A Case For Venezuela. Why Focus DASH Promotion in Venezuela and Latin America

...your budget is bankrupt. Can you afford to keep putting money into what looks very much like a doomed effort?

If what you're doing is so great, why does it still need budget welfare to operate? Why can't it stand on it's own?
Aren't you concerned that all of the effort you're putting in now will be undone when the next step is taken? The obvious denunciation of cryptos other than the Petro as "undermining the nation/economy?" Followed by "you're a traitor if you use anything but the Petro." Followed by criminalization of the same...

I was speaking about NFC Vs QR and you posted the comment above in response? To briefly answer your responses, which I perceive as off topic to my last comment. No, I am not concerned about Mr Maduro. I'm more concerned about doing nothing.

I, and the other Venezuela teams will continue working full power and full steam ahead with positive intent and positive expectations.

If we have to face what you say. So be it. We will face it if it ever happens. What I'm not going to do however throw up my hands and say "I'm not going to do anything because the government *might* do something to stop us. No, now is the time to do everything we can. We will continue with positive intent until our objective is fully realised.

We will continue to move forward with positive intent. We will work with positive intent, We will support each other . We are united. We will establish DASH in Venezuela.

...your budget is bankrupt. Can you afford to keep putting money into what looks very much like a doomed effort?

You have used the word "your" instead of the word "our". This word says something about your allegiances. @camosoul if you are from another coin can you not see what what we are doing is working to establish crypto in a world were we desperately need it, and in so doing this will help other cryptos get established also? We are playing our part as best we can. We need all crypto coins to respect each other and all work together on our own projects as best we can. Don't waste energy trying to bring down another coins, use that energy to do your part. I support other coins that are working to establish crypto in this world because they are having their part to play. Dash is also having its part to play. We are fellow brothers with a common goal are we not? Let us not undermine each others efforts. Let us realise we all have the same vision of bringing financial freedom to the world and in that respect we are brothers and sisters working together. Take all that energy and focus it for good, in progressing our goal.

To answer your question No, I am not concerned about Mr Maduro or the Venezuelan Government.

The first reason is I want to focus all my energy on creating positive change in Venezuela.

Secondly Mr Maduro may not be as the mainstream media present him to be. See this report by Abby Martin who is an independent reporter and does not work for the mainstream media that spoon feed us with what they want us to hear.

I raised a set of points on NFC and its benefits over QR codes. I want to keep this discussion on track and on topic so that we can make progress on that topic. If you wish to make comments or criticisms about my last comments on NFC Vs QR could you do so and do not bring up off topic concerns which we have no control over.

I believe we will establish DASH in Venezuela as the working currency. We will work united to achieve that goal. I will not stop until that goal is fully and completely achieved.
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The petro is fiat. It's not a "cryptocurrency" in any economic sense since the value isn't in the token, it's in the "oil and minerals" that notionally back it.

The state could still ban merchants from accepting anything other than legal tender, but I don't see why the launch of the Petro makes it any more likely to do that if they haven't already done so by now. The whole exercise has still been worthwhile IMO because much experience has been gained and even if the "jackboot" is brought down on it that in itself will still be useful experience.

You don't get anywhere if you don't try. What's the alternative ? Not try at all ? Where else could the "effort" be directed given that it's the initiative of native citizens of that country. You can't blame them from prioritising their own back yard in terms of geographical scope.
I, and the other Venezuela teams will continue working full power and full steam ahead with positive intent and positive expectations.

If we have to face what you say. So be it. We will face it if it ever happens. What I'm not going to do however throw up my hands and say "I'm not going to do anything because the government *might* do something to stop us. No, now is the time to do everything we can. We will continue with positive intent until our objective is fully realised.

We will continue to move forward with positive intent. We will work with positive intent, We will support each other . We are united. We will establish DASH in Venezuela.

You responded by citing feelings and blind optimism with total disregard for reality...

You have used the word "your" instead of the word "our". This word says something about your allegiances. @camosoul if you are from another coin
...followed by labeling me a heretic from tribalism.

