn our focus. If we can gain traction in these markets and further develop our platforms to address real needs that real people face, then eventually they become so big that they not only won't be ignored, but they'll blow extant solutions--even those with which the average Western user is comfortable--out of the water.

Obviously on a philosophical or in some cases technological level, we already surpass existing widespread solutions, but we won't really see mass adoption until we so far surpass these extant solutions that people suffer noticable deficits or disadvantages for failing to use our systems. I believe the utility and possibilities created by later iterations of Evolution will create the circumstances wherein we provide services and advantages that legacy systems simply can't, but I think we'll have to cut our teeth on mass adoption in the areas where we're needed most and only then find a foothold where we're optional.
On the flip side-the third world will only be happy with there Dash if the price is rising...

Or staying steady at least.

My point is that instead of Dash following the rest of the crypto-community and having circle jerks about how fabulous BLOCKCHAIN is at posh events let's be the people's coin and get our edgy rep back!

Let's go for everyday people. Truly.

And I know there are some proposals out there like that getting funded but not enough.

I already know what the tech snob voices of Dash will say to this- No raise the fee for proposals....we need quality control....etc etc...but damn I log onto Discord and see the same names and a very small group of people these days contributing or getting funded.

There is like 10.

I think the IGNORE DASH idea got some thing right-were not liked by the crypto crowd. And dare I say sometimes I can see why...I'm not sure if I like myself or Dash anymore!

It is feeling centralized. I'll say it.

Why would anyone risk getting involved with a voting group so harsh...! I've failed 5 times...I've actually lost money!

And some may say that's my own fault...but I always kept on funded or not...!

My point-I don't know I'm mad! I want everyday people involved...! And honestly the few I could get don't get to go further with ideas! And the Santa Barbara guy had a great idea for Mexico!

What scares me is the fact that 80% of our funds may be going to people who just know how to blow smoke up the masternodes asses and write a proposal with bullet points.

-125 Dash for Research and Marketing
-33.7 Dash for Communications Development
-75 Dash for Sonar Mining Machines

So I copied that model! But I always knew I'd secretly follow my instinct....I'd set a chunk aside for Venezuelan and African giveaways, I'd set a chunk for wallet setups and Ambassadors...and I'd save some for my next proposal fee. And I followed that!

The rest is just all fantasy...! Pretend! And now we're seeing that model with 325 Dash pricetags! And they get funded...!

Meanwhile my own modest proposal the masternodes didn't even show to vote or comment! The key is asking for 100+ I'm sure of it...!

And Dash Core...never really see them myself much! Never gave me a pat on the back! Probably wouldn't enjoy being around most of them anyway...nor would they me. I reached out once or twice...I think once I was told spamming was not allowed.

I always wanted it to be fun that's all I know! If it's not fun were just bankers 2.0!

How is this about Dash Boost...I don't know...but I know nobody is registering or voting!

We're smoke and mirrors at this point! All of us! Face it!

But the key....what will win...is to let more join the circus...! Let others have some spotlight! It feels good! I enjoyed it and I can only speak so honestly because I really had good intentions.

The real rats will never speak like this! There more clever...!

To those of you with the fat salaries you better be spreading it around! Or else it will start to haunt us all!

First, Second and Third World!

Or do what you want with it...who am I to say....!

And so it goes....

Daniel Blake Chamness
Farewell Dash Speech?

I hear ya, @Blake, it's frustrating when we have triumph after triumph and it all goes unnoticed, and you put all this time and effort in to the ecosystem and it doesn't seem to go anywhere. I think some of the recent talk about shifting our focus to developing or struggling nations really seems to be the best path forward. People in the Western World already have solutions that work "well enough" with which they're already acquainted, onboarded, and integrated. For those users, cryptocurrency is simply a speculative investment or even just a novelty (that's how it started out for me). No one that isn't pandering to the hype/pump & dump/etc cycle is going to gain any ground in the Western markets. Broadly, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are seen as "solutions in search of a problem." However, in some places of the world like Venezuela, Zimbabwe, etc, or industries like the Cannabis or Gambling industries, there are real problems for which these technologies--and Dash in particular--offer very real, workable, ready-to-use solutions, so it seems like that's where we should turn our focus. If we can gain traction in these markets and further develop our platforms to address real needs that real people face, then eventually they become so big that they not only won't be ignored, but they'll blow extant solutions--even those with which the average Western user is comfortable--out of the water.

Obviously on a philosophical or in some cases technological level, we already surpass existing widespread solutions, but we won't really see mass adoption until we so far surpass these extant solutions that people suffer noticable deficits or disadvantages for failing to use our systems. I believe the utility and possibilities created by later iterations of Evolution will create the circumstances wherein we provide services and advantages that legacy systems simply can't, but I think we'll have to cut our teeth on mass adoption in the areas where we're needed most and only then find a footh
I agree, our path has always been and continues to be for the average person and not the crypto elite. That's explicitly the goal with Core's development plans, and as the recent demos show, they're doing exactly that.

