On the flip side-the third world will only be happy with there Dash if the price is rising...
Or staying steady at least.
My point is that instead of Dash following the rest of the crypto-community and having circle jerks about how fabulous BLOCKCHAIN is at posh events let's be the people's coin and get our edgy rep back!
Let's go for everyday people. Truly.
And I know there are some proposals out there like that getting funded but not enough.
I already know what the tech snob voices of Dash will say to this- No raise the fee for proposals....we need quality control....etc etc...but damn I log onto Discord and see the same names and a very small group of people these days contributing or getting funded.
There is like 10.
I think the IGNORE DASH idea got some thing right-were not liked by the crypto crowd. And dare I say sometimes I can see why...I'm not sure if I like myself or Dash anymore!
It is feeling centralized. I'll say it.
Why would anyone risk getting involved with a voting group so harsh...! I've failed 5 times...I've actually lost money!
And some may say that's my own fault...but I always kept on funded or not...!
My point-I don't know I'm mad! I want everyday people involved...! And honestly the few I could get don't get to go further with ideas! And the Santa Barbara guy had a great idea for Mexico!
What scares me is the fact that 80% of our funds may be going to people who just know how to blow smoke up the masternodes asses and write a proposal with bullet points.
-125 Dash for Research and Marketing
-33.7 Dash for Communications Development
-75 Dash for Sonar Mining Machines
So I copied that model! But I always knew I'd secretly follow my instinct....I'd set a chunk aside for Venezuelan and African giveaways, I'd set a chunk for wallet setups and Ambassadors...and I'd save some for my next proposal fee. And I followed that!
The rest is just all fantasy...! Pretend! And now we're seeing that model with 325 Dash pricetags! And they get funded...!
Meanwhile my own modest proposal the masternodes didn't even show to vote or comment! The key is asking for 100+ I'm sure of it...!
And Dash Core...never really see them myself much! Never gave me a pat on the back! Probably wouldn't enjoy being around most of them anyway...nor would they me. I reached out once or twice...I think once I was told spamming was not allowed.
I always wanted it to be fun that's all I know! If it's not fun were just bankers 2.0!
How is this about Dash Boost...I don't know...but I know nobody is registering or voting!
We're smoke and mirrors at this point! All of us! Face it!
But the key....what will win...is to let more join the circus...! Let others have some spotlight! It feels good! I enjoyed it and I can only speak so honestly because I really had good intentions.
The real rats will never speak like this! There more clever...!
To those of you with the fat salaries you better be spreading it around! Or else it will start to haunt us all!
First, Second and Third World!
Or do what you want with it...who am I to say....!
And so it goes....
Daniel Blake Chamness
Farewell Dash Speech?
I hear ya,
@Blake, it's frustrating when we have triumph after triumph and it all goes unnoticed, and you put all this time and effort in to the ecosystem and it doesn't seem to go anywhere. I think some of the recent talk about shifting our focus to developing or struggling nations really seems to be the best path forward. People in the Western World already have solutions that work "well enough" with which they're already acquainted, onboarded, and integrated. For those users, cryptocurrency is simply a speculative investment or even just a novelty (that's how it started out for me). No one that isn't pandering to the hype/pump & dump/etc cycle is going to gain any ground in the Western markets. Broadly, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are seen as "solutions in search of a problem." However, in some places of the world like Venezuela, Zimbabwe, etc, or industries like the Cannabis or Gambling industries, there are real problems for which these technologies--and Dash in particular--offer very real, workable, ready-to-use solutions, so it seems like that's where we should turn our focus. If we can gain traction in these markets and further develop our platforms to address real needs that real people face, then eventually they become so big that they not only won't be ignored, but they'll blow extant solutions--even those with which the average Western user is comfortable--out of the water.
Obviously on a philosophical or in some cases technological level, we already surpass existing widespread solutions, but we won't really see mass adoption until we so far surpass these extant solutions that people suffer noticable deficits or disadvantages for failing to use our systems. I believe the utility and possibilities created by later iterations of Evolution will create the circumstances wherein we provide services and advantages that legacy systems simply can't, but I think we'll have to cut our teeth on mass adoption in the areas where we're needed most and only then find a footh