You went full snowflake, instead of addressing the very real issues I brought up.

Maduro is not the sort of guy that will allow Petro to have competition. Calling the inevitable a "maybe, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" is a sad distraction, at best. At worst, it suggests you have no idea the environment you're in, or the players on the table.

You've got a high-friction uphill battle for DASH. The Petro is already getting mass forced adoption. Saying that it's fiat doesn't explain any plan or yours, or dispell any of the concerns I've raised.

At no point did I suggest that you should do nothing, or give up. I wanted you to tell me what your plan is for handling this inevitable conflict.

You dodged any response to my concerns by playing deception and conflation games. Then played a smear game insinuating I'm spaiz from otherz.

If you had a plan, you would have presented it. Instead to did that mess of fail essentially admitting that you have no plan and you're proud of it...
I raised a set of points on NFC and its benefits over QR codes. I want to keep this discussion on track...
By failing to address the points I raised on that topic as well?

If you have a plan or an argument about why I'm wrong please present it. but, the fact that you chose to go SJW instead suggests you have no plan, and can't confound any of my logic.

I invited you to do both.

It is one thing to say "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" and quite another to stare directly at a known land mine as you step on it anyway believing pure optimism will save you...
The petro is fiat. It's not a "cryptocurrency" in any economic sense since the value isn't in the token, it's in the "oil and minerals" that notionally back it.

The state could still ban merchants from accepting anything other than legal tender, but I don't see why the launch of the Petro makes it any more likely to do that if they haven't already done so by now. The whole exercise has still been worthwhile IMO because much experience has been gained and even if the "jackboot" is brought down on it that in itself will still be useful experience.

You don't get anywhere if you don't try. What's the alternative ? Not try at all ? Where else could the "effort" be directed given that it's the initiative of native citizens of that country. You can't blame them from prioritising their own back yard in terms of geographical scope.
I haven't met a single person who disagrees with FITA being monopoly money. they understand it, but it's still ubiquitous.

If you work all week and get a paycheck, and it's in FIAT, you become complicit in the game. You are compelled to act as if it has value, otherwise you just threw away your week worth of time and labor.

The Petro is being used to dispense PENSIONS and RETIREMENTS. Entire lifetimes worth of time and labor.

You think they're going to throw that away over your words on the Internet?

At no point did I say this was worthless...

The emotionally triggered tribalism is showing...

Where else? The only thing missing is an instant-sell, IX-enabled exchange account for merchants.

All this goofing around for 4 years, and that is the one thing that was actually needed... Close the loop, let DASH be usable in the real world.

Why try to force wet spaghetti uphill with your nose, when you can just let it rain...

"Oh, we're all working so hard, how dare you speak ill! RRRAAAWWWWRRR!!!!"

Sure you're working very hard... In the most unproductive, inefficient way possible. Without the budget welfare, it'd die the day it started... How many hints does it take!!?

Last January you could have pulled enough out of the budget in one week to create your own exchange. Instead of fighting to get people to accept DASH, you'd be struggling to keep up enough integration support staff from the massive landslide of demand...

You've got to stop with this "do everything except the one obvious thing that needs to be done."
The only thing missing is an instant-sell, IX-enabled exchange account for merchants.

Interesting. Could you elaborate on that ? Is it the type of thing that Kuvacash are doing ? (Hedging system for merchants where they can accept Dash by seamlessly switch it to and from fiat at the merchant's end).
Everyone in this discussion. Don't let people like @camosoul take this focused, constructive discussion off topic. I have already given my response to his/her/ off topic comments. I raised the issues on NFC being superior to QR codes for mobile payments I welcome constructive comments on that topic. I'm not interested in off topic comments about hypothetical, negative, situations which we have no control over that may or may not happen. We will deal with them if they arise. That is our plan. We will move ahead with full power and optimism and ignore detractors that try to take a constructive debate off topic. I don't listen naysayers. I have always proven them wrong. Every time without exceptions. I recommend from now on do not entertain any of @camosoul responses if they are off topic. Just ignore them.
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