The thing about Discord or any other platform is that it's just a platform. As active as I am, I won't touch Reddit because I dislike the platform and the kind of people it attracts. Dash is spread across numerous platforms and many people who were once involved aren't very active. When the price is low, the community tends to quiet down, faces pop in and out, only the diehards stick around and continue to work as best they can. I don't think that's a particular failing of Dash, it's just the nature of online communities, especially one ensconced in a larger community driven by cheap drugs like hype, excitement, speculation, etc. When/if the price starts to rise again, with it will come a slew of new faces and old ones peeking back in. That's the way online communities have always been in my experience.

As for what is or isn't funded, I've seen quite a few different proposals of many types being funded. Granted, because the price has been low, the last few cycles have been a bit less diverse, but just think of the diversity of proposals in the short few years Dash has had working governance. In human terms Dash might as well still be in diapers or transitioning out of them, and already so much has been accomplished. I think you're looking at things myopically. Sure the price is down from the ATH, but the year on year growth is steady and significant, for example. It would be easy to see nothing but doom if you were only making that 3 month comparison, but people have short memories in a space that moves so quickly.

The DAO is not an ideal organization to work for, nor one around which to plan a life. I know that firsthand myself, we've all been hit hard by the price fluctuations, some of us more than others, but I can attest that Dash plays a significant role in my income, so it is of the utmost importance to me to nurture and cultivate it as best I can. Again, though, the difficulties in both operating the DAO and working for it are part of the experiment. This is experimental technology, this is experimental society. Nothing like this has ever been done in the history of the world to the extent that we're doing it. A child transitioning out of diapers is going to have some accidents. There are a lot of bugs to iron out, and slowly things are changing. Participation could be better, but by the same token, people need incentives to participate and to stay engaged in a community. Clearly a mere regular payout isn't the right kind of incentive, so we'll continue to explore other options, other methods, other ideas until we find what works best. That's the nature of consensus-based systems.

Whether or not you in particular were funded is the result of a confluence of many, many factors. The price of Dash, the resultant budget allocation, what other projects are being funded and competing for funding, the general focus of the markets and patterns of funding, the discussions MNOs and the community at large has, changes in perspective based on previous projects and attempts, the timing of the proposals, how they're presented, and a whole lot of X factors that come with the anonymous votes of people spread throughout the world (culture, wealth, language, preference, biases, etc) all contribute to what Dash does, what Dash is. All you can do is take suggestions and criticism in to account and do your best to adapt and grow with the network. If you are unable to ride that wave--for any reason, maybe no fault of your own--it will drag you under. It's a rough situation, and will be until we smooth out the edges, which could take years. If you're not on board with that long-term struggle, I wouldn't blame you, I've been here many years but only within the last few have taken it upon myself to become actively involved, and it takes a lot out of me on many levels.

What I can say is that things are changing. The old patterns I used to observe no longer present themselves, the old rules don't seem to apply. New ones will emerge and we will adapt or be culled. I have no doubt Dash will pull through long term, but how many of its constituents will survive the journey remains to be seen. It's brutal, harsh, to be sure, but I'm not sure that for the present it can be anything but that. Refinement is going to take a long time.

It's important to remember that Core--though integral and essential--are just contractors too, and many names and faces have cycled through and will continue to do so. It's a far cry from Evan and a few friends coding away in their apartments or whatever, so I wouldn't put too much on some imagined relationship with Core. They're just people too, and they're just doing their jobs. Some people can work for Dash and some can't. Some will work for Dash for a time and then they won't. Some will, then won't, then will again. It's unpredictable, unstable, like any new thing finding its legs. We can't change that, we can only decide if and how we will relate to it and participate in it.

Not getting funded, having to continue to grind away at work that you don't enjoy is unpleasant and regrettable, but it's not reasonable to expect stability and steady profits from something that is inherently unstable and volatile and always changing and shifting. I would love to just stop doing other work and focus all my working time and energy on Dash-related stuff, but I don't have that possibility for the moment. Unless you're a Core developer doing the most important work, chances are you won't, not in this space. The rest of us have to ride whatever wake we can from that ship that is sailing or swim for shallower waters.

If you want more people to join the circus, then find ways of filling the stands, create a new attraction, if your old song and dance isn't drawing crowds think up a new one. It's all you or anyone else can do. Expecting things to always stay the same, for things to always work the same way in this space is an error in perception. That's not how this has ever worked, nor will it likely ever work that way in the future, even if the market does reach some level of stability.
"If you want more people to join the circus, then find ways of filling the stands, create a new attraction, if your old song and dance isn't drawing crowds think up a new one. It's all you or anyone else can do. Expecting things to always stay the same, for things to always work the same way in this space is an error in perception. That's not how this has ever worked, nor will it likely ever work that way in the future, even if the market does reach some level of stability."

I do want more people to join the circus...but it will not be me submitting any more proposals or making flyers.

No sir! I'll never sit and watch those votes trickle in again...! Sadistic really...!

And who knows-maybe I'd just get further and further into this space only to find each new layer more and more superficial and unsatisfying.

Computers and Finance.

