A Call for tungfa to Heed the Masternodes' Vote


I believe the guys at Feathercoin are big into voting with numbers and universal dividends. Have you thought of hanging out there for a while?

I dont know them. Thank you for the info. I ll check them out.
I really appreciate @amanda_b_johnson 's work. I also really appreciate @tungfa 's work and I think this could have been sorted out privately. Was there a reason why this wasn't done? I think as previously mentioned @tungfa gave access to the YT channel and I really don't think he's hoarding it.

Calling a masternode vote on it, I'm generally okay with it as a decision making mechanism, but I think the main thing is the way the whole thing was worded:

"A Call for tungfa to Heed the Masternodes' Vote"
Implying that he isn't open to discussion at all and that the vote is final (it isn't and in fact I changed my mind after seeing Tungfa's point of view).

Network employee tungfa created YouTube.com/DashOrg because the original (DarkcoinTV) had copyright violations against it, and he believed it was in jeopardy. This strategy, though noble in its intent, is unfortunately foolish from any kind of marketing perspective, because it:

The first step in having a meaningful discussion is to not to use such emotive language and not to demonize the person you're trying to convince. @amanda_b_johnson has good points as does @tungfa but it does seem that this has gone into painting @tungfa in a very negative light which is wholly unnecessary unless he was already totally uncooperative (which doesn't seem to be the case?). The whole Slack talk was also downright disrespectful and unnecessary. The Dash Chat slack has so much going for it and is an awesome asset to the community, if you have a grievance that is more against the man than the policy, then that should be taken privately and not in a public slack channel which reflects badly on the community as a whole.

Also, we have a troll, the best way to deal with them is to ignore them.
It was un-warranted to ..paint tungfa in a negative light..
Quite blatant when it was disclosed the vote has yet to be decided.
tungfa is an invaluable asset to the DASH community and I expect his performance shall indeed be in line with the MN vote.

Amanda B. Johnson would be a valuable spokesperson for DASH !
She is attractive, makes a strong, positive presentation, and informative, yet has never been bashful about declaring her lack of familiarity regarding certain subjects... She actively seeks more information and is a fast learner !

Her personality is most definitely 'high energy' ! ...and reactive !! IMO, this is most likely why the unsuitable wording was used when expressing herself.
This, is why a 'project manager' should oversee all presentation under the DASH banner... to review content.
It's awkward to say, "I mis-spoke.", once a recording has been presented to the public.

As an example, over the years, we have watched any number of hours of 'bloopers' which are quite entertaining !

The past is history and should not be removed, just like the block chain. Leave it there imo. We start deleting stuff and the trolls will come out "look there deleting because blah blah blah"
An Update About Youtube

We'd like to update the community about our youtube account issues. We've found it was caused by a communication issue between various parties within the core-team and outside the core team. To fix communication issues in the future such as this one, we will be adding a best practice to disagreements between community members.

Here are the correct steps to follow when seeking an agreement between parties:

1.) The parties in question should seek each other out directly and attempt to find common ground and resolve the issue.
2.) If no solution can be found to the issue, an arbitration request should be opened internally to allow the issue to be talked with those from the core-team.
3.) If 1 and 2 fail, the issue should be raised to the masternode network as a governance proposal. After the vote, parties should communicate directly, until the issue is resolved.

In the case of the youtube channel, we have come to an agreement that meets the needs of everyone:

- Move youtube subscribers from the old channel to the new channel over the next few months
- Place a banner at the top of the youtube channel showing this is not the official DASH youtube
- Place a video as the primary video that tells users this channel is shutting down
- Finally retire the channel Jan 1st, 2017

Here's a marked up image of the expected results:

- Move youtube subscribers from the old channel to the new channel over the next few months
- Place a banner at the top of the youtube channel showing this is not the official DASH youtube
- Place a video as the primary video that tells users this channel is shutting down
- Finally retire the channel Jan 1st, 2017

Nice proposal, but ...wrong order. It is not elegant to move subscribers before warning them. So moving should be the 3rd step.

1st step- Place a banner at the top of the youtube channel showing this is not the official DASH youtube
2d step- Place a video as the primary video that tells users this channel is shutting down
3d step- Move youtube subscribers from the old channel to the new channel over the next few months
4th step- Finally retire the channel Jan 1st, 2017

As long as I am against the deactivation of the channel, I hope that the subscribers that are not aware, to be awake and vote, in order to save the channel from the doomsday of Jan 1st 2017.

Finnaly lets compare Evan's proposition to amanda's proposition:
amanda said:
If you vote YES, you express a desire to de-active https://YouTube.com/DarkcoinTV,enabling us to move forward with copyright strike-free replica https://YouTube.com/DashOrg and give ourselves the best shot at making a good impression on potential customers

If you vote NO, you express a desire to leave https://YouTube.com/DarkcoinTV visible and searchable, knowing that at any point in the future, potential Dash customers may land upon it and wonder what the hell they're looking at – maybe they should try Ethereum, instead? They have just one channel, and it's not confusing.
Amanda does not define the deactivation time, so it is assumed that the deactivation is immediate, after the end of the poll. In the absense of the OTHER option, the voters were trapped. So it is wise to add the OTHER option in the voting procedure. What was the OTHER vote? It was evan's vote. Evan had anOTHER proposition to make, that was neither into the amanda's YES nor into the amanda's NO.

And if we want to be tottaly correct, as long as the proposition of Evan and the proposition of Αmanda have identical subjects, they should be voted side by side, the result of the one should depend on the result of the other, and both polls should be merged. The rule is absolute. Polls that have similar subjects, they should be merged.

This means that everyone should be informed about the existence of similar, alternative, competing propositions-polls, and you should allow votes to migrate from one proposition-poll to the other. So you need yet another functionality, the undo vote. So that people will be able to undo their yes/no vote from amanda's proposition, and vote Evan's, in order for Evan's proposition to receive more yes than Αmanda's, and that way become the winner proposition.
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An Update About Youtube

We'd like to update the community about our youtube account issues. We've found it was caused by a communication issue between various parties within the core-team and outside the core team. To fix communication issues in the future such as this one, we will be adding a best practice to disagreements between community members.

Here are the correct steps to follow when seeking an agreement between parties:

1.) The parties in question should seek each other out directly and attempt to find common ground and resolve the issue.
2.) If no solution can be found to the issue, an arbitration request should be opened internally to allow the issue to be talked with those from the core-team.
3.) If 1 and 2 fail, the issue should be raised to the masternode network as a governance proposal. After the vote, parties should communicate directly, until the issue is resolved.

In the case of the youtube channel, we have come to an agreement that meets the needs of everyone:

- Move youtube subscribers from the old channel to the new channel over the next few months
- Place a banner at the top of the youtube channel showing this is not the official DASH youtube
- Place a video as the primary video that tells users this channel is shutting down
- Finally retire the channel Jan 1st, 2017

Here's a marked up image of the expected results:


Thank you @eduffield! I am glad to see this matter has been resolved. Sometimes as a decentralized project, our people both inside and outside the core team have a tendency to just 'wing it' rather than follow/outline even the most basic procedure, but given the recent difficulties we have had with communication, this will help. How does an arbitration request get initiated -- is the core team member who is directly involved expected to initiate it internally, or is there a designated person that any arbitration requests from the outside be directed to?