I just know SOMEONE should be out at these meetups...

You got people showing up....halfway woke to our world...that end up going with RIPPLE.

Ripple firmly stands in the top 3.

I did my part! Don't look for me!

Daniel Blake Chamness
@Blake -- I don't blame you, it's a hell of an ordeal to work for the DAO right now, others like TheDesertLynx have written extensively about that. I don't think anyone with that knowledge or experience would. There's just only so far meetups and small-scale efforts can take the network as a whole, and it's tough to convince crypto-speculators who see it as a get-rich-quick scheme to put their trust in a solid, long-term plan. You can lead a horse to water...
Well I appreciate you saying that. I'm only lashing out because I think I am trying to burn the bridge that keeps me putting in proposals. It's like-if I burn the bridge down-I won't keep going through this.

Your a good man.

And so it goes.
@Blake -- Gotta do what you gotta do, but I appreciate the work you've put in and wish things could have been better for you, for all of us. Maybe some day the DAO will be better able to support projects like yours. I was going to point out there are other organizations like Dash Force that do fund meetups on a private basis if you want to stay involved to a lesser extent. If you're burnt out, though, you're burnt out, and no one would fault you for doing what you needed to do.
This response may look scattered but....

I may host some meetups one day if I travel to an area where I haven't seen any posted to the Dash Force Meetup. For the record there are three stores I have gotten to accept Dash-somebody said something about me needing to register them on Discover DASH.

http://wizardhatsmokeshop.com/ (The San Antonio Ambassador Adam got these guys-there actually pretty popular....make a lot of money I know that) Austin, Tx
http://www.powerhouseatx.com/ (gym/trainer) Austin, Tx

The Vapor Shop in Nacogdoches is stopping credit cards-going all cash and crypto....good friend of mine.... loves DASH.....mines in the back.... a true blue crypto/freedom lover that loves gettting people on board.... I featured him in one proposal that didn't pass....which I understood on that one looking back...probably seems like small fries to everyone....BUT.....they add up.....

My banker friend that is the Chief Information Officer at the biggest bank in my town texted me last night syaing he is giving a speech in Wyoming and will bring up DASH....he also runs DETSEC in which we get big names in computer security to speak....I offered to give them $100 dollars in DASH for speaking.... some of you would know there names..... there well known hackers.....

In San Diego Baba Coffee should be wanting to accept DASH still! I ran craiglst ads in San Diego along with my Facebook Ads.....craigslist ads are actually good at getting another type of people involved! And you can educate them about DASH slowly....initilaly I just put Digital Currency Representaive on the ad.....had about 30 responses that I coached through and singled out....ended up not hearing back from the two I selected and gave the bigger chunks of DASH..... so maybe lost a little money there but educated a lot of people.....

By the way I think my twitter was hacked I am locked out and blocked...

I just want to say this-Every person we get on is a win.

The Santa Barbara Ambassador had a great idea for Mexico and we looked at spots and found out how much to rent them out and had a little team built up....also ran FAcebook ads for those that whole area..... Mexico is practically begging for DASH education.... and so many willing people to help for a little pay and people actually pay attention. Rosarito, Encenadas, Tijuana.....ears are open.....! I should post the videos of my friend....he is a real estate agent.....Mark Martinez.... he gets it...... We shot on location and he is marrying a woman there.... He really gets it and people respond to him.... He was excited....

I just want people to know when I get funded it's not just like..... well let me find meetups.....I am all over the place.... I stay obsessed....any idea I think worthy I will throw some DASH at....is it irresponsible....no more irresponsible than the HUGE amounts others get! I f I find someone worthy of some DASH that has ideas I go for it and take a chance!

I think if there is one thing that I am offended by-one thought I pick up on-it's that there is this idea that I wasn't professional because of that DAMN TOKENFEST where half of my Dash stuff got lost in the mail, my car got broken into the night before of the conference, .....and then I get messages from two friends saying DASH people are mocking my setup.... not to mention I was sick that day and then REALLY sick after someone sneezed and shook my hand..... But I am professional! Every debate or hater I have ever come across I have always put to shame in a gentlemanly manner on how DASH wins in the long run....they end up having nothing staring at there shoes.....and I always leave them an exit and compliment the good things about there coins.....BUT THEY DON'T CARE.... Remember that Dash Family.....! We need new people, we need the average people....that's how we will win.....when they start seeing that DASH is getting the real everyday people.....and proposals like mine may seem insignificant but if you get enough of them they work and have an effect! Decentralized effort! Death by 1,000 cuts.....! Texas, California, Atlanta, Boston...... having some Dash people around.....that pipe up and say....."Actually Dash is pretty cool...and it's not a scam....and the Dash Treasury is a POWERFUL FORCE!"

The girl at the coffeeshop I am at now was wearing her Dash shirt this morning. And I my Black Dash Polo....only mine now I have to cover the DASH logo with my Winders Custodial Supplies nametag....but still....

Anyway....anyone who got through this scrambled writing good for you.... I don't have time or care to go back and edit.....I am a free man! I have nothing to lose!